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385 lines (366 loc) · 19.9 KB

File metadata and controls

385 lines (366 loc) · 19.9 KB

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project follows Semantic Versioning.

[4.6.2] (18/04/2024)


The IGUCanvasContainer class used the IGUObject.OnIGU() method to render the IGU element instead of the IIGUObject.InternalOnIGU() method.
When using the IGUObject.OnIGU() method in the IGUCanvasContainer class, the colors of the IGU element were not modified.

[4.6.1] (07/03/2024)


The IIGUObject.AlteredDepth(List<IIGUObject>, int) method was removed due to the fact that the IGUObject.MyConfig property already fulfilled this function.


Previously, the IGUObject.MyConfig property did not implement the private method IGUObject.SetIGUConfig(IGUConfig) that allows the IGU element to change its depth automatically.

[4.5.2] (03/03/2024)


The issue in the IGUDepthDictionary.ReorderDepthDictionary(IGUDepthDictionary[]) method that caused ArgumentNullException when reordering the depth list has been fixed.


The IGUCanvas.OnIGU, IGUCanvas.OnEndOfFrame, and IGUCanvas.OnToolTip properties have been removed so that events better respect the depth of IGU elements.


The IGUCanvas.LoadWhenSceneActivates depth has been removed and replaced with the IGUCanvas.Status property.


IGUCanvas.Deeps and IGUCanvas.Status properties. IGUCanvas.Clear() method to clear the depth list.

[4.5.1] (02/28/2024)


  • In ToolTip drawing methods:
    • It is now checked whether the IGU element is visible.
    • ToolTip text must not be empty or null.


This change ensures that the ToolTip is only drawn if the IGU element is visible and the ToolTip text is valid.

[4.5.0] (28/02/2024)


Class IGUActionManager<A, T>: manages the admission of actions for specified objects. The class only accepts actions from objects that have not been registered.


The IGUActionManager<A, T> class provides a more organized and efficient way to manage object actions. The class ensures that only registered object actions are performed.

[4.4.1] (02/26/2024)


IGUUtilityDistortion class.
DoNotModifyRect structure.
IGURect.ModifiedSize, IGURect.ModifiedPosition, IGURect.ModifiedUp, IGURect.ModifiedDonw, IGURect.ModifiedRight, IGURect.ModifiedLeft, and IGURect.ModifiedCenter properties: Replaced by the IGURect.ModifiedRect property.
IGURect.SetModifiedPosition(vector2) and IGURect.SetModifiedSize(Vector2) methods.
HashCodeCompare class.
IGUDrawer.GetMousePosition() method: replaced by the IGUDrawer.MousePosition property.
Methods IGUObject.CreateIGUInstance<T>(string) and IGUObject.CreateIGUInstance(Type, string): replaced by IGUObject.Create<T>(string) and IGUObject.Create(Type, string).
DeepAction and IGUContainer classes: Replaced by IGUCanvas, IGUCanvasContainer and IGUDepthDictionary.
Class IGUBehaviour.
IGUToolTip class. \


In the IGURect.SetPivot(float, float) method, input values now pass through a Mathf.Clamp01(float).
In the IGURect.SetRotation(float) method, if the input value exceeds +360f or -360f, it returns to 0f.


IGURepeatButton.OnRepeatClick property: to be used as an event.
Classes IGUTextFieldStringEvent, IGUCanvas, IGUCanvasContainer, IGUDepthDictionary and interfaces IIGUToolTip and IIGUEndOfFrame.

[2.3.0] (24/02/2024)


Protected methods IGUObject.GetRect(bool) and IGUObject.GetRect(): replaced by the IGUObject.LocalRect property.
IGULabel.RichText property.
IGULabel.SetMarkedText(params MarkedText[]) method.


IGUObject.MyConfg property for IGUObject.MyConfig.
IGUObject.myConfg protected field for IGUObject.myConfig.


IGUSelectionGrid class has been updated to use layout classes internally.


IGUObject.Ignition(), IGUObject.Start(), IGUObject.IgnitionEnable(), IGUObject.IgnitionDisable() and IGUObject.DestroyIgnition() methods:

IGUObject.Ignition() >> IGUObject.IGUAwake()
IGUObject.Start() >> IGUObject.IGUStart()
IGUObject.IgnitionEnable() >> IGUObject.IGUOnEnable()
IGUObject.IgnitionDisable() >> IGUObject.IGUOnDisable()
IGUObject.DestroyIgnition() >> IGUObject.IGUOnDestroy()

IGUTextObject.GetGUIContent(string) method:
Use the explicit conversion operator from the IGUContent class.


IGUObject.LocalConfig property: obtains the IGU element settings, taking into account the parent IGU element.
Explicit string to IGUStyle conversion: enter the style name to load it.
IGUTextObject.RichText property.
IGUTextObject.SetMarkedText(params MarkedText[]) method.

