Endpoints available for all users without authentication.
- POST /api/auth/registration - Registers a new user.
Example of request body
"email": "email@mail.com",
"password": "Min8Character",
"repeatPassword": "Min8Character",
"firstName": "Anton",
"lastName": "Babych",
"shippingAddress": "Kyiv 123 street"
- POST /api/auth/login - Authenticates a user and returns a JWT token.
Example of request body
"email": "email@mail.com",
"password": "Min8Character",
Endpoints for managing cars. Requires authentication.
POST /api/cars - Create a new car.
Example of request body
"name": "CarName",
"model": "CarModel",
"brand": "CarBrand",
"type": "SUV",
"inventory": 2,
"fee": 199.99
GET /api/cars/{id} - Get car by id.
PUT /api/cars/{id} - Update car by id.
DELETE /api/cars/{id} - Delete car by id.
GET /api/cars - Get all cars.
Endpoints for user management. Requires authentication.
PUT /api/users/{id}/role - Update user role.
GET /api/users/me - Get info about user
PATCH /api/users/me - Update current user info.
Example of request body
"password": "NewPassword",
"firstName": "NewFirstName",
"lastName": "NewLastName"
Endpoints for managing rentals. Requires authentication.
POST /api/rentals - Create a new rental
Example of request body
"rentalDate": "2024-01-31",
"returnDate": "2024-02-06",
"carId": 1,
"userId": 5
POST /api/rentals/{id}/return - Return rental by id
GET /api/rentals/{userId}/{isActive} - Get all active rentals for a user.
GET /api/rentals/{id} - Get rental by id
Endpoints for managing payments. Requires authentication.
POST /api/payments/{rentalId} - Create new payment for a rental.
POST /api/payments/renew/{paymentId} - Renew an expired payment session.
GET /api/payments/{userId} - Get payments for a specific user.
GET /api/payments/success - Stripe redirection endpoint for successful payments.
GET /api/payments/cancel - Stripe redirection endpoint for canceled payments.
Go to Telegam and find BotFather
Follow the instructions to create a new bot. Note down the token BotFather provides for HTTP API access.
Add the bot token and bot name to the .env file in your project directory.
Sing up at Stripe
In the Stripe dashboard, navigate to the 'Developers' section to find your API token.
Add the Stripe API token to the .env file.
Visit Postman's official website Download and install Postman for your operating system.
Install Postman: After downloading, run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
Open Postman and sign in or continue as a guest.
Click 'Import' at the top left corner.
Drag and drop the .json file into the dialog or click 'Upload Files'. The .json file is available here
Click 'Import' to add the collection to Postman.
Find the imported collection in the 'Collections' sidebar.
Explore and send requests by clicking on them. Modify parameters or body as necessary.
Click 'Send' to execute and view responses.
Save any modifications to requests for future use.
Organize your collections and requests as needed.