The info screens synchronized in the Amman Valley MakerSpace.
Setup a system Raspberry Pi OS Legacy 32 bit
with the user pi
. All scripts with with links to that user. Once booted, you can follow these steps in the console of the pi.
Create SSH key:
Add the deploy key to You can get the deploy key with this command:
cat .ssh/
Clone the repository
git clone
Link the autostart script:
mkdir -p ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/
ln -st ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/ ~/infoscreen/autostart
Set screen rotation:
Add this to sudo nano /boot/config.txt
# rotate 90deg
# see,%E2%80%9D%20and%20%E2%80%9Cleft%E2%80%9D%20options.
Add autostart of screen off and update crontab -e
# turn the screen off and on
0 21 * * * /home/pi/infoscreen/screen-switch off
0 9 * * * /home/pi/infoscreen/screen-switch on
# update the repository
0 9 * * * /home/pi/infoscreen/update
Set the time to update automatically.
sudo timedatectl set-ntp True
It is possible to switch the screen off. See these resources for the schematics:
This explains that the brown cable should be interrupted by the relay. -
This explains how to control the relay with the Raspberry Pi. -
This explains where the pins are.
See the screen-switch
script for details of where to plug the electronics into the Raspberry Pi.
The relay interrupts the brown cable when the screen is switched off. It is preferable to have the relay interrupt to switch off because the start and restart of the Raspberry Pi show what is happening.
You can print the box and the lid. You can use FreeCAD to export the files as STL and print them on a 3d printer. The box has this size to fit in a VGA cable + adapter as well as plug sockets.
Screen config:
- .config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
switch screens on/off: