A repository that has solution to some of the available online JS Challenges. This repo will be updated every now and then.
Starting with coming up with a different version of solution to the following JS challenge -
Linked List
It is a data structure which has the following structue -
There are the following types of Linked Lists -
Singly Linked List
Here the data traversal is only in the forward direction.
Doubly Linked List
Here the data traversal is possible on both the forward and backward direction.
Circular Linked List
Here the last link instead of pointing to null points to the front node, and the front node is linked to the last node.
- Insert data
So each node can be represented by a class Node -
function Nodeclass(val, next = null){
this.val = val
this.next = next
So, const node = new NodeClass(10) Means we are creating a node with data value 10 and next pointer to null.
Now, we will create a Linked List class that will perform all the linked list operations -
function LinkedList(head = null) {
this.head = null
const node1 = new Node(3) //1
const node2 = new Node(4) //2
const node3 = new Node(6) //3
const node4 = new Node(20) //4
node1.next = node2
node2.next = node3 // 1->2->3
so, inserting node 20 between node 4 and 6 will be - // 1->2->4->3
node2.next = node4
node4.next = node3
const linkedlist = new LinkedList(node1)
function LinkedList(head = null){
this.head = head
this.print = ()=>{
let val = ""
val += this.head.val + ' '
this.head = this.head.next
console.log('The linked List is', val)
Inspiraton -
A data structure which follow First In First Out sequence.
Important Operations -
- Enqueue
- Dequeue
Enqueue - Meaning inserting elements at the end -
Dequeue - Meaning deleting elements from the front -
Next - Type of Queues