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Dagger Factory details

The mechanism we're using to implement our Dagger-powered ViewModelProvider.Factory is called multibindings. If you need to catch up, you can read about bindings and multibindings here and here, for example.

Using these mechanisms, we construct a map in our ViewModelModule. The keys in the map are the Class values of each ViewModel (e.g. JobListViewModel::class). The values in these map are the ViewModel types themselves (e.g. JobListViewModel).

This may seem redundant, but keep in mind that the keys we label our dependencies with could be other types as well, for example String or Int. We're only using Class as the key because that's what the ViewModelProvider.Factory implementation will receive as a parameter when it has to instantiate a ViewModel.

This will essentially let us ask Dagger at any time to create a ViewModel of a given Class, the key we bound it with in this module:

abstract class ViewModelModule {

    abstract fun bindViewModelFactory(daggerViewModelFactory: DaggerViewModelFactory): ViewModelProvider.Factory
    abstract fun bindProfileViewModel(profileViewModel: ProfileViewModel): ViewModel

We've also bound the DaggerViewModelFactory we're implementing, so that we can inject the map we've constructed above into it with Dagger.

We could simply ask for a Map<Class<ViewModel>, ViewModel> in the Factory, but then we'd only get one concrete instance of ViewModel for each key (essentially, for each screen). If we opened the same screen multiple times, they'd have to have the same state because they'd receive the same ViewModel instances. This makes no sense.

Instead, we'll ask for the Provider<ViewModel> type as the map's values. A Provider is a class we can keep calling get() on, and each time it will manufacture new ViewModel instances, which will have all of its dependencies injected by Dagger appropriately.

This brings us to this implementation for our ViewModelProvider.Factory:

class DaggerViewModelFactory @Inject constructor(
        private val creators: Map<Class<ViewModel>, Provider<ViewModel>>
) : ViewModelProvider.Factory {

    override fun <T : ViewModel> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T {
        return creators[modelClass].get() as T


Let's review one more time:

  • It receives a Map in its constructor from Dagger, which is backed by Dagger's injection mechanism to create any ViewModel that's been bound with its own Class as the key.
  • Whenever we invoke ViewModelProviders and pass this Factory to it, it'll call the Factory with the concrete ViewModel Class we need to create.
  • This Factory will fetch the appropriate Provider from the Map it stores in its creators property, and create the required type of ViewModel by calling the Provider's get method. This ViewModel will receive its dependencies via constructor injection, because it's instantiated by Dagger.

And the illustration of how these components are connected, again:

The Dagger powered ViewModel factory

Notes and references

The code for DaggerViewModelFactory here is sample code that doesn't even quite compile, but I hope it gets the idea across. There's a couple more little things you need to take care of for this implementation to work in terms of generics, Kotlin-Java interop, and null handling. If you want to see the real, complete implementation, look at the DaggerViewModelFactory class in the project.

This implementation is originally from a Google sample project, specifically, from their GitHub Browser Sample app.


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