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File metadata and controls

872 lines (673 loc) · 118 KB

Protocol Documentation

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Field Type Label Description
edge_id int64
property CpgStruct.Edge.Property
out_node_key int64
in_node_key int64
edge_type CpgStruct.Edge.EdgeType


Field Type Label Description
node_id int64
property CpgStruct.Node.Property


Field Type Label Description
values bool repeated


Field Type Label Description
local_name string
refs int64 repeated


Overlays can be stacked onto each other, therefor their node ids must be globally unique.

Field Type Label Description
node CpgStruct.Node repeated
edge CpgStruct.Edge repeated
node_property AdditionalNodeProperty repeated
edge_property AdditionalEdgeProperty repeated


This is the CORE structure that represents a Code Property Graph for the given language This structure must be serialized as bytes and stored in a zip file (such as app.atom) with the name "cpg.proto"

Example code snippet in Python

atom_struct = atom.CpgStruct(node=[method])
with ZipFile(file_name, "w") as zip_file:
    zip_file.writestr("cpg.proto", bytes(atom_struct))

Example code snippet in TypeScript

const methodFullName = new atom.CpgStruct.Node.Property({
 name: atom.NodePropertyName.FULL_NAME,
 value: new atom.PropertyValue({ string_value: "main" }),
const method = new atom.CpgStruct.Node({
  key: 1,
  type: atom.NodeType.METHOD,
  property: [methodFullName],
const atomStruct = new atom.CpgStruct({ node: [method] });
const serializedBytes = atomStruct.serialize();
Field Type Label Description
node CpgStruct.Node repeated
edge CpgStruct.Edge repeated


Represents a directed edge of a graph

Field Type Label Description
src int64 Source node.
dst int64 Destination node.
type CpgStruct.Edge.EdgeType
property CpgStruct.Edge.Property repeated


Edge properties.

Field Type Label Description
name EdgePropertyName
value PropertyValue


Field Type Label Description
key int64
type NodeType
property CpgStruct.Node.Property repeated


Node properties.

Field Type Label Description
name NodePropertyName
value PropertyValue


DataFlow slices offers a list of nodes and edges exported from data dependency graph

Data Flow slices overview

Field Type Label Description
graph DataFlowSlice.Graph
path DataFlowSlice.Paths


Field Type Label Description
src uint32 Source node id
dst uint32 Destination node id
label CpgStruct.Edge.EdgeType Edge type


Field Type Label Description
id uint32 repeated Node id


Field Type Label Description
nodes Nodes repeated
edges DataFlowSlice.Edges repeated


Field Type Label Description
flows DataFlowSlice.Flows repeated Flows from source to sink


DiffGraphs can be created independently of each other and therefor when adding nodes|edges, each DiffGraph has its own ID space. However, when removing nodes|edges, the nodeIds refer to the globally unique graph id space.

Field Type Label Description
entries DiffGraph.Entry repeated


Field Type Label Description
node CpgStruct.Node
edge CpgStruct.Edge
node_property AdditionalNodeProperty
edge_property AdditionalEdgeProperty
remove_node DiffGraph.RemoveNode
remove_node_property DiffGraph.RemoveNodeProperty
remove_edge DiffGraph.RemoveEdge
remove_edge_property DiffGraph.RemoveEdgeProperty


Field Type Label Description
out_node_key int64
in_node_key int64
edge_type CpgStruct.Edge.EdgeType
propertiesHash bytes used to identify edges (since our edges don't have ids)


Field Type Label Description
out_node_key int64
in_node_key int64
edge_type CpgStruct.Edge.EdgeType
propertiesHash bytes used to identify edges (since our edges don't have ids)
property_name EdgePropertyName


Field Type Label Description
key int64


Field Type Label Description
key int64
name NodePropertyName
local_name string


Field Type Label Description
values double repeated


Field Type Label Description
values float repeated


Field Type Label Description
values int32 repeated


Field Type Label Description
values int64 repeated


Field Type Label Description
id uint32 Id of the node
label NodeType Label
name string Name of the call or identifier or parameter
fullName string Full name of the call
signature string Method signature of the call
isExternal bool Boolean to indicate if this call belongs to an external method
code string Source code
typeFullName string Type full name
parentMethodName string Parent method name
parentFileName string Parent filename
parentPackageName string Parent package name
parentClassName string Parent class name
lineNumber uint32 Line number
columnNumber uint32 Column number
tags string Tags. Can contain simple names including package url


