- Sketch uses 45506 bytes (17%) of program storage space. Maximum is 253952 bytes.
- Global variables use 1261 bytes (15%) of dynamic memory, leaving 6931 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 8192 bytes.
Configurable up to 7 Languages
- "English"
- "French"
- "Spanish"
- "Portugues"
- "German"
- "Italian"
- "Dutch"
Note: Only English characters are printed on LCD using 2004 Charater display
All modules are auto-detected when the bomb is powered on Addon modules afect available options for game play
- Cutwire Module (4 wires)
- Not available in Domination and EscapeRoom modes.
- Cutwire module will be disabled if any wires are not connected before the bomb is armed.
- Plug in 4 wires (Red to Black connector), if wires are not connected the Cut wire option will not function.
- 1 wire is randomly selected each game to "Disarm the bomb".
- 1 wire is randomly selected each game to "Explode the bomb".
- 1 wire is randomly selected each game to "Speedup the bomb timer".
- 1 wire is randomly selected each game to "Nothing".
- If all wires are cut at the same time the bomb will explode.
- Plug in 4 wires (Red to Black connector), if wires are not connected the Cut wire option will not function.
- Relay Module (4 ports)
- the first 3 sockets can be used to power 3 externally attached lights, mirroring the RGB LED indicator
- the 4th can be used to power a plug in device for the "Bang" when the bomb explodes (example: smoke machine)
- Servo Key Box enables Escape Room game mode Remaining devices are in development (current or Future)
- Sound with YX5300 (Currently in Development) will use hardwareserial1 on ATMega2560
- Laser Tag IR Module (Currently in Hardware Development) uses the "MilesTag II Data Protocol"
- Wireless modules
- Future Development
- Additional game modes to be developed
- using hardwareserial2 on ATMega2560
- Wireless Master
- Wireless Numbered Slave (Multiple slaves possible)
- Add 4 new game modes
- Area Domination
- Area Conquered
- Capture the Flag
- Pandemic (Virus transport)
- Future Development
- sw420 Module shock/vibration sensor. (Currently implimented in code but not recomending public release)
- Accelerometer
- Future Development
- possibly the MPU6050 i2c module to replace the sw420 Module
- Future Development
- When the "button" mode is used:
- The Red button Arms the bomb.
- The Green button Disarms the bomb.
- When the "Passcode" mode is used:
- The time for Passcode entry has a programable time limit.
- "A" is used to initialize the passcode entry to Arm the bomb.
- "D" is used to initialize the passcode entry to Disarm the bomb.
- You can set the length of the passcode to a value between 04 and 16 digits
- The "Passcode hint" system is available.
- Common for both "passcode" and "button" modes:
- The bomb can be armed only once.
- The bomb has to be defended by the GREEN team for the duration of the Game Time.
- The attacking RED team's objective is to arm the bomb and once it is armed, they must prevent the GREEN team from defusing it, until it detonates.
- There are three ways to finish the game.
- The Game time expires and the RED team was unsuccessful in placing and arming the bomb; the GREEN team wins.
- The RED team was successful in placing and arming the bomb, but unable to prevent the GREEN team from disarming it; The GREEN team wins.
- The RED team was successful in placing and arming the bomb, the GREEN team fails to disarm it and the bomb detonates; The RED team wins.
- When the "button" mode is used:
- The Red button Arms the bomb.
- The Green button Disarms the bomb.
- When the "Passcode" mode is used:
- "A" is used to initialize the passcode entry to Arm the bomb.
- "D" is used to initialize the passcode entry to Disarm the bomb.
- You can set the length of the passcode to a value between 04 and 16 digits
- The "Passcode hint" system is available.
- Common for both "passcode" and "button" modes:
- The game time resets itself every time the "Bomb" changes from armed to disarmed and vice versa.
- The bomb can be armed and disarmed multiple times without ending the game.
- The defending GREEN team's objective is to prevent the RED team from arming the bomb, until the game time expires.
- The attacking RED team's objective is to arm the bomb and once armed must prevent the GREEN team from defusing it, until it detonates.
- There are two ways to finish the game.
- The Game time expires and the RED team was unsuccessful in placing and arming the bomb; the GREEN team wins.
- The RED team was successful in placing and arming the bomb, the GREEN team fails to disarm it and the bomb detonates; The RED team wins.
- When the "button" mode is used:
- The Green button Disarms bomb.
- When the "Passcode" mode is used:
- The time for Passcode entry has a programable time limit.
- "D" is used to initialize the passcode entry to Disarm the bomb.
- You can set the length of the passcode to a value between 04 and 16 digits
- The "Passcode hint" system is available.
- Common for both "passcode" and "button" modes:
- The bomb starts armed with the countdown to detonation already triggered.
- There are two ways to finish the game.
- The GREEN team was unsuccessful in disarming the bomb before the bomb time expires and the bomb detonates; The RED team wins.
- The GREEN team succeeds in disarming the bomb; The GREEN team wins.
- Only the "button" mode is available
- The Red button Captures the zone for the RED Team.
- The Red button Neutralizes a GREEN zone.
- The Green button Captures the zone for the GREEN Team.
- The Green button Neutralizes a RED zone.
- This is a time limited game.
- When the game starts, the base is a Neutral (BLUE) Zone.
- The objective for both (GREEN and RED) teams is to capture the base.
- Once the base is captured, the controlling team's time is displayed on screen.
- While the base is neutral no time is accumulated for either Red or Green teams.
