LAMIA is currently reaching a plateau regarding the developpment of new thematics. Even though we still have requests every month, we don't see much progress in the number of neede functionalities and we only adapt the GUI.
Hence a focus on the new analysis of the data, which could benefit to all current users and not only the new ones.
Q3 2019 : Implementation of an automatic chart generator to use on the data collected Implementaion of an MCA tool to score the infrastructures of the databases Writing of the documentation (Finally !) Sea Dykes and public lightning ready SIRS connector
Q4 2019 : Optimisation for Qgis3 Automatic generation of public work programs Optic fibre and telecom ready (?)
S1 2020 : Improve I/O functions
S2 2020 : Progress on the GUI (especially on the field mode)