New methods:

IGUTextObject.GetGUIContentTemp(Texture, string);
IGUTextObject.GetIGUContentTemp(string, Texture, string);
IGUTextObject.GetIGUContentTemp(string, string);
IGUTextObject.GetIGUContentTemp(string, Texture);
IGUTextObject.GetIGUContentTemp(Texture, string);

[4.2.5] (23/02/2024)


Update dependency

The dependency has been updated to version 2.2.2. This update was made due to fixes made to the SceneContainerManager class, which is used by the IGUDrawer class.


Problem in the IGUCheckBox class:

The problem in the IGUCheckBox class when changing the Checked state has been fixed. The problem was that the Checked state was not changing correctly because the function checked which mouse trigger was fired before changing the state. The fix ensures that the Checked state changes correctly when the user clicks the checkbox.


New classes:

BackEndIGU and IGUUtilityDistortion classes have been added.

[4.2.4] (22/02/2024)


Problem in the static method IGUContainer.CreatePermanentGenericIGUContainer().


The container generated by the static method IGUContainer.CreatePermanentGenericIGUContainer() did not become a non-destructible object of the scene. This meant that the container could be destroyed during the games scene change, which could cause problems. The fix involved modifying the IGUContainer.CreatePermanentGenericIGUContainer()` method to ensure that the generated container becomes a non-destructible scene object.

[4.2.3] (21/02/2024)



Problem in the IGUVerticalScrollbar and IGUHorizontalScrollbar classes.


The IGUObject.LowCallOnIGU() method in the IGUVerticalScrollbar and IGUHorizontalScrollbar classes passed the IGUSliderObject.Value property through a Mathf.Clamp(float, float, float). However, this function did not take into account the ScrollbarThumbSize property of the IGUVerticalScrollbar and IGUHorizontalScrollbar classes. The fix involved modifying the IGUObject.LowCallOnIGU() method to take the ScrollbarThumbSize property into account.


Problem in the IGUScrollView class.


The IGUScrollView class previously passed the value of the IGUSliderObject.Value property of the IGUVerticalScrollbar and IGUHorizontalScrollbar classes to the RectClip without checking whether objects of type IGUVerticalScrollbar and IGUHorizontalScrollbar were visible. This could cause the RectClip to be positioned incorrectly. The fix involved adding a check to the IGUScrollView class code to ensure that objects of type IGUVerticalScrollbar and IGUHorizontalScrollbar are visible before passing the value of the IGUSliderObject.Value property to the RectClip.

[4.2.2] (21/02/2024)


Problem in the IGUComboBoxDrawer drawing class.


The IGUComboBoxDrawer drawing class needed to be updated due to a change in the IGUComboBox class.
The fix ensures that the IGUComboBoxDrawer class works correctly with the updated version of the IGUComboBox class.

[4.2.1] (20/02/2024)


Event IGUScrollView.OnScrollView:

The IGUScrollView.OnScrollView event was not working correctly due to a problem with the function call order. The fix ensures that the IGUScrollView.OnScrollView event is called at the correct time.


Property IGURectClip.AutoInvert:

The IGURectClip.AutoInvert property has been added to automatically invert the IGURectClip.ScrollView property. This property makes it easier to configure IGURectClip to work with IGUScrollView.


Inheritance of the IIGUSerializationCallbackReceiver interface in the IGUComboBox class:

The IGUComboBox class no longer inherits from the IIGUSerializationCallbackReceiver interface. The IGUComboBox.IgnitionEnable() method fulfills the same function as the interface.

[4.1.1] (19/02/2024)


Class IGUComboBox:
Updating the IGUComboBox class resolved issues that made it unfeasible.


Abstract class IGULayout:

  • New abstract methods:
    • IGULayout.Remove(int)
    • IGULayout.Remove(int, bool)
    • IGULayout.Remove(IGUObject, bool)

Class IGUScrollView:

  • New properties:
    • IGUScrollView.VerticalScrollbarIsVisible
    • IGUScrollView.HorizontalScrollbarIsVisible

[4.0.0] (18/02/2024)


Replacement of methods in IGUObject.


The following methods on IGUObject have been deprecated:
Awake() by Ignition()
OnEnable() by IgnitionEnable()
OnDisable() by IgnitionDisable()
OnIGUDestroy() by DestroyIgnition()

Old method New method Description
Awake() Ignition() Called before the first frame is updated.
OnEnable() IgnitionEnable() Called when the object is activated.
OnDisable() IgnitionDisable() Called when the object is deactivated.
OnIGUDestroy() DestroyIgnition() Called when the object is destroyed.

[3.5.5] (14/02/2024)


Fixed an issue that caused ScriptableObjects that depended on the IGUStyleCustom and SO_IGUTextSettings classes to malfunction.


