Come and help us to bring as much theological ressources as we can to Obsidian ! Anthropologie Biblique github
- Father Hugues and Father Jean OSB. for their feedback, questions and contributions
- The Obsidian team, for building that life-changer app and give it for free
- All the amazing plugin devs, that give so much value to Obsidian
- Advanced Tables, by Tony Grosinger
- Buttons, by shabegom
- Commander, by Johny & phibr0
- Obsidian42 - BRAT, by TfTHacker
- Query Control & Workspace Plus, by NothingIsLost
- RTL Support, by esm
- Templater, by SilentVoid & shabegom
- All the help I have got on the official Obsidian discord
- Specially from AB1908
- All the help I have got on the Obsidian:TfT discord
- Specially from TfTHacker and shabegom
- All the others that I have forgotten (sorry !)