- Game can be configured to Neutralize the Zone after a set time => forces teams to patrol the zone to keep control.
- When auto neutralize zone is enabled teams can recapture the zone to reset the auto neutralize time.
- The only way to win is:
- The team with the highest total time in control of the base wins.
- Only the "button" mode is available.
- The goal is to be in control of the base with a total Captured time equal to a specified time.
- The Red button Captures the zone for the RED Team.
- The Red button Neutralizes a GREEN zone.
- The Green button Captures the zone for the GREEN Team.
- The Green button Neutralizes a RED zone.
- This is a time limited game.
- When the game starts, the base is a Neutral (BLUE) Zone.
- The objective for both (GREEN and RED) teams is to capture the base.
- Once the base is captured, the controlling team's time is displayed on screen.
- While the base is neutral no time is decreased for either Red or Green teams.
- Game can be configured to Neutralize the Zone after a set time => forces teams to patrol the zone to keep control.
- When auto neutralize zone is enabled teams can recapture the zone to reset the auto neutralize time.
- The only way to win is:
- The team that has a total time in control of the base equal to the specified time wins.
- Only the "Passcode" mode is available:
- The time for Passcode entry has a programable time limit.
- "D" is used to initialize the passcode entry to Disarm the bomb.
- You ca set the length of the passcode to a value between 04 and 16 digits
- "hint" system and "cutwire" module are unavailable.
- In this mode:
- The bomb starts armed with the countdown to detonation already triggered.
- There are two ways to finish the game.
- The GREEN team was unsuccessful in disarming the bomb before the bomb time expires and the bomb detonates; The GREEN team Looses.
- The GREEN team succeeds in disarming the bomb; The Key Box Opens and the GREEN team wins.
Quick Game Menus
DTMF (Telephone Keypad Sound) funtion requires Shield version 1.2+
Domination game mode
- Reset Auto-Neutralize timer from last captured button press
- Red/Green buttons Blink when in control of zone (requires hardware v1.2+, Hardware v1.1 is always on)
- Winning Team's Button lights up at end of game (requires hardware v1.2+, Hardware v1.1 is always on)
Sound with YX5300 => use hardwareSerial for ATMEGA2650
- Currently only available under "settings => test sound"
- Set Volume Level integrated into settings menu
Cutwire Module
- RandomWireGen optimized code, now sets the following variables
- wireDisarm
- wireExplode
- wireFaster => "timeMultiplier = 2" variable to increase game clock to double the speed
- wireSlower => "Nothing"
- use variable to change game timer speed
"currentMillis = ((millis() - startMillis) * timeMultiplier );"
Added pins to control the Button LEDs
- Requires FPS-Bomb-Mega-Shield-v1.2+ shield changed to reflect changes
Board ID
- Variables and Function created shieldVersion Value
Escape Room game mode
- Added servo for Escape Room gamemode (Servo will unlock a box holding a key, Used for "Escape Rooms")
- replaced display names
"Green team" ==> "Captives"
"Red team" ==> "Jailers"
LaserTag Module (http://www.lasertagparts.com/mtformat-2.htm)
- Code created for IR pulse (Explode Player), integrated menu code to enable option
Due to Program space using ATmega2650 to add the remaining options:
- Add settings for each Game Mode that are accessible at boot time
- Test each quick game
- MP3 Sound Module
- Create function
- Integrate into game modes.
- Create sound files for different languages
FPS Bomb Simulator Board v1.2+
- Add Servo Key Box for Escape Room game mode
- LaserTag Module
- Create hardware changes Driving IR from Arduino pin
- Create 2nd separate board for Pro edition
- Move Wireless Module to 2nd separate board
- Wireless LoRa modules, "E32 915T20D" => up to 3km, "E32 915T30D" => up to 8km
- Wireless Master
- Wireless Numbered Slave
- Multi Slave to Master
- Add 3 game modes for wireless play:
- Area Domination
- Capture the Flag
- Epidemic
- Wireless LoRa modules, "E32 915T20D" => up to 3km, "E32 915T30D" => up to 8km
- Move SPI GLCD Module to 2nd separate board
- 12864 Graphic LCD Module
- Support for non-English characters
- Move Wireless Module to 2nd separate board
- Add difficulty must press a button to activate arm/disarm button?? Reqires major hardware modifications.
- Accelerometer MPU6050 i2c module to replace sw420 vibration sensor
- Add GPS?? to enable finding the device
- Green LED always on juring game play, changed pins fixed issue
- Static sound on tonePin2 pin
- Change VibrationSensor Pin
10uF+ 1 -| Lin Rin |- 8 +10uF
10uF+ 2 -| Lout Rout |- 7 +10uF
GND 3 -| Gnd V+ |- 6 .1uF +47uF 5VDC
SDA 4 -| SDA SCL |- 5 SCL
- Control LCD backlight
- https://e-radionica.com/en/blog/hum-digital-potentiometer-10k/
- MCP4018 I2C 10KOhm 128 steps
- https://github.com/duinoWitchery/hd44780
- Finish writing and upload the source code (currently v1.99.A)
- ReDesign and print circuit board then sent to China for fabrication
- Required to use all available functionality of the device (version 1.2)
- Build the actual device using PCB
- Currently working with PCB version 1.1
- Build with new PCB version 1.2
- Install and calibrate system
- See BUGs for current issues
- Come up with a cooler name for this than "FPS Bomb Simulator"
- Write and publish instructables page
- Make a youtube video to demonstrate this project