Message to store the property values such as string or int values

Field Type Label Description
string_value string
bool_value bool
int_value int32
long_value int64
float_value float
double_value double
string_list StringList
bool_list BoolList
int_list IntList
long_list LongList
float_list FloatList
double_list DoubleList
contained_refs ContainedRefs


Reachables slices offers a list of reachable nodes based on automated tags exported from data dependency graph

Field Type Label Description
reachables ReachableSlice.Reachables
purls ReachableSlice.Purls


Field Type Label Description
purls string repeated


Field Type Label Description
nodes Nodes repeated


Field Type Label Description
values string repeated


The usages slice describes how a variable interacts within its procedure. This is perhaps a more "descriptive" slice in some ways. The variables are locals and parameters and the referencing identifiers are tracked to find what the variable calls and what calls it forms an argument of. There are two lists. There is a list of MethodUsageSlice with key "objectSlices" and a list of UserDefinedTypes with key "userDefinedTypes"

Usage slices overview

Field Type Label Description
objectSlices UsageSlice.MethodUsageSlice repeated
userDefinedTypes UsageSlice.UserDefinedTypes repeated


The calls this object is observed to be an argument of.

Field Type Label Description
callName string Call method name
resolvedMethod string Full name of the resolved method
paramTypes string repeated Types of the parameters
returnType string Return type
position uint32 Argument position
isExternal bool Boolean to indicate if the call belongs to an external method
lineNumber uint32 Line number
columnNumber uint32 Column number


Places where the given symbol is defined

Field Type Label Description
name string variable or parameter name
typeFullName string Fullname of the data type
resolvedMethod string Method name
position uint32 Position
isExternal bool Boolean to indicate if the call belongs to an external method. label=CALL
lineNumber uint32 Line number
columnNumber uint32 Column number
label string Label describing the resolved method or position


Represents a local transfer of data via aliasing. The data defined is via some alias.

Field Type Label Description
name string Name of the local variable
typeFullName string Full name of the type
lineNumber uint32 Line number
columnNumber uint32 Column number
label UsageSlice.LabelType Type of the definition. Usually LOCAL


The calls this object is observed to call.

Field Type Label Description
callName string Call method name
resolvedMethod string Full name of the resolved method
paramTypes string repeated Types of the parameters
returnType string Return type
isExternal bool Boolean to indicate if the call belongs to an external method
lineNumber uint32 Line number
columnNumber uint32 Column number


Packages the object usage slices along with location and an optional method source code.

Field Type Label Description
code string Raw source code of the method
fullName string Method full name
fileName string File name
lineNumber uint32 Line number
columnNumber uint32 Column number
usages UsageSlice.ObjectUsageSlice repeated


Describes where and how the given external object/type is used

Field Type Label Description
targetObj UsageSlice.TargetObj
definedBy UsageSlice.DefinedBy
invokedCalls UsageSlice.InvokedCalls repeated
argToCalls UsageSlice.ArgToCalls repeated


Details related to an observed call.

Field Type Label Description
callName string Name of the method or call
resolvedMethod string Full name of the resolved method
paramTypes string repeated Types of the parameters
returnType string Type of the return value
lineNumber uint32 Line number
columnNumber uint32 Column number


Represents a source of data-generation, i.e., where data is defined and can be assigned to some variable or used in an argument.

Field Type Label Description
name string variable or parameter name
typeFullName string Fullname of the data type
position uint32 Position of the parameter or argument
isExternal bool Boolean to indicate if the call belongs to an external method. label=CALL
lineNumber uint32 Line number in the file
columnNumber uint32 Column number
label UsageSlice.LabelType


Describes custom types defined within the application.

Field Type Label Description
name string Name of the type
fields UsageSlice.Fields repeated
procedures UsageSlice.Procedures repeated
fileName string File name
lineNumber uint32 Line number
columnNumber uint32 Column number


Enum representing the control structure types

Name Number Description
BREAK 1 Represents a break statement. Labeled breaks are expected to have a JUMP_LABEL node AST child with ORDER 1
CONTINUE 2 Represents a continue statement. Labeled continues are expected to have a JUMP_LABEL node AST child with ORDER 1
WHILE 3 Represents a while statement
DO 4 Represents a do statement
FOR 5 Represents a for statement
GOTO 6 Represents a goto statement
IF 7 Represents an if statement
ELSE 8 Represents an else statement
SWITCH 9 Represents a switch statement
TRY 10 Represents a try statement
THROW 11 Represents a throw statement
MATCH 12 Represents a match expression
YIELD 13 Represents a yield expression


Edge type.

