All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Login and signup using Firebase Auth.
- Dynamic addition of characters from seperate route to the web app.
- MongoDB connectivity to still reduce the API calls from mediawiki.
- Scrolling animations.
- Get information of other charcaters not present as main pages, can be scraped from "List_of_characters_in_the_Mahabharata" web page.
- Error boundary fix reverted.
- Heroku API awakening at the home page.
- Fix dicebear images
- Started working after receiving contributions.
- Removed encoding URI component as not needed anymore.
- Fixed styling changes.
- Add reset search results.
- Started developing a PWA out of it.
- Started making the App SEO friendly.
- API calls minimized, yet to minimize more.
- Home page transformed from flexbox to grid.
- More characters added.
- Dynamic avataar instead of static photo on home page using Dicebear.
- API Hosted on Heroku.
- Few more characters added.
- URL percentage encoding before fetching data.
- Used Media wiki API to fetch images, information of character and others.
- Added loading to the components waiting for the data to be fetched.
- Added ErrorBoundaries for better UX.
- More characters added.
- UI updated.
- Added scrapping module to scrape details of character from "Wikipedia".
- Few more characters added.
- Easy navigation through keyboard only.
- Smooth scrollings.
- Bug Fixes.
- Implemented some of the WCGA and WAI-ARIA standards and guidlines.
- Loading animations with lazy rendering.
- Webpage made more responsive and attractive.
- Google material icons used for better UI.
- Added "About" and "Connect" pages.
- A Slider at the bottom of clicked Character to get the relatives of the character.
- Added click effects on slider elements to show the details about them.
- Added character details json file.
- Navigation bar component added.
- File hierarchy made effective.
- Integrated with Firebase to have connections with visitors.
- Switch theme option made available
- Click on character makes new Component to render and old to unmount.
- Cancel component to just make it reverse.
- Search funtionality for rendered characters.
- Responsive layout.
- Few more characters added.
- Hover effect on character components.
- Character details render from json.
- Few characters added.