a. Col. i, at Sardis, in the provincial festival of Asia, the pancration; at Laodicea, in the Claudiea, the pancration; at Mitylene, in the Ammonea, the pancration of boys and of young men;
Col. ii, [ at ?-] the pancration; at Hierapolis, the pancration; at Laodicea in Syria, the pancration;
b. ...]at Antioch in Syria, in the Pythia at Daphne, the pancration, in the Nemeia, the pancration; at Ephesus, in the Ephesea, the pancration; at Ephesus, in the provincial festival of Asia, [the pancration] of boys and of young men; [...]
b. ...]at Antioch in Syria, in the Pythia at Daphne, the pancration, in the Nemeia, the pancration; at Ephesus, in the Ephesea, the pancration;
+ at Ephesus, in the provincial festival of Asia, [the pancration] of boys and of young men; [...]
c. [...], the pancration [...]
d. [...] [?At Aphrodisias, ?the Aphrodisiea] ?Ado[nea] three times
[?The Council and the People honoured Tiberius Claudius] Kallimorphos, son of [Tiberius] Claudius Agathangelos, who was priest for life of the goddess Nike, first and only circuit-victor of the choral flautists of all time, who won the sacred games listed below.
Pythia, Actia, the shield from Argos twice, Barbillea at Ephesus four times in succession, and the overall contest, Pergamum three times in succession and the overall contest, provincial festival of Syria at Antioch twice in succession, provincial festival of Cilicia twice in succession, Olympia at Cyzicus and the overall contest, Olympic Hadriana at Ephesus. Contests in the talent category, or the half talent category, he won all those in which he competed.
[?The Council and the People honoured Tiberius Claudius] Kallimorphos, son of [Tiberius] Claudius Agathangelos, who was priest for life of the goddess Nike,
+ first and only circuit-victor of the choral flautists of all time, who won the sacred games listed below.
Pythia, Actia, the shield from Argos twice, Barbillea at Ephesus four times in succession, and the overall contest, Pergamum three times in succession
+ and the overall contest, provincial festival of Syria at Antioch twice in succession, provincial festival of Cilicia twice in succession, Olympia at Cyzicus and the overall contest, Olympic Hadriana at Ephesus. Contests in the talent category, or the half talent category, he won all those in which he competed.
@@ -264,7 +290,20 @@
[and with diligence], multiple victor, pancratiast, extraordinary, xystarch, of an honourable and [leading family], who was the first and only man of all time
to contest over three years in the three categories, as [boy] and (10) as young man and as adult, and who won sacred (contests) and (contests) with prizes
to the value of a talent and very many other contests:
(He won) at Neapolis, in the Sebasta, the pancration of the Claudian boys; in the Nemea, the boys'pancration; in the Isthmia, the young men's pancration; at Ephesus, in the Balbillea, the young men's pancration - - a contest with no outright victor; at Pergamum, in the provincial festival of Asia, the men's pancration; at Ephesus, in the Balbillea, the men's pancration; at Smyrna, (20) in the provincial festival of Asia, the men's pancration; on the occasion of the seventh Panathenais in the Panathenaia, the men's pancration, first Aphrodisian (to do so); in the Nemeia, the men's pancration, and in the following Nemeia, the men's pancration - - a contest with no outright victor; in the Olympia at Athens, the men's pancration, the first Aphrodisian (to do so); in the Pythia, the men's pancration; at Rome, in the Capitolia Olympia, the men's pancration, the first Aphrodisian (to do so); (30)[... , the men's pancration, the first] Aphrodisian (to do so); c [ at ? ... , in the provincial] festival of Asia, [the men's pancration;] at Mitylene, [the men's pan]cration; at Adra[myttion, the men's] pancration; [at ? ...], the men's pancration; [at ? ...], the men's pancration; (40) [in the ?], the men's pancration; [at ? Nicomed]ia, the men's pancration; at Nicea, the men's pancration; at Prusias, the men's pancration; at Claudiopolis, twice, the men's pancration; at Ancyra of Galatia, the men's pancration; at Pessinus, the men's (50) pancration; at Damascus, twice, the men's pancration; at Beirut, the men's pancration; at Tyre, the men's pancration; at Caesarea Stratonos, the men's pancration; at Neapolis of Samaria, the men's pancration; at Scythopolis, the men's pancration; at Gaza, the men's pancration; at Caesarea Panias, the men's pancration; at Hieropolis, the men's pancration; at Anazarbus, the men's pancration; (60) at Mopsuestia, the men's pancration; at Tripolis of Syria, the men's pancration; at Philadelphia of Arabia, the men's pancration; at Zeugma by the Euphrates, the men's pancration; at Kibyra, the men's pancration.