Name Number Description
AST 3 This edge connects a parent node to its child in the syntax tree.
CALL 6 This edge connects call sites, i.e., nodes with the type CALL, to the method node that represent the method they invoke. The frontend MAY create CALL edges but is not required to do so. Instead, of the METHOD_FULL_NAME field of the CALL node is set correctly, CALL edges are created automatically as the CPG is first loaded.
REF 10 This edge indicates that the source node is an identifier that denotes access to the destination node. For example, an identifier may reference a local variable.
TAGGED_BY 11 Edges from nodes to the tags they are tagged by.
PARAMETER_LINK 12 This edge connects a method input parameter to the corresponding method output parameter.
CFG 19 This edge indicates control flow from the source to the destination node.
EVAL_TYPE 21 This edge connects a node to its evaluation type.
BINDS_TO 22 This edge connects type arguments to type parameters to indicate that the type argument is used to instantiate the type parameter.
INHERITS_FROM 23 Inheritance relation between a type declaration and a type. This edge MUST NOT be created by the language frontend as it is automatically created from INHERITS_FROM_TYPE_FULL_NAME fields then the CPG is first loaded.
CONTAINS 28 This edge connects a node to the method that contains it.
CAPTURE 40 Represents the capturing of a variable into a closure
CAPTURED_BY 41 Connection between a captured LOCAL and the corresponding CLOSURE_BINDING
RECEIVER 55 Similar to ARGUMENT edges, RECEIVER edges connect call sites to their receiver arguments. A receiver argument is the object on which a method operates, that is, it is the expression that is assigned to the this pointer as control is transferred to the method.
CONDITION 56 The edge connects control structure nodes to the expressions that holds their conditions.
REACHING_DEF 137 A reaching definition edge indicates that a variable produced at the source node reaches the destination node without being reassigned on the way. The VARIABLE property indicates which variable is propagated.
ALIAS_OF 138 This edge represents an alias relation between a type declaration and a type. The language frontend MUST NOT create ALIAS_OF edges as they are created automatically based on ALIAS_TYPE_FULL_NAME fields when the CPG is first loaded.
BINDS 155 This edge connects a type declaration (TYPE_DECL) with a binding node (BINDING) and indicates that the type declaration has the binding represented by the binding node, in other words, there is a (name, signature) pair that can be resolved for the type declaration as stored in the binding node.
ARGUMENT 156 Argument edges connect call sites (node type CALL) to their arguments (node type EXPRESSION) as well as RETURN nodes to the expressions that return.
SOURCE_FILE 157 This edge connects a node to the node that represents its source file. These edges MUST not be created by the language frontend but are automatically created based on FILENAME fields.
DOMINATE 181 This edge indicates that the source node immediately dominates the destination node.
POST_DOMINATE 182 This edge indicates that the source node immediately post dominates the destination node.
CDG 183 A CDG edge expresses that the destination node is control dependent on the source node.
IMPORTS 23663 Edge from imports to dependencies
IS_CALL_FOR_IMPORT 23664 Edge from CALL statement in the AST to the IMPORT. We use this edge to traverse from the logical representation of the IMPORT to the corresponding import statement in the AST.


Enum representing the dispatch types

Name Number Description
STATIC_DISPATCH 1 For statically dispatched calls the call target is known before program execution
DYNAMIC_DISPATCH 2 For dynamically dispatched calls the target is determined during runtime
INLINED 3 For macro expansions, code is inlined.


Enum for the name of an edge

Name Number Description
VARIABLE 11 This edge property represents the variable propagated by a reaching definition edge.


Enum representing the evaluation strategy of the underlying parameter or method or literal.

Name Number Description
BY_REFERENCE 1 A parameter or return of a function is passed by reference which means an address is used behind the scenes
BY_SHARING 2 Only applicable to object parameter or return values. The pointer to the object is passed by value but the object itself is not copied and changes to it are thus propagated out of the method context
BY_VALUE 3 A parameter or return of a function passed by value which means a flat copy is used


