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Manual setup

This information is not kept up-to-date since it was replaced by the automated install-script.

  1. Get yourself an SSH client (such as MobaXXterm) and connect to your RaspberryPi using the IP-Address as shown by your router (in my case e.g.
  • Update it to most current version by running sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade.

  • In the following process we'll be using nano quite often, some basic commands are: ctrl+c to exit, and Y for saving

  • First, we'll install MongoDB which is used to store logs, recipes, etc.: sudo apt-get install mongodb-server (confirm all that pops up with Y).

  • To start mongo db as a service (which is required), type sudo service mongodb start.

  • To install NodeJS, run curl -sL | sudo -E bash - (yep, the dash belongs there) followed by sudo apt-get install -y nodejs.

  • Check your install with node -v, this should yield something like v10.XX.X (e.g. v10.19.0).

  • npm should already be installed, check with npm --version, which shoud yield something like 6.X.X (e.g. 6.4.1 or 6.13.4)

  • Install git sudo apt-get install git -y (the lite version of Raspbian is lite, indeed).

  • install pigpio using sudo apt-get install pigpio.

  • clone the BierBot github repository to your home directory

cd ~
git clone
  • update / chmod rights of wireless tools
sudo chmod -R u+x ~/BierBot/sys
sudo chown -R 1000:0 ~/BierBot/
sudo chmod -R u+w ~/BierBot/
  • start mongo bash mongo
  • in mongo bash paste commands to create database users
use admin
db.addUser({ user: "mongoadmin", pwd: "bierbotmongo123a", roles: ["userAdminAnyDatabase"] })
use admin
db.auth("mongoadmin", "bierbotmongo123a")
use brewdb
db.addUser({ user: "nodejsbierbot", pwd: "bierbotmongo123", roles: ["readWrite"] })
  • edit the config from mongo db with nano editor sudo nano /etc/mongodb.conf and change the lines (to make the MongoDB accessible over Ethernet). Warning the combination of bind_ip and the default password from above is not recommended as long term solution. Also: Do not include the brackets and anything in between.
	# bind_ip = (add the #)
	port = 27017 (remove the #)
	auth = true (remove the #)
  • Restart MongoDB sudo service mongodb restart.
  • Add autostart for BierBot NodeJS server, run sudo nano /etc/init.d/beernode and paste the contents of the file BierBot/utils/beernode
  • Set rights for file sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/beernode
  • Update the autostart configuration sudo update-rc.d beernode defaults
  • This is only necessary, if you did not use raspi-config
    • Enable w1 temperature sensor, open config.txt sudo nano /boot/config.txt
    • add the following line to the end of file dtoverlay=w1-gpio,gpiopin=4
  • for enabling wifi, open the interface configuration file sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces
  • paste contents of BierBot/utils/interfaces, comment everything else (# at the beginning of the line).
  • navigate into the /server (most likely cd /home/pi/BierBot/server/) directory and run sudo npm install to install all dependencies
  • install bower package manager sudo npm install -g bower (folder you're in does not matter).
  • navigate to the /client directory and run bower install.