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Lumina-T2I is a model that generates images base on text condition, supporting various text encoders and models of different parameter sizes. With minimal training costs, it achieves high-quality image generation by training from scratch. Additionally, it offers usage through CLI console programs and Web Demo displays.

Our generative model has Large-DiT as the backbone, the text encoder is the LLaMA2 7B model, and the VAE uses a version of sdxl fine-tuned by stabilityai.

📰 News

  • [2024-4-1] 🚀🚀🚀 We release the initial version of Lumina-T2I for text-to-image generation

🎮 Model Zoo

More checkpoints of our model will be released soon~

Resolution Flag-DiT Parameter Text Encoder Prediction Download URL
1024 5B LLaMA2-7B Rectified Flow hugging face


Before installation, ensure that you have a working nvcc

# The command should work and show the same version number as in our case. (12.1 in our case).
nvcc --version

On some outdated distros (e.g., CentOS 7), you may also want to check that a late enough version of gcc is available

# The command should work and show a version of at least 6.0.
# If not, consult distro-specific tutorials to obtain a newer version or build manually.
gcc --version

Downloading Lumina-T2X repo from github:

git clone

1. Create a conda environment and install PyTorch

Note: You may want to adjust the CUDA version according to your driver version.

conda create -n Lumina_T2X -y
conda activate Lumina_T2X
conda install python=3.11 pytorch==2.1.0 torchvision==0.16.0 torchaudio==2.1.0 pytorch-cuda=12.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia -y

2. Install dependencies

pip install diffusers fairscale accelerate tensorboard transformers gradio torchdiffeq click

or you can use

cd lumina_t2i
pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Install flash-attn

pip install flash-attn --no-build-isolation

4. Install nvidia apex (optional)


While Apex can improve efficiency, it is not a must to make Lumina-T2X work.

Note that Lumina-T2X works smoothly with either:

  • Apex not installed at all; OR
  • Apex successfully installed with CUDA and C++ extensions.

However, it will fail when:

  • A Python-only build of Apex is installed.

If the error No module named 'fused_layer_norm_cuda' appears, it typically means you are using a Python-only build of Apex. To resolve this, please run pip uninstall apex, and Lumina-T2X should then function correctly.

You can clone the repo and install following the official guidelines (note that we expect a full build, i.e., with CUDA and C++ extensions)

pip install ninja
git clone
cd apex
# if pip >= 23.1 (ref: which supports multiple `--config-settings` with the same key...
pip install -v --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --no-build-isolation --config-settings "--build-option=--cpp_ext" --config-settings "--build-option=--cuda_ext" ./
# otherwise
pip install -v --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --no-build-isolation --global-option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext" ./



Lumina-T2I employs FSDP for training large diffusion models. FSDP shards parameters, optimizer states, and gradients across GPUs. Thus, at least 8 GPUs are required for full fine-tuning of the Lumina-T2X 5B model. Parameter-efficient Finetuning of Lumina-T2X shall be released soon.

This section shows how to train Lumina-T2I on a SLURM cluster. Changes may be needed to run the experiments on different platforms.

If you want to finetune on pretrained checkpoints of .safetensors format, please convert them to .pth first. We provide lumina command for this conversion.

lumina convert "/path/to/your/own/model.safetensors" "/path/to/new/directory/" # convert to `.pth`

Data preparation

You should first prepare a JSON file containing your image paths and corresponding captions in the following format.

// image_caption.json
    "conversations": [
      {"from": "user", "value": ""},
      {"from": "gpt", "value": "<image caption1>...."},
    "image": "<image_path_1>"
    "conversations": [
      {"from": "user", "value": ""},
      {"from": "gpt", "value": "<image caption2>...."},
    "image": "<image_path_2>"

Then, specify the path of the JSON file in the YAML files under configs/data. You can use multiple files.

# config.yaml
    path: '/path/to/<json_file_1>.json'
    root: '<image_folder_path_1>'
    path: '/path/to/<json_file_2>.json'
    root: '<image_folder_path_2>'

You can place all image files from a dataset in the same folder, write the relative paths of the images in the JSON file, and specify the root to locate the images. it will load the image using path like:

json_file = json.load(open("image_caption.json"), "r")
# each item in the json will be processed to concat the image_folder_path and image_path:
image_path = os.path.join(yaml_file['META'][0]['root'], json_file[0]['conversations'][1]['value'])

all images x <image_path_x> is stored in folder y <image_folder_path_y>.

Download pretrained model on Huggingface

⭐⭐ (Recommended) you can use huggingface-cli downloading our model:

huggingface-cli download --resume-download Alpha-VLLM/Lumina-T2I --local-dir /path/to/ckpt

please convert your downloaded .safetensors weigh to .pth first. We provide lumina command for this conversion.*

# convert to `.pth`
lumina convert "/path/to/your/own/model.safetensors" "/path/to/new/directory/" 

Run training

Modify the path to the weights and start the training.

  1. Stage 1 @ 256px
# 8 GPUs were used by us for this experiment on a slurm cluster
srun -n8 --ntasks-per-node=8 --gres=gpu:8 bash exps/slurm/
# If on a single machine with 8 GPUs, you may alternatively use the native `torchrun` command
bash exps/  # the script contains an inner `torchrun` call
  1. Stage2 @ 512px
# Initialize from the result of stage1
# Suppose the checkpoint saved at iteration 0030000 is used:
export STAGE_1_PATH=results/DiT_Llama_5B_patch2_bs512_lr1e-4_bf16_256px_vaesdxl/checkpoints/0030000

# 16 GPUs were used by us for this experiment on a slurm cluster
srun -n16 --ntasks-per-node=8 --gres=gpu:8 bash exps/ $STAGE_1_PATH stage1
  1. Stage3 @ 1024px
# initialize from the result of stage2
# Suppose the checkpoint saved at iteration 0030000 is used
export STAGE_2_PATH=results/DiT_Llama_5B_patch2_bs512_lr1e-4_bf16_512px_vaesdxl_initstage1/checkpoints/0030000

# 32 GPUs were used by us for this experiment on a slurm cluster
srun -n32 --ntasks-per-node=8 --gres=gpu:8 bash exps/ $STAGE_2_PATH stage2


To ensure that our generative model is ready to use right out of the box, we provide a user-friendly CLI program and a locally deployable Web Demo site.