Enum to represent the frontend language

Name Number Description
UNKNOWN_LANGUAGE 0 Unknown language
JAVA 1 Java
JAVASCRIPT 2 JavaScript and TypeScript
CSHARP 4 csharp / dotnet
C 5 C/C++
PYTHON 6 Python
LLVM 7 llvm
GHIDRA 10 generic reverse engineering framework
KOTLIN 11 Kotlin
NEWC 12 Eclipse CDT based parser for C/C++
JAVASRC 13 Source-based front-end for Java
PYTHONSRC 14 Source-based front-end for Python
JSSRC 15 Source-based JS frontend based on Babel
SOLIDITY 16 Solidity language frontend
RUBYSRC 17 Source-based frontend for Ruby


Enum for the possible modifier types for symbols, methods and class nodes

Name Number Description
STATIC 1 The static modifier
PUBLIC 2 The public modifier
PROTECTED 3 The protected modifier
PRIVATE 4 The private modifier
ABSTRACT 5 The abstract modifier
NATIVE 6 The native modifier
CONSTRUCTOR 7 The constructor modifier
VIRTUAL 8 The virtual modifier
INTERNAL 9 The internal modifier
FINAL 10 The final modifier
READONLY 11 The readonly modifier


Enum for the name of a node property

Name Number Description
LINE_NUMBER 2 This optional field provides the line number of the program construct represented by the node.
PARSER_TYPE_NAME 3 AST node type name emitted by parser.
ORDER 4 This integer indicates the position of the node among its siblings in the AST. The left-most child has an order of 0.
NAME 5 Name of represented object, e.g., method name (e.g. "run")
FULL_NAME 6 This is the fully-qualified name of an entity, e.g., the fully-qualified name of a method or type. The details of what constitutes a fully-qualified name are language specific. This field SHOULD be human readable.
IS_EXTERNAL 7 Indicates that the construct (METHOD or TYPE_DECL) is external, that is, it is referenced but not defined in the code (applies both to insular parsing and to library functions where we have header files only)
VALUE 8 This property denotes a string value as used in a key-value pair.
COLUMN_NUMBER 11 This optional fields provides the column number of the program construct represented by the node.
LINE_NUMBER_END 12 This optional fields provides the line number at which the program construct represented by the node ends.
VERSION 13 A version, given as a string. Used, for example, in the META_DATA node to indicate which version of the CPG spec this CPG conforms to.
EVALUATION_STRATEGY 15 For formal method input parameters, output parameters, and return parameters, this field holds the evaluation strategy, which is one of the following: 1) BY_REFERENCE indicates that the parameter is passed by reference, 2) BY_VALUE indicates that it is passed by value, that is, a copy is made, 3) BY_SHARING the parameter is a pointer/reference and it is shared with the caller/callee. While a copy of the pointer is made, a copy of the object that it points to is not made.
COLUMN_NUMBER_END 16 This optional fields provides the column number at which the program construct represented by the node ends.
LANGUAGE 19 This field indicates which CPG language frontend generated the CPG. Frontend developers may freely choose a value that describes their frontend so long as it is not used by an existing frontend. Reserved values are to date: C, LLVM, GHIDRA, PHP.
CONTENT 20 Certain files, e.g., configuration files, may be included in the CPG as-is. For such files, the CONTENT field contains the files content.
CODE 21 This field holds the code snippet that the node represents.
SIGNATURE 22 The method signature encodes the types of parameters in a string. The string SHOULD be human readable and suitable for differentiating methods with different parameter types sufficiently to allow for resolving of function overloading. The present specification does not enforce a strict format for the signature, that is, it can be chosen by the frontend implementor to fit the source language.
DISPATCH_TYPE 25 This field holds the dispatch type of a call, which is either STATIC_DISPATCH or DYNAMIC_DISPATCH. For statically dispatched method calls, the call target is known at compile time while for dynamically dispatched calls, it can only be determined at runtime as it may depend on the type of an object (as is the case for virtual method calls) or calculation of an offset.
MODIFIER_TYPE 26 The modifier type is a free-form string. The following are known modifier types: STATIC, PUBLIC, PROTECTED, PRIVATE, ABSTRACT, NATIVE, CONSTRUCTOR, VIRTUAL.
CONTROL_STRUCTURE_TYPE 27 The CONTROL_STRUCTURE_TYPE field indicates which kind of control structure a CONTROL_STRUCTURE node represents. The available types are the following: BREAK, CONTINUE, DO, WHILE, FOR, GOTO, IF, ELSE, TRY, THROW and SWITCH.
