- Use
sbt "release release-version 0.4.2 next-version 0.4.3-SNAPSHOT"
. You may useskip-tests
flag in case you need it git checkout v1.0.99
sbt publishSigned sonatypeRelease
Before you may perform a release, you need to create .secrets
directory with the following structure:
├── gnupg
│ ├── pubring.gpg
│ └── secring.gpg
├── local.sbt
├── travis-deploy-key
└── travis-deploy-key.pub
And also you must have a credentials file in ~/.sbt
- Credentials file contains your Sonatype credentials
contains PGP secrets- GnuPG keys are required to sign artifacts before publishing to Central.
- OpenSSH key is required to push sbt-site back to the repo during travis build.
generates GPG keys and corresponding local.sbt
So, the whole sequence to setup the project for publishing is:
cp doc/samples/credentials.sonatype-nexus.properties ~/.sbt/secrets/
nano ~/.sbt/secrets/credentials.sonatype-nexus.properties
export OPENSSL_KEY=`openssl rand -hex 64`
export OPENSSL_IV=`openssl rand -hex 16`
echo "$OPENSSL_IV"
tar cvf secrets.tar -v --exclude=gnupg.home .secrets
openssl aes-256-cbc -K ${OPENSSL_KEY} -iv ${OPENSSL_IV} -in secrets.tar -out secrets.tar.enc
tar cvf secrets.tar -v --exclude=gnupg.home .secrets
travis encrypt-file secrets.tar
Modify .git/config
[remote "origin"]
url = git@github.com:7mind/izumi.git
pushurl = git@github.com:7mind/izumi.git
pushurl = git@bitbucket.org:7mind/izumi.git
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*