  • The metadata of the IGUStyleCustom and SO_IGUTextSettings classes was accidentally changed by the editor.
    This change affected ScriptableObjects that depended on these classes, causing compilation errors.
  • Solution: The metadata of the IGUStyleCustom and SO_IGUTextSettings classes has been restored to the previous version.

Affected versions

This issue has been present since version 3.5.0 and affects all versions prior to 3.5.5.


The dependency com.cobilas.unity.utility has been updated from version 2.10.3 to version 2.10.4.
The dependency com.cobilas.unity.core.net4x has been updated from version 1.4.1 to version 1.4.2.

[3.5.4] (10/02/2024)


In the internal method IGUDrawer.RemoveReserialization(IGUObject) a null argument exception could occur, this occurred when the method first checked whether the object IGUObject existed in a list that could be null.

[3.5.3] - 05/02/2024


Updated dependency com.cobilas.unity.utility to version 2.10.3.
This update includes bug fixes and new features that do not directly impact this package.
The sub-dependency com.cobilas.unity.core.net4x@1.4.1 was made explicit in the package dependencies.

[3.5.2] 28/01/2024


The IGUDrawer and CobilasResolutions classes inherit the ISceneContainerItem interface so they can be added to the SceneContainerManager.

[3.5.1] 28/01/2024


The IGUStyleStatus.ScaledBackgrounds property caused compilation errors because it depended on the GUIStyleState.ScaledBackgrounds property, which in turn is exclusive to the editor.

[3.5.0] 26/01/2024


A change in package dependencies.

[3.4.1] - 08/09/2023


  • The AddToPermanentContainer attribute in the CobilasResolutions and IGUDrawer classes has been replaced by [AddSceneContainer].
  • The Cobilas.Unity.Utility assembly reference has been added to Cobilas.Unity.Graphics.asmdef.
  • ps: Lack of attention in this XD.

[3.4.0] - 08/09/2023


  • package dependencies have been changed.

[3.3.1] - 30/08/2023


  • Fixed a dependency that was incorrect. The dependency in question was which did not exist.

[3.3.0] - 29/08/2023


  • Package dependencies have been changed.

[3.2.6-ch1] - 28/08/2023


  • The package author was changed from Cobilas CTB to BélicusBr.

[3.2.5] - 22/04/2023


  • There was a visual error that occurred when two IGUWindow elements were displayed on the screen due to the fact that the same temporary element was used.
  • In the styles Black text field style and Black text field border style the Text Clipping field was marked incorrectly with the value TextClipping.Overflow which was changed to TextClipping.Clip.


  • The methods GUIStyle:IGUStyle.GetGUIStyleTemp(IGUStyle) and GUIStyle:IGUStyle.GetGUIStyleTemp(IGUStyle, int) are not supported, use the explicit convention of IGUStyle.

[3.2.4] - 18/04/2023


  • When calling the IGUScrollView.ScrollViewAction event, doNots will not be activated.

[3.2.3] - 18/04/2023


  • The protected field IGUComboBox.scrollViewBackgroundStyle was not initialized which caused a null reference.
  • Now checking whether the mouse is inside the IGUComboBox has been fixed.
  • The protected properties IGUScrollView.alwaysShowVertical and IGUScrollView.alwaysShowHorizontal are not used.
  • The positioning of the scrolls has been corrected.

[3.2.0] - 17/04/2023


  • Reworked all CustomPropertyDrawer classes of IGUObject elements.

[3.1.1] - 17/04/2023


  • Fixed problem in the IIGUObject.internalOnIGU method of IGUObjetc which was incorrectly checking the IGUObject.Pivot property. Now only IGUObject.PivotX is set correctly.
  • Fixed an unexpected error that occurred during the serialization and deserialization process that caused the GUIStyle tooltipStyle field to become GUIStyle.none when replacing GUIStyle with IGUStyle.


  • Added protected method IGUObjetc.LowCallOnIGU() as new internal process OnIGU.
  • Added the IGURectClip class to make clippings.


  • Removed methods:
    • IGUObject.GetDefaultValue(GUIStyle, GUIStyle)
    • IGUScrollView.ScrollTo(IGUObject)
    • IGUScrollView.ScrollTo(IGURect)
    • IGUScrollView.ScrollTo(Rect)

[2.3.0] - 15/04/2023


  • Added the IGUStyle style class.

[2.2.1] - 15/04/2023


Now the IGUConfig and IGUColor functions are executed in the void:IIGUObject.InternalOnIGU() method of the IGUObject class. ##Fixed In the IGUNumericBox and IGUNumericBoxInt classes, the sub-elements were not parented, which did not change the position of the sub-elements.


The protected method Vector2:IGUObject.GetPosition() is not supported.