ARGUMENT_INDEX 40 AST-children of CALL nodes have an argument index, that is used to match call-site arguments with callee parameters. Explicit parameters are numbered from 1 to N, while index 0 is reserved for implicit self / this parameter. CALLs without implicit parameter therefore have arguments starting with index 1. AST-children of BLOCK nodes may have an argument index as well; in this case, the last argument index determines the return expression of a BLOCK expression. If the PARAMETER_NAME field is set, then the ARGUMENT_INDEX field is ignored. It is suggested to set it to -1.
CLOSURE_BINDING_ID 50 Identifier which uniquely describes a CLOSURE_BINDING. This property is used to match captured LOCAL nodes with the corresponding CLOSURE_BINDING nodes.
TYPE_FULL_NAME 51 This field contains the fully-qualified static type name of the program construct represented by a node. It is the name of an instantiated type, e.g., java.util.List<Integer>, rather than java.util.List[T]. If the type cannot be determined, this field should be set to the empty string.
TYPE_DECL_FULL_NAME 52 The static type decl of a TYPE. This property is matched against the FULL_NAME of TYPE_DECL nodes. It is required to have exactly one TYPE_DECL for each different TYPE_DECL_FULL_NAME.
INHERITS_FROM_TYPE_FULL_NAME 53 The static types a TYPE_DECL inherits from. This property is matched against the FULL_NAME of TYPE nodes and thus it is required to have at least one TYPE node for each TYPE_FULL_NAME.
METHOD_FULL_NAME 54 The FULL_NAME of a method. Used to link CALL and METHOD nodes. It is required to have exactly one METHOD node for each METHOD_FULL_NAME.
AST_PARENT_TYPE 56 The type of the AST parent. Since this is only used in some parts of the graph, the list does not include all possible parents by intention. Possible parents: METHOD, TYPE_DECL, NAMESPACE_BLOCK.
AST_PARENT_FULL_NAME 57 This field holds the FULL_NAME of the AST parent of an entity.
DEPENDENCY_GROUP_ID 58 The group ID for a dependency
SYMBOL 100 Symbols
METHOD_SHORT_NAME 102 Method short name.
PACKAGE_NAME 103 Method package name.
CLASS_NAME 104 Method class name.
NODE_LABEL 105 Label for the node which could be code.
FILENAME 106 The path of the source file this node was generated from, relative to the root path in the meta data node. This field must be set but may be set to the value <unknown> to indicate that no source file can be associated with the node, e.g., because the node represents an entity known to exist because it is referenced, but for which the file that is is declared in is unknown.
OVERLAYS 118 The field contains the names of the overlays applied to this CPG, in order of their application. Names are free-form strings, that is, this specification does not dictate them but rather requires tool producers and consumers to communicate them between each other.
HASH 120 This property contains a hash value in the form of a string. Hashes can be used to summarize data, e.g., to summarize the contents of source files or sub graphs. Such summaries are useful to determine whether code has already been analyzed in incremental analysis pipelines. This property is optional to allow its calculation to be deferred or skipped if the hash is not needed.
ARGUMENT_NAME 130 For calls involving named parameters, the ARGUMENT_NAME field holds the name of the parameter initialized by the expression. For all other calls, this field is unset.
KEY 131 This property denotes a key of a key-value pair.
CLASS_SHORT_NAME 132 Class short name
ALIAS_TYPE_FULL_NAME 158 This property holds the fully qualified name of the type that the node is a type alias of.
CLOSURE_ORIGINAL_NAME 159 The original name of the (potentially mangled) captured variable
IS_VARIADIC 221 Specifies whether a parameter is the variadic argument handling parameter of a variadic method. Only one parameter of a method is allowed to have this property set to true.
ROOT 1199 The path to the root directory of the source/binary this CPG is generated from.
DYNAMIC_TYPE_HINT_FULL_NAME 1591 Type hint for the dynamic type.
INDEX 2223 Specifies an index, e.g., for a parameter or argument. Explicit parameters are numbered from 1 to N, while index 0 is reserved for implicit self / this parameter.
CANONICAL_NAME 2001092 This field holds the canonical name of a FIELD_IDENTIFIER. It is typically identical to the CODE field, but canonicalized according to source language semantics. Human readable names are preferable. FIELD_IDENTIFIER nodes must share identical CANONICAL_NAME if and only if they alias, e.g., in C-style unions (if the aliasing relationship is unknown or there are partial overlaps, then one must make a reasonable guess, and trade off between false negatives and false positives).
CONTAINED_REF 2007161 References to other nodes. This is not a real property; it exists here for the sake of proto serialization only. valueType and cardinality are meaningless.