  1. Install Lumina-T2I
pip install -e .
  1. Prepare the pretrained checkpoints

⭐⭐ (Recommended) you can use huggingface-cli downloading our model:

huggingface-cli download --resume-download Alpha-VLLM/Lumina-T2I --local-dir /path/to/ckpt

adding --local-dir-use-symlinks False can disable file symlinks.

or using git for cloning the model you want to use:

git clone
  1. Converting *.pth files to *.safetensors

If you are loading your own trained model, please convert it to .safetensors first for security reasons before loading. Assuming your trained model path is /path/to/your/own/model.pth and your save directory is /path/to/new/model.

lumina convert "/path/to/your/own/model.pth" "/path/to/new/directory/" # convert to `.safetensors`

Explanation of the lumina convert command:

# <weight_path> means your trained model path.
# <output_dir> means the directory where you want to save the model.
lumina convert <weight_path> <output_dir>

# example 1:
lumina convert "/path/to/your/own/model.pth" "/path/to/new/directory/" # convert to `.safetensors`

# example 2:
lumina convert "/path/to/your/own/model.safetensors" "/path/to/new/directory/" # convert to `.pth`

Web Demo

To host a local gradio demo for interactive inference, run the following command:

# `/path/to/ckpt` should be a directory containing `consolidated*.pth` and `model_args.pth`

# default
python -u --ckpt "/path/to/ckpt"

# the demo by default uses bf16 precision. to switch to fp32:
python -u --ckpt "/path/to/ckpt" --precision fp32

# use ema model
python -u --ckpt "/path/to/ckpt" --ema


  1. Setting your personal inference configuration

Update your own personal inference settings to generate different styles of images, checking config/infer/config.yaml for detailed settings. Detailed config structure:

/path/to/ckpt should be a directory containing consolidated*.pth and model_args.pth

- settings:

    ckpt: "/path/to/ckpt"           # if ckpt is "", you should use `--ckpt` for passing model path when using `lumina` cli.
    ckpt_lm: ""                     # if ckpt is "", you should use `--ckpt_lm` for passing model path when using `lumina` cli.
    token: ""                       # if LLM is a huggingface gated repo, you should input your access token from huggingface and when token is "", you should `--token` for accessing the model.

    path_type: "Linear"             # option: ["Linear", "GVP", "VP"]
    prediction: "velocity"          # option: ["velocity", "score", "noise"]
    loss_weight: "velocity"         # option: [None, "velocity", "likelihood"]
    sample_eps: 0.1
    train_eps: 0.2

    atol: 1e-6                      # Absolute tolerance
    rtol: 1e-3                      # Relative tolerance
    reverse: false                  # option: true or false
    likelihood: false               # option: true or false

      resolution: "1024x1024"     # option: ["1024x1024", "512x2048", "2048x512", "(Extrapolation) 1664x1664", "(Extrapolation) 1024x2048", "(Extrapolation) 2048x1024"]
      num_sampling_steps: 60      # range: 1-1000
      cfg_scale: 4.               # range: 1-20
      solver: "euler"             # option: ["euler", "dopri5", "dopri8"]
      t_shift: 4                  # range: 1-20 (int only)
      ntk_scaling: true           # option: true or false
      proportional_attn: true     # option: true or false
      seed: 0                     # rnage: any number
  • model:
    • ckpt: lumina-t2i checkpoint path from huggingface repo containing consolidated*.pth and model_args.pth.
    • ckpt_lm: LLM checkpoint.
    • token: huggingface access token for accessing gated repo.
  • transport:
    • path_type: the type of path for transport: 'Linear', 'GVP' (Geodesic Vector Pursuit), or 'VP' (Vector Pursuit).
    • prediction: the prediction model for the transport dynamics.
    • loss_weight: the weighting of different components in the loss function, can be 'velocity' for dynamic modeling, 'likelihood' for statistical consistency, or None for no weighting
    • sample_eps: sampling in the transport model.
    • train_eps: training to stabilize the learning process.
  • ode:
    • atol: Absolute tolerance for the ODE solver. (options: ["Linear", "GVP", "VP"])
    • rtol: Relative tolerance for the ODE solver. (option: ["velocity", "score", "noise"])
    • reverse: run the ODE solver in reverse. (option: [None, "velocity", "likelihood"])
    • likelihood: Enable calculation of likelihood during the ODE solving process.
  • infer:
    • resolution: generated image resolution.
    • num_sampling_steps: sampling step for generating image.
    • cfg_scale: classifier-free guide scaling factor
    • solver: solver for image generation.
    • t_shift: time shift factor.
    • ntk_scaling: ntk rope scaling factor.
    • proportional_attn: Whether to use proportional attention.
    • seed: random initialization seeds.
  1. Run with CLI

inference command:

lumina infer -c <config_path> <caption_here> <output_dir>

e.g. Demo command:

cd lumina_t2i
lumina infer -c "config/infer/settings.yaml" "a snow man of ..." "./outputs"