Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | UUID | Unique identification of the Secure Component Profile assigned automatically by TSMS. | [optional] |
name | String | Name of the SecureComponentProfile. | |
scType | Integer | Secure component type. One of -> 1 EMBEDDED_SE -> 2 EMBEDDED_UICC -> 3 REMOVABLE_EUICC -> 4 UICC | |
hardwarePlatform | String | Name of hardware platform / chip. Sample values are P62G98, S9FD2EE. | |
os | String | Secure component operating system name, e.g. GTO, JCOP. | |
osVersion | String | Version of operating system with vendor specific encoding. Sample values are 4.7, 3.1. | |
javaCardVersion | String | JavaCard version. Sample values are 3.0.5, 3.0.4. | |
javaCardFeatures | Map<String, List<String>> | Features provided by the JavaCard. The key contains the name of the feature. The value contains a list of supported algorithm for each feature. Sample keys are -> cypher -> signature -> messageDigest -> randomData -> keyBuilder -> keyAgreement -> checksum -> keyPairAlgRsaOnCardGeneration -> keyPairAlgRsaCrtOnCardGeneration -> keyPairAlgDsaOnCardGeneration -> keyPairAlgEcF2MOnCardGeneration -> keyPairAlgEcFpOnCardGeneration -> aeadCipher | |
gpSpecVersions | Map<String, String> | Global Platform Specification versions. The key contains an identifier for the GP specification document. The value contains the version for each specification. Sample keys are -> card -> contactlessServices -> scp03 -> executableLoadFileUpgrade Sample values are 2.3.1, 2.3, 2.2.1. | |
gpApiVersions | Map<String, String> | GlobalPlatform API versions. The key contains an identifier for the GP API. The value contains the version for each API. Sample keys are -> card -> contactless -> elfUpgrade Sample values are 1.7, 1.6. | |
csp | Map<String, String> | Supported CSP. Empty when no CSP is available. Key contains an identifier for additional information about the CSP. Value contains the additional CSP information. Sample keys are -> apiVersion -> vendor | |
certifications | Map<String, String> | Platform certification level. The key contains the scope of the certification. The value contains the link to the letter of approval. Sample keys are -> BSI-CC-PP-0084-2014 -> BSI-CC-PP-0089-2015 -> BSI-CC-PP-0099-2017 -> BSI-CC-PP-0100-2018 -> BSI-CC-PP-0104-2019 -> BSI-CC-PP-0117-2022 |