Programming languages offer many closely-related concepts for describing blocks of code that can be executed with input parameters and return output parameters, possibly causing side effects. In the CPG specification, we refer to all of these concepts (procedures, functions, methods, etc.) as methods. A single METHOD node must exist for each method found in the source program. The FULL_NAME field specifies the method's fully-qualified name, including information about the namespace it is contained in if applicable, the name field is the function's short name. The field IS_EXTERNAL indicates whether it was possible to identify a method body for the method. This is true for methods that are defined in the source program, and false for methods that are dynamically linked to the program, that is, methods that exist in an external dependency. Line and column number information is specified in the optional fields LINE_NUMBER, COLUMN_NUMBER, LINE_NUMBER_END, and COLUMN_NUMBER_END and the name of the source file is specified in FILENAME. An optional hash value MAY be calculated over the function contents and included in the HASH field. Finally, the fully qualified name of the program constructs that the method is immediately contained in is stored in the AST_PARENT_FULL_NAME field and its type is indicated in the AST_PARENT_TYPE field to be one of METHOD, TYPE_DECL or NAMESPACE_BLOCK.

Name Number Description
METHOD 1 Method Nodes
METHOD_RETURN 3 This node represents an (unnamed) formal method return parameter. It carries its fully qualified type name in TYPE_FULL_NAME. The CODE field MAY be set freely, e.g., to the constant RET, however, subsequent layer creators MUST NOT depend on this value.
ANNOTATION 5 A method annotation. The semantics of the FULL_NAME property on this node differ from the usual FULL_NAME semantics in the sense that FULL_NAME describes the represented annotation class/interface itself and not the ANNOTATION node.
ANNOTATION_PARAMETER_ASSIGN 6 Assignment of annotation argument to annotation parameter
ANNOTATION_PARAMETER 7 Formal annotation parameter
LITERAL 8 This node represents a literal such as an integer or string constant. Literals are symbols included in the code in verbatim form and which are immutable. The TYPE_FULL_NAME field stores the literal's fully-qualified type name, e.g., java.lang.Integer.
MEMBER 9 This node represents a type member of a class, struct or union, e.g., for the type declaration class Foo{ int i ; }, it represents the declaration of the variable i.
ARRAY_INITIALIZER 14 Initialization construct for arrays
CALL 15 A (function/method/procedure) call. The METHOD_FULL_NAME property is the name of the invoked method (the callee) while the TYPE_FULL_NAME is its return type, and therefore, the return type of the call when viewing it as an expression. For languages like Javascript, it is common that we may know the (short-) name of the invoked method, but we do not know at compile time which method will actually be invoked, e.g., because it depends on a dynamic import. In this case, we leave METHOD_FULL_NAME blank but at least fill out NAME, which contains the method's (short-) name and SIGNATURE, which contains any information we may have about the types of arguments and return value.
LOCAL 23 This node represents a local variable. Its fully qualified type name is stored in the TYPE_FULL_NAME field and its name in the NAME field. The CODE field contains the entire local variable declaration without initialization, e.g., for int x = 10;, it contains int x.
TAG 24 This node represents a tag.
LOCATION 25 A location node summarizes a source code location.
IDENTIFIER 27 This node represents an identifier as used when referring to a variable by name. It holds the identifier's name in the NAME field and its fully-qualified type name in TYPE_FULL_NAME.
RETURN 30 This node represents a return instruction, e.g., return x. Note that it does NOT represent a formal return parameter as formal return parameters are represented via METHOD_RETURN nodes.
BLOCK 31 This node represents a compound statement. Compound statements are used in many languages to allow grouping a sequence of statements. For example, in C and Java, compound statements are statements enclosed by curly braces. Function/Method bodies are compound statements. We do not use the term "compound statement" because "statement" would imply that the block does not yield a value upon evaluation, that is, that it is not an expression. This is true in languages such as C and Java, but not for languages such as Scala where the value of the block is given by that of the last expression it contains. In fact, the Scala grammar uses the term "BlockExpr" (short for "block expression") to describe what in the CPG we call "Block".
METHOD_PARAMETER_OUT 33 This node represents a formal output parameter. Corresponding output parameters for input parameters MUST NOT be created by the frontend as they are automatically created upon first loading the CPG.
METHOD_PARAMETER_IN 34 This node represents a formal input parameter. The field NAME contains its name, while the field TYPE_FULL_NAME contains the fully qualified type name.
DEPENDENCY 35 This node represents a dependency
FILE 38 File nodes represent source files or a shared objects from which the CPG was generated. File nodes serve as indices, that is, they allow looking up all elements of the code by file. For each file, the graph MUST contain exactly one File node. As file nodes are root nodes of abstract syntax tress, they are AstNodes and their order field is set to 0. This is because they have no sibling nodes, not because they are the first node of the AST. Each CPG MUST contain a special file node with name set to <unknown>. This node is a placeholder used in cases where a file cannot be determined at compile time. As an example, consider external library functions. As their code is not available on CPG construction, the file name is unknown. File nodes MUST NOT be created by the language frontend. Instead, the language frontend is assumed to fill out the FILENAME field wherever possible, allowing File nodes to be created automatically upon first loading the CPG.
META_DATA 39 This node contains the CPG meta data. Exactly one node of this type MUST exist per CPG. The HASH property MAY contain a hash value calculated over the source files this CPG was generated from. The VERSION MUST be set to the version of the specification ("1.1"). The language field indicates which language frontend was used to generate the CPG and the list property OVERLAYS specifies which overlays have been applied to the CPG.
NAMESPACE 40 This node represents a namespace. Similar to FILE nodes, NAMESPACE nodes serve as indices that allow all definitions inside a namespace to be obtained by following outgoing edges from a NAMESPACE node. NAMESPACE nodes MUST NOT be created by language frontends. Instead, they are generated from NAMESPACE_BLOCK nodes automatically upon first loading of the CPG.
NAMESPACE_BLOCK 41 A reference to a namespace. We borrow the concept of a "namespace block" from C++, that is, a namespace block is a block of code that has been placed in the same namespace by a programmer. This block may be introduced via a package statement in Java or a namespace{ } statement in C++. The FULL_NAME field contains a unique identifier to represent the namespace block itself not just the namespace it references. So in addition to the namespace name it can be useful to use the containing file name to derive a unique identifier.