(He won) at Neapolis, in the Sebasta, the pancration of the Claudian boys; in the Nemea, the boys'pancration; in the Isthmia, the young men's pancration;
+ at Ephesus, in the Balbillea, the young men's pancration - - a contest with no outright victor; at Pergamum, in the provincial festival of Asia,
+ the men's pancration; at Ephesus, in the Balbillea, the men's pancration; at Smyrna, (20) in the provincial festival of Asia, the men's pancration;
+ on the occasion of the seventh Panathenais in the Panathenaia, the men's pancration, first Aphrodisian (to do so); in the Nemeia, the men's pancration,
+ and in the following Nemeia, the men's pancration - - a contest with no outright victor; in the Olympia at Athens, the men's pancration,
+ the first Aphrodisian (to do so); in the Pythia, the men's pancration; at Rome, in the Capitolia Olympia, the men's pancration, the first Aphrodisian (to do so);
+ (30)[... , the men's pancration, the first] Aphrodisian (to do so); c [ at ? ... , in the provincial] festival of Asia, [the men's pancration;] at Mitylene,
+ [the men's pan]cration; at Adra[myttion, the men's] pancration; [at ? ...], the men's pancration; [at ? ...], the men's pancration; (40) [in the ?],
+ the men's pancration; [at ? Nicomed]ia, the men's pancration; at Nicea, the men's pancration; at Prusias, the men's pancration; at Claudiopolis, twice,
+ the men's pancration; at Ancyra of Galatia, the men's pancration; at Pessinus, the men's (50) pancration; at Damascus, twice, the men's pancration;
+ at Beirut, the men's pancration; at Tyre, the men's pancration; at Caesarea Stratonos, the men's pancration; at Neapolis of Samaria, the men's pancration;
+ at Scythopolis, the men's pancration; at Gaza, the men's pancration; at Caesarea Panias, the men's pancration; at Hieropolis, the men's pancration;
+ at Anazarbus, the men's pancration; (60) at Mopsuestia, the men's pancration; at Tripolis of Syria, the men's pancration; at Philadelphia of Arabia,
+ the men's pancration; at Zeugma by the Euphrates, the men's pancration; at Kibyra, the men's pancration.
21: . . . . . the extraordinary, and for his lifetime Xystarches of the games [celebrated] in the colony of Antiocheia. Being a glorious and diligent Athlete, he advanced so far in glory as to be the first who fortunately carried off so great prizes, and so as to glorify along with each prize his most splendid native city, by proclamations and crowns; but chiefly under . . . . . Antoninus, so as to be not only crowned by his [the Emperor's] hands, but honoured also by extraordinary [gifts]. Having afterwards become Xystarches, he with the greatest benevolence and diligence, and all [possible] zeal, takes care of our interests, conducting himself as a very good and honourable citizen amongst us. And in regard to these and other things, we, praising the man and bearing him testimony, have often and at present sent decrees to our masters, the Emperors; being of opinion that there should be made to him very great [?] and corresponding returns for his benevolence towards us, and because he put himself to considerable expense and much trouble, and effected . . . . . . . It was therefore decreed — May it be fortunate! to render thanks unto Menander on the part both of the most worshipful Council and the most splendid People of the Aphrodisians, in consideration of the aforesaid points, and to honour him by erecting statues and putting up images in the most conspicuous place of the city, his honours being recorded in the preamble of this decree, to the end that his honours amongst us may be perpetuated.
The People of the most splendid city of the Aphrodisians (honoured) the most splendid People of the Keretapeans, who joined in the sacrifice for the giving of the grant of the sacred contest. Under the supervision of Marcus Aurelius Papias son of Papias son of Papias son of Papias son of Papias son of Papias son of Diogenes, first Archon for the second time.
The People of the most splendid city of the Aphrodisians (honoured) the most splendid People of the Keretapeans,
+ who joined in the sacrifice for the giving of the grant of the sacred contest. Under the supervision of Marcus Aurelius Papias son of Papias son of P
+ apias son of Papias son of Papias son of Papias son of Diogenes, first Archon for the second time.
This is one of a group of dedications for neighbouring communities: see , ,
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- ΚιβυρατῶνσυνθύσανταἐπὶτῇδεδομένῃτοῦἱεροῦἀγῶνοςδωρεᾷπρονοησαμένουΜάρκουΑὐρηλίουΠαπίουτοῦΠαπίουδ´τοῦΔιογένουςτοῦπρωτο λόγουἄρχοντοςτὸβ
+ ΚιβυρατῶνσυνθύσανταἐπὶτῇδεδομένῃτοῦἱεροῦἀγῶνοςδωρεᾷπρονοησαμένουΜάρκουΑὐρηλίουΠαπίουτοῦΠαπίουδ´τοῦΔιογένουςτοῦπρωτο λόγουἄρχοντοςτὸβ
The People of the most splendid city of the Aphrodisians (honoured) the most splendid People of the Herakleotes, who joined in the sacrifice for the giving of the grant of the sacred contest. Under the supervision of Marcus Aurelius Antonius Neikomachos Blastos, first Archon for the third time.
The People of the most splendid city of the Aphrodisians (honoured) the most splendid People of the Herakleotes,
+ who joined in the sacrifice for the giving of the grant of the sacred contest. Under the supervision of Marcus Aurelius Antonius Neikomachos Blastos,
+ first Archon for the third time.
This is one of a group of dedications for neighbouring communities: see , ,
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The People of the most splendid city of the Aphrodisians (honoured) the most splendid People of the Tabenai, who joined in the sacrifice for the [giving of the grant of the sacred contest. Under the supervision of ? -
[?The city has honoured] Aur(elius) Gaius, centurio frumentarius, who has conducted himself decently and bravely in the province of Asia, for his goodwill and affection towards her. The most worthy Ant(onius) Neikomachos oversaw the erection of the statue.