POEM service is a multi-tenant web application used in ARGO monitoring framework that holds list of services, metrics, metric configurations and Nagios probes used within EGI infrastructure. Services and associated metrics are grouped into POEM profiles that instruct monitoring instances what kind of tests to execute for given service. Additionally, it is a register of probes and Nagios metric configurations exposed to Nagios monitoring instances via REST API and with such integration, it helps in speeding up of testing and deployment of probes.
It is based on Django web framework, specifically extension of its admin interface and several Django packages. EGI users are allowed to sign-in through EGI CheckIn federated authentication mechanism. Application is served with Apache web server and all its data is stored in PostgreSQL database.
POEM service is based on Django 2.x framework and following Django packages from PyPI:
- ease the creation of auto-complete fieldsdjango-modelclone
- simplify deriving of Profiles and Metric configuration from existing datadjango-reversion-compare
- provides the diff view for Probes and Metric configuration progressdjango-reversion
- provides the basic versioning for Probes and Metric configurationsdjango-tenant-schemas
- provides multi tenancydjangorestframework-api-key
- provides non-user token generation and protectiondjangorestframework
- provides Token and Session authenticated REST APIdjangosaml2
- enable SAML2 login featurepsycopg2
- PostgreSQL database adapter
Devel instance: https://poem-devel.argo.grnet.gr/
Production instance: https://poem.egi.eu/
More info: http://argoeu.github.io/guides/poem
POEM web service is meant to be running with Django 2.x driven by Python 3.x on CentOS 7 and served by installation of Apache from Software Collections. Setting up Python virtual environment based on Python 3.x is prerequisite. Once the virtual environment is set up, installation of the service simply narrows down to creating and installing wheel package that will also pull and install all needed dependencies. Beside wheel dependencies, service also needs some packages to be installed from CentOS 7 repositories:
% yum -y install ca-certificates \
git which \
xmlsec1 xmlsec1-openssl
Layout of POEM web service files on the filesystem depends on the location of virtual environment. By the default, service assumes it is:
VENV = /home/pyvenv/poem/
File Types | Destination |
Configuration - General | VENV/etc/poem/poem.conf |
Configuration - Logging | VENV/etc/poem/poem_logging.conf |
Configuration - Apache | /opt/rh/httpd24/root/etc/httpd/conf.d/ |
Cron jobs | /etc/cron.d/poem-clearsessions, poem-syncvosf |
Database handler | VENV/bin/poem-db |
Sync (VO, Service types) | VENV/bin/poem-syncservtype, poem-syncvo |
Profiles handlers | VENV/bin/poem-exportprofiles, poem-importprofiles |
Token set/create | VENV/bin/poem-token |
Static data served by Apache | VENV/usr/share/poem/ |
Main application code | VENV/lib/python3.6/site-packages/Poem/ |
Log file | VENV/var/log/poem |
If the default location of virtual environment is inappropriate and needs to be changed, change of it should be reflected by adapting VENV
configuration variable in etc/poem/poem.conf
, etc/poem/poem_logging.conf
, /etc/httpd/conf.d/poem.conf
and site-packages/Poem/settings.py
CentOS 7 operating system delivers Python 3.6 through Software Collections service that is installed with the following instructions:
% yum -y install centos-release-scl
% yum -y install scl-utils
% yum -y install rh-python36 rh-python36-python-pip
Prebuilt mod-wsgi that is linked against Python 3.6 and Apache from Software Collections service can be installed:
% yum -y install rh-python36-mod_wsgi httpd24-httpd httpd24-mod_ssl
Once the Python 3.6 is installed, it needs to be used to create a new virtual environment named poem:
% scl enable rh-python36 'pip install -U pip'
% scl enable rh-python36 'pip3 install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper'
% scl enable rh-python36 'export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/opt/rh/rh-python36/root/bin/python3.6; source /opt/rh/rh-python36/root/usr/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh; export WORKON_HOME=/home/pyvenv; mkdir -p $WORKON_HOME; mkvirtualenv poem'
Notice how the location of virtual environment is controlled with
variable. Created virtual environment directory will be$WORKON_HOME/poem
. It needs to be aligned withVENV
variable in service configuration.