The NAME field contains the namespace name in a human-readable format. The name should be given in dot-separated form where a dot indicates that the right hand side is a sub namespace of the left hand side, e.g., denotes the namespace bar contained in the namespace foo. | | UNKNOWN | 44 | Any AST node that the frontend would like to include in the AST but for which no suitable AST node is specified in the CPG specification may be included using a node of type UNKNOWN. | | TYPE | 45 | This node represents a type instance, that is, a concrete instantiation of a type declaration. | | TYPE_DECL | 46 | This node represents a type declaration as for example given by a class-, struct-, or union declaration. In contrast to a TYPE node, this node does not represent a concrete instantiation of a type, e.g., for the parametrized type List[T], it represents List[T], but not List[Integer] where Integer is a concrete type. The language frontend MUST create type declarations for all types declared in the source program and MAY provide type declarations for types that are not declared but referenced by the source program. If a declaration is present in the source program, the field IS_EXTERNAL is set to false. Otherwise, it is set to true. The FULL_NAME field specifies the type's fully-qualified name, including information about the namespace it is contained in if applicable, the name field is the type's short name. Line and column number information is specified in the optional fields LINE_NUMBER, COLUMN_NUMBER, LINE_NUMBER_END, and COLUMN_NUMBER_END and the name of the source file is specified in FILENAME. Base types can be specified via the INHERITS_FROM_TYPE_FULL_NAME list, where each entry contains the fully-qualified name of a base type. If the type is known to be an alias of another type (as for example introduced via the C typedef statement), the name of the alias is stored in ALIAS_TYPE_FULL_NAME. Finally, the fully qualified name of the program constructs that the type declaration is immediately contained in is stored in the AST_PARENT_FULL_NAME field and its type is indicated in the AST_PARENT_TYPE field to be one of METHOD, TYPE_DECL or NAMESPACE_BLOCK. | | TYPE_PARAMETER | 47 | This node represents a formal type parameter, that is, the type parameter as given in a type-parametrized method or type declaration. Examples for languages that support type parameters are Java (via Generics) and C++ (via templates). Apart from the standard fields of AST nodes, the type parameter carries only a NAME field that holds the parameters name. | | TYPE_ARGUMENT | 48 | An (actual) type argument as used to instantiate a parametrized type, in the same way an (actual) arguments provides concrete values for a parameter at method call sites. As it true for arguments, the method is not expected to interpret the type argument. It MUST however store its code in the CODE field. | | ANNOTATION_LITERAL | 49 | A literal value assigned to an ANNOTATION_PARAMETER | | CONFIG_FILE | 50 | This node type represent a configuration file, where NAME is the name of the file and content is its content. The exact representation of the name is left undefined and can be chosen as required by consumers of the corresponding configuration files. | | BINDING | 146 | BINDING nodes represent name-signature pairs that can be resolved at a type declaration (TYPE_DECL). They are connected to TYPE_DECL nodes via incoming BINDS edges. The bound method is either associated with an outgoing REF edge to a METHOD or with the METHOD_FULL_NAME property. The REF edge if present has priority. | | TAG_NODE_PAIR | 208 | This node contains an arbitrary node and an associated tag node. | | FINDING | 214 | Finding nodes may be used to store analysis results in the graph that are to be exposed to an end-user, e.g., information about potential vulnerabilities or dangerous programming practices. A Finding node may contain an abitrary list of key value pairs that characterize the finding, as well as a list of nodes that serve as evidence for the finding. | | KEY_VALUE_PAIR | 217 | This node represents a key value pair, where both the key and the value are strings. | | MODIFIER | 300 | This field represents a (language-dependent) modifier