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Benjamin Ran edited this page May 5, 2017 · 36 revisions


Note: while dcc-metadata-indexer plays a role in the function of redwood, it is not part of dcc-ops/redwood compose setup.

Administration Guide

The following should work on dev or prod redwood (as long as you use the right credentials--see dcc-ops/redwood/.env once it's generate by the installer).

Create an accessToken for a user (granting the requested scopes):

dcc-ops/redwood/admin/bin/redwood token create

List a user's (e.g.'s) access tokens:

dcc-ops/redwood/admin/bin/redwood token list -u

Revoke an accessToken (e.g. ae335...):

dcc-ops/redwood/admin/bin/redwood token revoke ae335944-37a6-43bb-b71c-7163eb9c2976

Revoke a user's (e.g. beni's) access to all scopes:

curl -XDELETE http://localhost:8444/admin/scope/beni -u admin:secret

Developer Guide

For developing dcc-storage, dcc-metadata, dcc-auth, or the redwood infrastructure

Build Process

Each constituent redwood server is built into a docker image from one of the above git repositories:

To build one of the redwood servers, check out the corresponding git repository. Then, from the project root:


That builds a tar archive and docker image of the server. For example, in dcc-storage server dcc-storage-server/target/dcc-storage-server-*-dist.tar.gz and a docker image will be built.

The docker image and tar archive are tagged with the the project version as defined in pom.xml.


Redwood in dev mode uses the latest SNAPSHOT version of the redwood server containers (this has to be updated each release). Redwood in prod mode uses the latest non-SNAPSHOT version of the redwood server containers (also updated each release, at least once dcc-ops is ready to use the new version)

Dev vs. Prod

Redwood can be run in "dev" or "prod" mode (using base.yml and either dev.yml or prod.yml).

Dev mode opens ports on the redwood server containers where the server itself is listening (serving http) as well as remote debugging ports. Dev mode runs a redwood-nginx container that proxies https requests to virtual hosts {storage|metadata|auth} to the corresponding redwood server container. A self-signed certificate is used that accepts requests for {storage|metadata|auth}

Prod mode adds containers that do daily automatic backup and adds environment variables to signal to the core-nginx-letsencrypt-companion container to obtain the appropriate ssl certificates for each redwood subdomain.


The _redwood-{storage|metadata|auth}-server_s serve plain http; SSL termination is done by an upstream reverse proxy (the redwood-nginx container in dev mode and common-nginx in prod mode). In dev mode, the self-signed certificate used was generated from dcc-ops/common/ssldev. New certificates can be generated if you want to add subjectAltNames, etc., but you'll have to add the certificate to the redwood-client dev truststore.


You can remote debug the redwood servers as they run in the docker container.

To do this, exec into the container, cd $(which dcc-storage-server)/../conf, edit the wrapper.conf file to specify java remote debugging options (-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=8000,suspend=n), and restart the java process with dcc-storage-server restart. Similar steps work for dcc-auth and dcc-metadata.

Then check dcc-ops/redwood/dev.yml to see which host port maps to the container's port 8000 and start a remote debugging session in your ide pointing to that port.

Inspect the databases

All redwood state is stored in the configured S3 bucket, the redwood-auth-db, and the redwood-metadata-db


MongoDB instance that tracks bundle id, file id, filename, etc.

Simple connection:

$ docker exec -it redwood-metadata-db mongo dcc-metadata

Find all records for a particular bundle_id (e.g. efa...):

> db.Entity.find({gnosId:{$eq: 'efac875b-faf5-5e0d-b778-0ef411b81cad'}}).limit(10)


Access tokens and scope storage

Simple connection:

docker exec -it dcc-auth-db psql -Upostgres -d dcc

User scopes are stored in the authorities table.

select * from authorities;

OAuth Client information (id, password, scopes, etc) is stored in the oauth_client_details table.

select * from oauth_client_details;

A note on credentials

This guide assumes the default development credentials for the different principals at play in the auth service. These prinicipals, credentials, and their definition locations are listed here.

  • Postgres (dcc-auth-db)
    • Database Admin User
      • Username: postgres (default for postgres image)
      • Password: password (POSTGRES_PASSWORD environment variable of dcc-auth-db container as defined in docker-compose.yml)
      • Used for connecting to postgres
  • Auth Service
    • Auth Service Admin
      • Username: admin ( property in dcc-auth-server/src/main/resources/application.yml)
      • Password: secret (security.user.password property in dcc-auth-server/src/main/resources/application.yml)
      • Used for making calls to all admin endpoints of auth-server (/admin/* endpoints)
    • Auth OAuth Management Client
      • Username: mgmt (defined in postgres://dcc/users:username and postgres://dcc/oauth_client_details:client_id and
      • initialized via dcc-auth-db/auth-schema-postgresql.sql)
      • Password: pass (defined in postgres://dcc/users:password and postgres://dcc/oauth_client_details:client_secret and
      • initialized via dcc-auth-db/auth-schema-postgresql.sql)
      • Used as credentials of OAuth client for making oauth calls to auth-server (/oauth/* endpoints)

Release Process

You should follow the hubflow release process.

Once all tests pass and the code is ready for release, update the project version by running ./mvnw versions:set -DnewVersion=1.2.3 (replace '1.2.3' as appropriate). This should be committed on the release branch just before finishing the release.

Then finish the release with hubflow and update the project version to the next SNAPSHOT (e.g. ./mvnw versions:set -DnewVersion=1.2.4-SNAPSHOT with '1.2.4' replaced as appropriate).

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