Afterward, the context of virtual environment can be started:
% workon poem
As virtual environment is tied to Python 3.6 versions, it's advisable to put helpers/venv_poem.sh
into /etc/profile.d
as it will configure login shell automatically.
Creation and installation of wheel package is done in the context of virtual environment which needs to be loaded prior.
% workon poem
% (poem) python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
% (poem) pip3 install dist/*
% (poem) pip3 install -r requirements_ext.txt
wheel package ships cron jobs and Apache configuration and as it is installed in virtual environment, it can not actually layout files outside of it meaning that system-wide files should be placed manually or by configuration management system:
% (poem) cp $VIRTUAL_ENV/etc/cron.d/poem-clearsessions /etc/cron.d/
% (poem) cp $VIRTUAL_ENV/etc/cron.d/poem-syncvosf /etc/cron.d/
% (poem) ln -f -s $VIRTUAL_ENV/etc/httpd/conf.d/poem.conf /opt/rh/httpd24/root/etc/httpd/conf.d/
Next, the correct permission needs to be set on virtual environment directory:
% (poem) chown -R apache:apache $VIRTUAL_ENV
POEM is tested and meant to be running on PostgreSQL 10 DBMS. CentOS 7 operating system delivers PostgreSQL 10 through Software Collections service that is installed with the following instructions:
% yum -y install centos-release-scl
% yum -y install scl-utils
% yum -y install rh-postgresql10
Initalization of database:
% scl enable rh-postgresql10 'postgresql-setup --initdb'
In /var/opt/rh/rh-postgresql10/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf
, change default client authentication to password authentication:
# IPv4 local connections:
host all all md5
# IPv6 local connections:
host all all ::1/128 md5
Default ident
should be replaced by md5
Start the service:
% systemctl start rh-postgresql10-postgresql
Set password for default DB user postgres
% su - postgres -c 'scl enable rh-postgresql10 -- psql'
postgres=# \password postgres
Configuration is centered around one file VENV/etc/poem/poem.conf
that is split into several sections: [DEFAULT]
, which are common to all tenants, and tenant-specific sections which have tenant name in the title: [GENERAL_<tenant_name>]
, [SUPERUSER_<tenant_name>]
, and [SYNC_<tenant_name>]
marks the name of the tenant - those section should exist for every tenant).
VENV = /home/pyvenv/poem/
defines the location of virtual environment directory. Value will be interpolated into the other options.
Debug = False
TimeZone = Europe/Zagreb
serves for the debugging purposes and tells Django to be verbosive and list the stack calls in case of errorsTimezone
Name = postgres
User = postgres
Password = postgres
Host = localhost
Port = 5432
is the name of database to use for tablesUser
are credentials that will be used to authenticate to PostgreSQL serverHost
is hostname of the PostgreSQL serverPort
where PostgreSQL server is listening for connections
AllowedHosts = FQDN1, FQDN2
CAFile = /etc/pki/tls/certs/DigiCertCA.crt
CAPath = /etc/grid-security/certificates/
HostCert = /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem
HostKey = /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem
SecretKeyPath = %(VENV)s/etc/poem/secret_key
should have FQDN name of hosts that will be running POEM service. It can be provided as comma separated list of valid FQDNs and it is used as prevention of HTTP Host Header attacks. FQDNs listed here will be matched against request's Host header exactly.CAFile
are used by sync scripts to authenticate the server certificateHostCert
are public and private part of client certificateSecretKeyPath
is the location of file containing Django SECRET_KEY that is used for cryptographic signingpoem-genseckey
provided tool can generate unique and unpredictable value and write it into the file
% workon poem
% poem-genseckey -f $VIRTUAL_ENV/etc/poem/secret_key
Part of the REST API is protected by token so for tenants that consume those API methods, token needs to be generated and distributed. Tokens can be generated by the superuser from the Admin UI page or with the provided poem-token
tool. Example is creation a token for the client/tenant EGI:
% workon poem
% poem-token -t EGI -s egi
Namespace = hr.cro-ngi.TEST
SamlLoginString = Log in using EGI CHECK-IN
SamlServiceName = ARGO POEM EGI-CheckIN
defines the identifier that will be prepended to every ProfileSamlLoginString
defines the text presented on the SAML2 button of login pageSamlServiceName
defines service name in SAML2 configuration
Initial superuser credentials that can be used to sign in to POEM with username and password.
