As a parent/educator, there are so many ways you can get involved with hour of code. You can enable your children/students to take their first steps with code. The first hour of code challenge took place in 2013, and every year, the movement keeps growing. Below are ways you as a parent or educator can get started with hour of code.
- Computer Science - unlocking opportunities. [pandemic people worked remotely, comfortably]
- Creative and critical thinking skills as they build with code
- Experience and build stuff with code, set them up for a career on the same - career, more earnings.
- Discover the power of code in solving problems and building solutions. - social and economic equality.
- Soft skills and transferrable skills. - adaptability and flexibility, pushing boundaries case, COVID-19.
Hour of Code is an opportunity to introduce learners from all over the world to Computer Science basics. Regardless, of your background, race, gender and age, anyone can participate in the sessons.
- Organize an Hour of Code challenge - school, work, teach your own kids etc.
- Translate Hour of Code Tutorials
- Contribute to hour of code documentation
- Buy Hour of Code Merchandise
- Volunteer as a mentor or teacher for Hour of Code sessions
- Share the word on #HourOfCode
Hosting Hour of code sessions is an essential way of participating and contributing to Hour of Code. How do you then go abour hosting an Hour of Code session?
- Planning and Advertising for your event
As you plan your event, this are important considerations that you should have at the top of your mind.
- Date time and venue for yor events
- Estimated number of attendees and facilitators
- Marketing and advertising of your event
- After Hour of code, what next?
- Organizers guide including Delivering a session and planning for the session:
- Check on resources you have vs attendees and plan accrodingly
- Ensure all students will be able to share the same experience as the rest
- Identify possible tutors and volunteers to help guide the learners through the session. The number of tutors and volunteers depend on the number of attendees.
For the past one year, Microsoft has created a documentation on the Hour of Code Activities you can engage in on it's arcade. There are different activities you can be involved in. We will outline how you can deep dive into the activities in the next section.