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File metadata and controls

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List screen implementation

We've looked at the theory, we've looked at the base classes, let's see how they're actually used in our example app now! We'll look at our List screen which is already implemented.

Jumping in

The say that a Manifest is like a table of contents for an Android application. If we look at ours, we'll see we have a single Activity, so whatever's shown on the UI must be set up there. If we look at MainActivity, we'll find this code in it:

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        if (savedInstanceState == null) {
                    .replace(, JobListFragment())


This is simple enough, and we see that the list is implemented in JobListFragment.

The Fragment

Let's look at this Fragment then, step by step.

In its header, we see that it, of course, extends BaseFragment, and will use a JobListViewState and a JobListViewModel to do its work. It also implements provideViewModel by fetching a JobListViewModel.

class JobListFragment : BaseFragment<JobListViewState, JobListViewModel>(), JobListingAdapter.Listener {

    override fun provideViewModel(): JobListViewModel {
        return ViewModelProviders.of(this, viewModelFactory).get(

    // ...


Moving on, we see boring Fragment code. Its view is inflated, and the RecyclerView its layout contains is set up with an adapter. The Fragment itself is set as the adapter's listener.

override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View? {
    return inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_job_list, container, false)

override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)


private lateinit var adapter: JobListingAdapter

private fun setupRecyclerView() {
    adapter = JobListingAdapter()
    adapter.listener = this
    jobListings.adapter = adapter

You may look at the implementation of JobListingAdapter, it's pretty straightforward as far as a RecyclerView.Adapter goes, except for one thing: it uses the ListAdapter base class introduced in Support Library 27.1.0. This gets rid of having to make notify... calls and lets us just throw new lists at the adapter when our data changes. ListAdapter will then calculate a diff on a background thread, and animate any changes we made to display the new data. For more info on how to use it, take a look at this tutorial.

The render method is implemented similarly as the example before:

override fun render(viewState: JobListViewState) {
    when (viewState) {
        is JobListReady -> {
            progressBar.isVisible = false
            jobListings.isVisible = true

        is Loading -> {
            progressBar.isVisible = true
            jobListings.isVisible = false

View state

At this point, it's worth jumping into the JobListViewState class to see what our available states are - again, nothing unexpected based on what we've already seen. A handy sealed class that clearly separates the two distinct states of the screen.

sealed class JobListViewState

data class JobListReady(val jobListings: List<JobListing>) : JobListViewState()

object Loading : JobListViewState()


I've actually shown you the real code of JobListViewModel before. It takes a JobListPresenter as its dependency via constructor injection, and when its load method is called, it fetches the list of JobListing instances from there. Then, it updates the view state:

class JobListViewModel @Inject constructor(
        private val jobListPresenter: JobListPresenter
) : BaseViewModel<JobListViewState>(Loading) {

    fun load() = launch {
        val jobListings = jobListPresenter.getJobListings()
        viewState = JobListReady(jobListings)


The launch here will create a coroutine in the UI context because of the way the CoroutineScope is implemented in BaseViewModel. This makes setting viewState in it safe. The getDate call in it, however, is suspending (as you can see next to the line numbers if you're looking at the code in Android Studio), so that it doesn't block the UI thread.

(You can find a call to this load method in JobListFragment's onStart lifecycle method.)


Finally, the last screen-specific class needed is a Presenter, in this case, JobListPresenter.

We see constructor injection again, this class will depend on an Interactor.

class JobListPresenter @Inject constructor(
        private val jobsInteractor: JobsInteractor

The getData function is called from the UI thread inside a coroutine, and we want to move all work below the ViewModel layer to background threads. We'll do this as the first thing in every Presenter method we implement, using withContext to jump to the IO threadpool, and perform anything we need in this new context.

suspend fun getJobListings(): List<JobListing> = withContext(Contexts.IO) {
    jobsInteractor.getAllJobListings().map {
                id =,
                title = it.title,
                company =,
                location = it.location,
                imageUrl = it.companyLogo

We'll get data from JobsInteractor, and map the list of domain models we receive from it to the screen specific presentation models, which are data classes nested inside the Presenter.

data class JobListing(
        val id: String,
        val title: String,
        val company: String,
        val location: String,
        val imageUrl: String?


Next, we'll look at models and data fetching in our entire application in detail.