League of Legends LCU API scripts for quick & efficient management of some chores in a min-max style.
You can use GUI from Release App as well as run __main__.py
or separate scripts from the folder scripts/
No more annoying animations, no more chore calculations, no more chore lookups in other tab like "do I have mastery 7 on that champ?". Say "No more" to any inefficiency.
- 🔠 HextechButEfficient
The checkmark ☑️ in lists below means script is implemented. If not then it's coming soon™️.
- Mass-Disenchant Champion Shards accounting for Mastery levels.
- Mass-Open BE related loot.
- Upgrade Champion Mastery if available.
- Mass-Disenchant everything that gives OE.
- Mass-Open OE related loot.
- Waste all OE to upgrade the cheapest skin shards.
- Show skin shards for champions without a skin.
- Remove Challenge Tokens
- Set Random Owned Icon
- Combine Key Fragments.
- Claim all Event Pass rewards.
- Remove
shining (that you need to hover over to remove).
- Prints statistic about your skin collection. Number of owned/not-owned skins per RP price tier.
- Same^ for shards loot.
- Backup settings to
files. - Restore settings from
- Construct your own chore out of available scripts, gather it all in just one button and even schedule it.
Feel free to make contributions, reach me with your ideas and suggestions, report bugs, etc.
This app has been approved by Riot!
That means, you will not be banned for using the tool. Either way, many already existing applications: like Mobalytics/Blitz or Open Source ones - honourable mention HextechButBetter (yes, the name of this repository is a reference to it 🙂 ) use LCU API for different purposes without any problems.
Despite the section above, I am not to be held responsible for any losses, mistakes and "mistakes", or bugs that can lead to unfortunate situations. Use/modify my scripts on your own risk. Well, I mean, they should be fine, but still, if anything happens - I won't be able to refund those shards back or something.
Also, check out LICENSE for more information about liability and warranty.
is not endorsed by Riot Games and does not reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing Riot Games properties. Riot Games and all associated properties are trademarks or registered trademarks of Riot Games, Inc.