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Hi everyone! Thank you for checking the Plasm Network documentation 😉 |
Plasm Network is a scalable and interoperable infrastructure for Web3.0. Since Plasm Network is built with Parity’s Substrate framework, it can be a future Polkadot Parachain that also acts as a scalable smart contract platform. The Polkadot Relaychain, by design, does not support smart contracts. This allows Plasm the opportunity to fill in this gap. Scalability is obviously one of the most crucial demands DApp developers have. Ideally, the developers can build whatever applications on Plasm Network without having to consider its scalability.
The work of the community is maintained under a public domain license at
Plasm Network is an open-source project. There are a lot of opportunities to get involved.
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Plasm Network is an open-source project anyone can join, develop, and modify. Here are the Plasm Network's status and contribution areas.
Current Focus (June)
- Smart Contract module
- DApps Reward
- 2nd Lockdrop and 3rd Lockdrop
- SUpport Layer2 Plasma
- Plasm Network graphical design and marketing
- Document translation