SMapQL is a robust tool for detecting SQL Injection in sitemaps. It automates scanning of subdomains, identifies sitemaps, and tests for SQLi vulnerabilities. Designed for security researchers, it prioritizes accuracy and efficiency, reducing false positives and aiding vulnerability discovery.
- Concurrent testing using multiple threads
- Customizable delay between requests
- Proxy support
- Reporting of vulnerable domains in various formats (txt, json, csv)
- Python 3.10.10 Libraries: argparse library logging library requests library time library json library csv library beautifulsoup4 (bs4) library queue library threading library urllib library tensflow update
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -t -th 10 -d 1 -o output.txt -p
Command-line options:
-t or --target_domains: Specify the target domains to check for SQL injection vulnerabilities. Multiple domains can be provided separated by spaces.
-th or --threads: Specify the number of threads to use for concurrent requests. Default is 10 if not specified.
-d or --delay: Specify the delay between requests in seconds. Default is 1 second if not specified.
-o or --output: Specify the output file name for the vulnerabilities report. Default is "vulnerable_domains.txt" if not specified.
-p or --proxies: Specify the proxies to use for requests. Format:
The script will perform the following steps:
Fetch the sitemap files for the target domains.
Parse the sitemap files and extract URLs.
Test each URL for SQL injection vulnerabilities.
Identify successful SQL injections and store the vulnerable domains.
Generate a report in the specified output format (txt, json, or csv) containing the vulnerable domains.
To get help and see a list of available options, use the -h option:
python3 -h
To check a single domain with default settings (10 threads, 1 second delay, no proxies, output to vulnerable_domains.txt):
python3 -t
To check multiple domains with default settings:
python3 -t
To check a single domain with 5 threads and a 2-second delay, outputting results to results.txt:
python3 -t -th 5 -d 2 -o results.txt
To check a single domain with a proxy:
`python3 -t -p http://yourproxy:8080`
Please replace and yourproxy:8080 with the actual domain and proxy you want to use.
python -t http://[IP address] -th 10 -o report.txt
python -t http://[IP address] -th 6 -o -r report.txt
Check the /src folder for the Singular folder which includes the overall script for you to customize to your needs or add to your development.
MIT License
Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or want to enhance the tool, feel free to submit a pull request.
This tool is meant for educational and professional testing purposes only. Use it responsibly and at your own risk.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Aureum01 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