Create a resource group where the Log Analytics Monitor Workspace resources will be with any of the following commands:
az group create \ --name log_analytics_workspace_RG \ --location eastus \ --tags 'env=dev' 'project=k8s'
az group create -n log_analytics_workspace_RG -l eastus --tags 'env=dev' 'project=k8s'
Create the Log Analytics Monitor Workspace with any of the following commands:
Must be uniqueaz monitor log-analytics workspace create \ --resource-group log_analytics_workspace_RG \ --workspace-name alkLogAnalyticsWorkspace \ --location eastus \ --tags 'env=dev' 'project=k8s'
az monitor log-analytics workspace create -g log_analytics_workspace_RG -n alkLogAnalyticsWorkspace -l eastus --tags 'env=dev' 'project=k8s'
Install aks-preview extension
az extension add --name aks-preview
Check available extensions
az extension list-available --output table
Create a resource group where the k8s resources will be with any of the following commands:
az group create \ --name k8s_RG \ --location eastus \ --tags 'env=dev' 'project=k8s'
az group create -n k8s_RG -l eastus --tags 'env=dev' 'project=k8s'
Create the AKS
[OPTIONAL] check available k8s versions:
az aks get-versions --location eastus
to use in part c. -
Get the Workspace Resource id:
workSpaceResourceID=$(az monitor log-analytics workspace show --workspace-name alkLogAnalyticsWorkspace --resource-group log_analytics_workspace_RG --query id -o tsv)
echo $workSpaceResourceID
Create the AKS with any of the following command
az aks create \ --kubernetes-version 1.19.0 \ --resource-group k8s_RG \ --node-resource-group k8s_node_RG \ --name k8sCluster \ --node-vm-size Standard_B2s \ --vm-set-type VirtualMachineScaleSets \ --node-count 3 \ --enable-addons monitoring \ --workspace-resource-id $workSpaceResourceID \ --generate-ssh-keys \ --enable-managed-identity \ --tags 'env=dev' 'project=k8s'
az aks create -k 1.19.0 -g k8s_RG --node-resource-group k8s_node_RG -n k8sCluster -s Standard_B2s --vm-set-type VirtualMachineScaleSets -c 3 -a monitoring --workspace-resource-id $workSpaceResourceID --generate-ssh-keys --enable-managed-identity --tags 'env=dev' 'project=k8s'
If you don't have a network watcher enabled in the region that the virtual network you want to generate a topology for is in, network watchers are automatically created for you in all regions. The network watchers are created in a resource group named NetworkWatcherRG.