such as static, private or public. Unlike most other AST nodes, it is NOT an expression, that is, it cannot be evaluated and cannot be passed as an argument in function calls. | | METHOD_REF | 333 | This node represents a reference to a method/function/procedure as it appears when a method is passed as an argument in a call. The METHOD_FULL_NAME field holds the fully-qualified name of the referenced method and the TYPE_FULL_NAME holds its fully-qualified type name. | | CLOSURE_BINDING | 334 | Represents the binding of a LOCAL or METHOD_PARAMETER_IN into the closure of a method | | TYPE_REF | 335 | Reference to a type/class | | CONTROL_STRUCTURE | 339 | In addition to the CONTROL_STRUCTURE_TYPE field, the PARSER_TYPE_NAME field MAY be used by frontends to store the name of the control structure as emitted by the parser or disassembler, however, the value of this field is not relevant for construction of the control flow layer. | | JUMP_TARGET | 340 | A jump target is any location in the code that has been specifically marked as the target of a jump, e.g., via a label. The NAME field holds the name of the label while the PARSER_TYPE_NAME field holds the name of language construct that this jump target is created from, e.g., "Label". | | JUMP_LABEL | 341 | A jump label specifies the label and thus the JUMP_TARGET of control structures BREAK and CONTINUE. The NAME field holds the name of the label while the PARSER_TYPE_NAME field holds the name of language construct that this jump label is created from, e.g., "Label". | | TEMPLATE_DOM | 417 | This node represents a DOM node used in template languages, e.g., JSX/TSX | | COMMENT | 511 | A source code comment | | FIELD_IDENTIFIER | 2001081 | This node represents the field accessed in a field access, e.g., in a.b, it represents b. The field name as it occurs in the code is stored in the CODE field. This may mean that the CODE field holds an expression. The CANONICAL_NAME field MAY contain the same value is the CODE field but SHOULD contain the normalized name that results from evaluating CODE as an expression if such an evaluation is possible for the language frontend. The objective is to store an identifier in CANONICAL_NAME that is the same for two nodes iff they refer to the same field, regardless of whether they use the same expression to reference it. |


Label type.

Name Number Description
ANY 0 Any is used to represent multiple mechanisms
LOCAL 1 Represents a local transfer of data via aliasing. The data defined is via some alias.
LITERAL 2 Represents a literal.
PARAM 3 Represents data introduced via a parameter.
CALL 4 Represents data introduced by the return value of a call.
IDENTIFIER 5 Identifier
TYPE_REF 6 Type ref
UNKNOWN 10 Represents data introduced by an unhandled data structure.

Scalar Value Types

.proto Type Notes C++ Java Python Go C# PHP Ruby
double double double float float64 double float Float
float float float float float32 float float Float
int32 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
int64 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
uint32 Uses variable-length encoding. uint32 int int/long uint32 uint integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
uint64 Uses variable-length encoding. uint64 long int/long uint64 ulong integer/string Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint32 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint64 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
fixed32 Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. uint32 int int uint32 uint integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
fixed64 Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. uint64 long int/long uint64 ulong integer/string Bignum
sfixed32 Always four bytes. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sfixed64 Always eight bytes. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
bool bool boolean boolean bool bool boolean TrueClass/FalseClass
string A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. string String str/unicode string string string String (UTF-8)
bytes May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. string ByteString str []byte ByteString string String (ASCII-8BIT)