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Minuscule Java Graphics Library

What is Minuscule?

  • Simple Java library for rapid prototyping of algorithms with graphic output
  • Free and open source
  • Initialises canvas in just two lines of code
  • Creates a canvas with zoom, drag-and-move and single click screen-shot support with no effort
  • Saves your time (and swearing) if you want to try something with graphics quickly
  • Small (less than 150 kB) and fast tool, follows the KISS principle
  • Focuses on clean design, uses the Builder pattern for readable code
  • Highly customizable, feel free to download and modify for your needs
  • Its author is open for new ideas and suggestions (see contact details above)

What is Minuscule not (per se)?

  • It is not a game engine
  • It is not a replacement for OpenGL or any other proper big graphics library
  • It is not a 3D graphics library


For the complete documentation see Javadoc.

After downloading, you must add the downloaded JAR file into your build path, see for instance this tutorial for Eclipse SDK. Or you can download the source code and use it directly by copying the contents of the archive into the folder where you other packages are stored.

If you are interested in more advanced topics, such as the architecture of Minuscule or how to write your own Minuscule Geometric Objects, see the manual.

Short tutorial with examples

Using Minuscule is easy, it is in fact one of its main principles. To start, you only need to type in these lines:

// Import the Minuscule library
import eu.zidek.augustin.minuscule.*;
// The arguments of MinusculeWindow() are the width and the height
MinusculeWindow window = new MinusculeWindow(800, 600);
// Now obtain the canvas and you are ready to draw by calling appropriate canvas methods
Canvas canvas = window.getCanvas();

That's it! Now you can use all the methods that canvas provides for you. It is quite possible you will need to import also other Java classes that are used in this project, such as java.awt.Color, java.awt.Font or java.awt.Shape.

Drawing points

There are four methods available for drawing points (also with labels):

// Draw default point with coordinates (10, 10)
new MPoint().x(10).y(10).draw(canvas);

// Draw point with a label, placed next to the point
new MPoint().x(30).y(40).label("Point with a label").draw(canvas);

// Draw blue point with diameter = 14
new MPoint().x(50).y(100).diameter(14).color(Color.BLUE).draw(canvas);

// Draw red point with diameter = 10 and label at 225 degrees
new MPoint().x(100).y(150).diameter(10).color(Color.RED)
    .label("P3", 225).draw(canvas);

Demo 1 screenshot

Drawing lines

Two methods are available for drawing lines:

// Draw line from (50,10) to (350,150)
new MLine().start(50, 10).end(350, 150).draw(canvas);

// Draw line with given thickness and color
new MLine().start(350, 40).end(40, 40).thickness(15)

// Draw semi-transparent green line
new MLine().start(200, 10).end(200, 200).thickness(10)
    .color(new Color(0, 255, 0, 100)).draw(canvas);

Demo 2 screenshot

Drawing shapes

Minuscule can draw any Shape as defined in the standard Java libraries:

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.geom.CubicCurve2D;
// Draw a rectangle and fill it
new MRectangle().pos(10, 10).dimensions(300, 150).color(Color.BLUE)

// Draw an unfilled rectangle
new MRectangle().pos(100, 100).dimensions(200, 150).color(Color.GREEN)

// Draw a custom shape - a Bezier curve
Shape bezier = new CubicCurve2D.Double(150, 200, 400, -100, 300, 200,
    400, 200);
new MShape(bezier).color(new Color(255, 0, 0, 100)).fill(true)

Demo 3 screenshot

Drawing grid and using Euclidean coordinates

Drawing grid is very easy with Minuscule. Also, it is often very convenient to use Euclidean style coordinate system instead of the computer graphics standard one (i.e. origin in the top left corner, y increases downwards). Switching to Euclidean coordinates is very easy as well:

// Draw grid with the given column and row size
canvas.drawGrid(20, 20);

// Use Euclidean coordinates

// Draw the origin with a label
new MPoint().pos(0, 0).label("The origin").draw(canvas);

Demo 4 screenshot

Playing with Minuscule

// Switch to Euclidean coordinate system
// Constant to enable easy deg-->rad
final double deg2rad = 2 * Math.PI / 360;

canvas.drawGrid(40, 40);

// Draw an ellipse with r1 = diameter, r2 = 2*diameter
final int diameter = 100;
for (int i = 0; i < 360; i += 20) {
  // Calculate the coordinates
  final double x = Math.cos(i * deg2rad) * 2 * diameter;
  final double y = Math.sin(i * deg2rad) * diameter;

  // Calculate color of the point
  final Color pointColor = Color.getHSBColor(i / 360F, 1F, 1F);

  final String coordLabel = String.format("(%.0f, %.0f)", x, y);
  new MPoint().pos(x, y).label(coordLabel, 45).diameter(16)
new MPoint().pos(0, 0).label("ORIGIN").draw(canvas);

Demo 5 screenshot

Animation with Minuscule

// Switch to Euclidean coordinate system
// Constant to enable easy deg-->rad
final double deg2rad = 2 * Math.PI / 360;

canvas.drawGrid(40, 40);

// Draw an ellipse with r1 = diameter, r2 = 2*diameter
final int diameter = 100;

new MPoint().pos(0, 0).label("ORIGIN").draw(canvas);

// Animate the point
final MPoint p = new MPoint();
int angle = 0;
while (true) {
  angle = (angle + 5) % 360;
  // Calculate the coordinates
  final double x = Math.cos(angle * deg2rad) * 2 * diameter;
  final double y = Math.sin(angle * deg2rad) * diameter;

  // Calculate color of the point
  final Color pointColor = Color.getHSBColor(angle / 360F, 1F, 1F);

  final String coordLabel = String.format("(%.0f, %.0f)", x, y);
  p.pos(x, y).label(coordLabel, 45).diameter(16).color(pointColor)
  // Display for 50 ms and then continue

Demo 6 screenshot