The property IGUObject.GlobalRect { get; set; } represents the local position of the IGUObject element added to the parent IGUObject element. The protected methods

protected Rect GetRect(bool iginoreNotMod);
protected Rect GetRect();

were added to obtain the position and size.

[2.1.1] - 14/04/2023


Now the properties IGUTextObject.UseTooltip, IGUTextObject.MyContent and IGUObject.MyConfg receive a default value.

[2.1.0-rc1] - 08/04/2023


The IIGUSerializationCallbackReceiver interface has been added to serialize IGUObject in the Editor.

[2.0.2] - 04/05/2023


In IGUComboBox there was a problem that occurred when the object was affiliated with another that caused the position of the IGUComboBox not to be changed.


The BeginDoNotMofifyRect and EndDoNotMofifyRect functions affect child and sub-child objects, and have been replaced by the doNots compo. CreateIGUInstance methods have been removed from all IGUObject classes and replaced with

IGUObject.CreateIGUInstace(Type, string);

[1.7.1] - 12/02/2023


Now the layout schemes have been added.

public sealed class IGUHorizontalLayout{}
public sealed class IGUVerticalLayout{}
public sealed class IGUGridLayout{}



In the IGUConfig:GetModIGUConfig() method, in addition to checking whether the parent is null, they are also checked if parent.GetModIGUConfig().IsEnabled && myConfg.IsEnabled is parent.GetModIGUConfig().IsVisible && myConfg.IsVisible are true. In the Vector2:GetPosition() method, the parents position will be obtained from the parent.myRect.ModifiedPosition` property which will cause incorrect positioning.

[1.0.16] - 12/02/2023

##Fixed In the IGUConatiner.AddDeepAction(int) method, the RefreshDepth(); instruction was executed before the DeepAction object which meant that the first DeepAction object was not added to the OnIGU event.

[1.0.15] - 09/02/2023


Depth not applied correctly #ISU-IGU0001

In the IGUContainer class where depth is applied, now when adding a new depth the event responsible for calling DeepAction.OnIGU() is updated.

[1.0.14] - 05/02/2023

##Fixed In the void:InitInternalIndowFunction() method, the GUI.DragWindow instruction was executed after the windowFunction action, which could cause the window to stop moving due to the fact that that if any IGU element was disabled or when the GUI.enabled = false property was called within the windowFunction action.

[1.0.13] - 30/01/2023


  • Removal of unused fields.
  • Removal of unnecessary assignments.
  • Transforming possible fields into readonly.

[1.0.12] 09/01/2023


The body of the public static Vector2Int GetBaseResolutionPlatform() method has been changed.

[1.0.9] 06/09/2022

##Fixed The IGUEvent property was removed due to conflicts with the GUI class methods.

In the IGUDrawer and IGUConatiner classes, there was a problem with the OnIGU events that with each deserialization
OnIGU events were not cleared which caused IGU elements to be duplicated.


Mouse triggers are now detected by the Imput class.

[1.0.7] 02/09/2022

Fixed (IGUDrawer)

Now the event collected and marked as used.

Fixed (IGUObjectDrawer)

The statements property.serializedObject.Update(); and property.serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties();
were removed because they caused the values already pre-defined in the inspector to freeze after being changed
for game mode.

[1.0.6] 27/08/2022

Fixed (MarkedText)

In the method string:MarkedText.ToString(); there was a problem where marking the MarkedText
like FontStyle.Normal, the text did not appear.

Fixed (IGURect)

In the Vector2:IGURect.ModifiedPosition property, the Vector2:IGURect.ModifiedSize property is used
to perform the calculation instead of the Vector2:IGURect.Size property as before.

Added (IGUContainer)

The method

public static IGUContainer GetOrCreateIGUContainer(string name);

creates a new IGUContainer or takes an existing IGUContainer.

Changed (IGUContainer)

Now the methods IGUContainer:IGUContainer.CreateGenericIGUContainer(); is IGUContainer:IGUContainer.CreatePermanentGenericIGUContainer();
use the IGUContainer:IGUContainer.GetOrCreateIGUContainer(string) method.

Fixed (IGUDrawer)

In the void:IGUDrawer.OnGUI() method, Event.current was used to collect the state of the
triggers mouse, but the problem occurred when the Event.Use() method interfered with collecting the state of the
triggers. mouse which was resolved using the bool:Event.PopEvent(Event) method.

[1.0.2] 31/07/2022

Now the CobilasResolutions class is MonoBehaviour.

[1.0.1] 27/07/2022

Fixed (IGUDrawer)

When removing an IGUContainer object it was not removed from the OnIGU event.

[1.0.0] 25/07/2022

Beta of the repository completed.

  • Released to GitHub

[0.1.0] 15/07/2022 repository started

  • Released to GitHub