Name = test
Password = test
Email = test@foo.baar
It is important to note that these options should be specified with correct values before trying to create a superuser in database for the given tenant.
These control options are used by sync scripts that fetch all available services types from GOCDB-like service and Virtual organizations from Operations portal. Additionally, if GOCDB-like service supports only Basic HTTP Authentication, it should be enabled by setting UsePlainHttpAuth
and specifying credentials in HttpUser
and HttpPass
UsePlainHttpAuth = False
HttpUser = xxxx
HttpPass = xxxx
ServiceType = https://goc.egi.eu/gocdbpi/private/?method=get_service_types
VO = http://operations-portal.egi.eu/xml/voIDCard/public/all/true
Services = https://eosc-hub-devel.agora.grnet.gr/api/v2/service-types/
Prerequisites for creating the empty database are:
- PostgreSQL DB server running on
, listening onPort
and acceptingUser
section is set with desired credentialsSECRET_KEY
is generated and placed in$VIRTUAL_ENV/etc/poem/secret_key
has permissions set toapache:apache
Apache configuration is presented in/opt/rh/httpd24/root/etc/httpd/conf.d/
Once all is set, database can be created with provided tool poem-db
. First, a tenant should be created for the public
schema in the database, and migrations for public schema are run by calling poem-db -c
% workon poem
% poem-db -c
[standard:public] === Running migrate for schema public
[standard:public] Operations to perform:
[standard:public] Apply all migrations: admin, auth, contenttypes, poem, rest_framework_api_key, reversion, sessions, tenants
[standard:public] Running migrations:
[standard:public] Applying contenttypes.0001_initial...
[standard:public] OK
[standard:public] Applying contenttypes.0002_remove_content_type_name...
[standard:public] OK
[standard:public] Applying auth.0001_initial...
[standard:public] OK
[standard:public] Applying auth.0002_alter_permission_name_max_length...
[standard:public] OK
[standard:public] Applying auth.0003_alter_user_email_max_length...
[standard:public] OK
[standard:public] Applying auth.0004_alter_user_username_opts...
[standard:public] OK
[standard:public] Applying auth.0005_alter_user_last_login_null...
[standard:public] OK
[standard:public] Applying auth.0006_require_contenttypes_0002...
[standard:public] OK
[standard:public] Applying auth.0007_alter_validators_add_error_messages...
[standard:public] OK
[standard:public] Applying auth.0008_alter_user_username_max_length...
[standard:public] OK
[standard:public] Applying auth.0009_alter_user_last_name_max_length...
[standard:public] OK
[standard:public] Applying poem.0001_initial...
[standard:public] OK
[standard:public] Applying admin.0001_initial...
[standard:public] OK
[standard:public] Applying admin.0002_logentry_remove_auto_add...
[standard:public] OK
[standard:public] Applying reversion.0001_squashed_0004_auto_20160611_1202...
[standard:public] OK
[standard:public] Applying poem.0002_extrev_add...
[standard:public] OK
[standard:public] Applying poem.0004_reversion_dbfill...
[standard:public] OK
[standard:public] Applying poem.0005_add_metrictype...
[standard:public] OK
[standard:public] Applying poem.0006_set_passive...
[standard:public] OK
[standard:public] Applying poem.0007_allownull_metricgroup...
[standard:public] OK
[standard:public] Applying poem.0008_probe_ondeletenull...
[standard:public] OK
[standard:public] Applying poem.0009_poem_nameunique...
[standard:public] OK
[standard:public] Applying poem.0010_service...
[standard:public] OK
[standard:public] Applying rest_framework_api_key.0001_initial...
[standard:public] OK
[standard:public] Applying rest_framework_api_key.0002_auto_20180922_1759...
