This website, available at
It is my Personal Portfolio Website Project as a trainee through Codeacademy Fullstack Engineer Career Path.
This portfolio includes real-world projects created as part of my way in learning different skills in this field. It's important to say that this is my second Portfolio Webpage. The first one was my Final Project that I made in the Course "Web Design for Everybody" from Coursera.
Even though, I use some libraries as Lordicon and Font Awesome I do not use any framework on purpose in order to practice my abilities in Javascript Vanilla and HTML & CSS.
I did not create a Backend to this website due to the specifications of the project.
I made this webpage with a sleek and modern design, with a user-friendly interface that highlights the projects and skills that I have developed. One particularly aspect of this portfolio is that I tried to make an effort to detail and the thoughtful organization of information. Each project is presented with a clear description and a link to the live version of the site, allowing visitors to easily explore and appreciate the work.