[standard:public] OK
[standard:public] Applying rest_framework_api_key.0003_auto_20180924_1006...
[standard:public] OK
[standard:public] Applying rest_framework_api_key.0004_auto_20180924_1303...
[standard:public] OK
[standard:public] Applying sessions.0001_initial...
[standard:public] OK
[standard:public] Applying tenants.0001_initial...
[standard:public] OK
Next step is creation of tenants by calling poem-tenant
tool. The script takes two mandatory arguments, tenant name and hostname (called domain_url in database). Script will create schema in the database for the given tenant, and the migrations will be run. Also, data is imported for the poem_tags
table in the new schema. Superuser is created by calling tool poem-db -u -n <schema_name>
% poem-tenant -t EGI -d egi-ui.argo.grnet.gr
[standard:egi] === Running migrate for schema egi
[standard:egi] Operations to perform:
[standard:egi] Apply all migrations: admin, auth, contenttypes, poem, rest_framework_api_key, reversion, sessions, tenants
[standard:egi] Running migrations:
[standard:egi] Applying contenttypes.0001_initial...
[standard:egi] OK
[standard:egi] Applying contenttypes.0002_remove_content_type_name...
[standard:egi] OK
[standard:egi] Applying auth.0001_initial...
[standard:egi] OK
[standard:egi] Applying auth.0002_alter_permission_name_max_length...
[standard:egi] OK
[standard:egi] Applying auth.0003_alter_user_email_max_length...
[standard:egi] OK
[standard:egi] Applying auth.0004_alter_user_username_opts...
[standard:egi] OK
[standard:egi] Applying auth.0005_alter_user_last_login_null...
[standard:egi] OK
[standard:egi] Applying auth.0006_require_contenttypes_0002...
[standard:egi] OK
[standard:egi] Applying auth.0007_alter_validators_add_error_messages...
[standard:egi] OK
[standard:egi] Applying auth.0008_alter_user_username_max_length...
[standard:egi] OK
[standard:egi] Applying auth.0009_alter_user_last_name_max_length...
[standard:egi] OK
[standard:egi] Applying poem.0001_initial...
[standard:egi] OK
[standard:egi] Applying admin.0001_initial...
[standard:egi] OK
[standard:egi] Applying admin.0002_logentry_remove_auto_add...
[standard:egi] OK
[standard:egi] Applying reversion.0001_squashed_0004_auto_20160611_1202...
[standard:egi] OK
[standard:egi] Applying poem.0002_extrev_add...
[standard:egi] OK
[standard:egi] Applying poem.0004_reversion_dbfill...
[standard:egi] OK
[standard:egi] Applying poem.0005_add_metrictype...
[standard:egi] OK
[standard:egi] Applying poem.0006_set_passive...
[standard:egi] OK
[standard:egi] Applying poem.0007_allownull_metricgroup...
[standard:egi] OK
[standard:egi] Applying poem.0008_probe_ondeletenull...
[standard:egi] OK
[standard:egi] Applying poem.0009_poem_nameunique...
[standard:egi] OK
[standard:egi] Applying poem.0010_service...
[standard:egi] OK
[standard:egi] Applying rest_framework_api_key.0001_initial...
[standard:egi] OK
[standard:egi] Applying rest_framework_api_key.0002_auto_20180922_1759...
[standard:egi] OK
[standard:egi] Applying rest_framework_api_key.0003_auto_20180924_1006...
[standard:egi] OK
[standard:egi] Applying rest_framework_api_key.0004_auto_20180924_1303...
[standard:egi] OK
[standard:egi] Applying sessions.0001_initial...
[standard:egi] OK
[standard:egi] Applying tenants.0001_initial...
[standard:egi] OK
Installed 5 object(s) from 1 fixture(s)
% poem-db -u -n egi
Superuser created successfully.
Afterward, Apache server needs to be started:
% systemctl start httpd24-httpd.service
POEM web application should be now served at https://<tenant_domain_url>/poem
There is also possibility to load data for tenant from .json file:
poem-db -d -n egi -f /path/to/file.json
In case that the data is to be loaded from .json file, super user should not be created beforehand.