diff --git a/autoload/Chapters-Generator.lua b/autoload/Chapters-Generator.lua
index 1a4b8f6..f3be1e9 100644
--- a/autoload/Chapters-Generator.lua
+++ b/autoload/Chapters-Generator.lua
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
- This script is under MIT license
- For more details, please read this
- https://github.com/Bilal2453/Chapter-Genrator/blob/master/LICENSE
+ This script is under MIT license
+ For more details, please read this
+ https://github.com/Bilal2453/Chapter-Genrator/blob/master/LICENSE
- For instructions about using this plugin
- https://github.com/Bilal2453/Chapter-Genrator/blob/master/readme
+ For instructions about using this plugin
+ https://github.com/Bilal2453/Chapter-Genrator/blob/master/readme
- TODO: Support chapter merging on MacOS & Linux
- -- ?BUG: Does '?data/automation/include/' directory exists on MacOS? Can't tell...
- -- If not, please open an issue on github
+ TODO: Support chapter merging on MacOS & Linux
+ -- ?BUG: Does '?data/automation/include/' directory exists on MacOS? Can't tell...
+ -- If not, please open an issue on github
-script_name = "Chapters Generator"
+script_name = "Chapters Generator"
script_namespace = "Bilal2453.Chapters-Generator"
script_description= "Generates Video's Chapters Using Aegisub's Timeline."
-script_version = '2.5.0'
-script_author = "Bilal Bassam, Bilal2453@github.com"
-script_modified = "1 January 2020"
+script_version = '2.5.1'
+script_author = "Bilal Bassam, Bilal2453@github.com"
+script_modified = "14 March 2020"
local settingsCheckboxes = {}
local dp = aegisub.decode_path
@@ -25,64 +25,64 @@ local mkvpropeditPath = dp'?data/automation/include/mkvpropedit.exe'
local function fileExists(path)
- return io.open(path, 'r') and true or false
+ return io.open(path, 'r') and true or false
local function escapePath(path)
- if jit.os == "Windows" then
- return path:gsub('/', '\\\\'):gsub('\\', '\\\\')
- else
- return path:gsub('/', '\\/')
- end
+ if jit.os == "Windows" then
+ return path:gsub('/', '\\\\'):gsub('\\', '\\\\')
+ else
+ return path:gsub('/', '\\/')
+ end
-- I might remove this function, it isn't really needed
local function newChapter(startTime, endTime, cpString, flaghidden, lang)
- local tO = type(startTime) == 'table'
- return {
- endTime = tO and startTime.endTime or endTime,
- cpString = tO and startTime.cpString or cpString,
- lang = tO and startTime.lang or lang,
- flaghidden = tO and startTime.flaghidden or flaghidden,
- startTime = tO and startTime.startTime or startTime,
- }
+ local tO = type(startTime) == 'table'
+ return {
+ endTime = tO and startTime.endTime or endTime,
+ cpString = tO and startTime.cpString or cpString,
+ lang = tO and startTime.lang or lang,
+ flaghidden = tO and startTime.flaghidden or flaghidden,
+ startTime = tO and startTime.startTime or startTime,
+ }
local function hTime(time)
- if not time then return '' end
- local hours, mins, secs, ms
+ if not time then return '' end
+ local hours, mins, secs, ms
- hours = math.floor((time / 1000) / 3600)
- mins = math.floor((time / 1000 % 3600) / 60)
- secs = math.floor((time / 1000) % 60)
- ms = math.floor((time % 1000))
+ hours= math.floor((time / 1000) / 3600)
+ mins = math.floor((time / 1000 % 3600) / 60)
+ secs = math.floor((time / 1000) % 60)
+ ms = math.floor((time % 1000))
- return ('%02i:%02i:%02i.%03i'):format(hours, mins, secs, ms)
+ return ('%02i:%02i:%02i.%03i'):format(hours, mins, secs, ms)
local function OGMAssembler(num, time, name)
- time = hTime(time)
- if type(num) == 'table' then
- time = hTime(num.startTime)
- name = num.cpString
- num = num.num
- end
+ time = hTime(time)
+ if type(num) == 'table' then
+ time = hTime(num.startTime)
+ name = num.cpString
+ num = num.num
+ end
- return ("CHAPTER%02i=%s\nCHAPTER%02iNAME=%s\n"):format(num, time, num, name)
+ return ("CHAPTER%02i=%s\nCHAPTER%02iNAME=%s\n"):format(num, time, num, name)
local function XMLAssembler(obj)
- local endTime = obj.endTime > obj.startTime and hTime(obj.endTime)
- endTime = endTime and ('\n\t\t\t%s'):format(endTime) or ''
+ local endTime = obj.endTime > obj.startTime and hTime(obj.endTime)
+ endTime = endTime and ('\n\t\t\t%s'):format(endTime) or ''
- local startTime = hTime(obj.startTime)
- local cpString = obj.cpString or ''
- local lang = type(obj.lang) == 'string' and obj.lang or 'und'
- local flaghidden = obj.flaghidden and 1 or 0
+ local startTime = hTime(obj.startTime)
+ local cpString = obj.cpString or ''
+ local lang = type(obj.lang) == 'string' and obj.lang or 'und'
+ local flaghidden = obj.flaghidden and 1 or 0
- return ("\n\t\t\n\t\t\t%s%s\n\t\t\t%d\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t%s\n\t\t\t\t%s\n\t\t\t\n\t\t")
- :format(startTime, endTime, flaghidden, cpString, lang)
+ return ("\n\t\t\n\t\t\t%s%s\n\t\t\t%d\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t%s\n\t\t\t\t%s\n\t\t\t\n\t\t")
+ :format(startTime, endTime, flaghidden, cpString, lang)
@@ -91,513 +91,513 @@ local sett = {}
sett.path = dp('?user/ChapterGen.settings')
function sett.createSettFile()
- if not io.open(sett.path, 'r') then
- io.open(sett.path, 'w'):close()
- return true
- end
- return false
+ if not io.open(sett.path, 'r') then
+ io.open(sett.path, 'w'):close()
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
function sett.readSett(sel)
- if sett.createSettFile() then
- return {}
- end
+ if sett.createSettFile() then
+ return {}
+ end
- local file = io.open(sett.path, 'r')
- local s = file:read('*a'); file:close();
+ local file = io.open(sett.path, 'r')
+ local s = file:read('*a'); file:close();
- local data = {}
- for i, v in s:gmatch('(.-)%s*=%s*(.-)\n') do
- data[i] = v
- end
+ local data = {}
+ for i, v in s:gmatch('(.-)%s*=%s*(.-)\n') do
+ data[i] = v
+ end
- return (sel and data[sel]) or (not sel and data)
+ return (sel and data[sel]) or (not sel and data)
function sett.readBol(sel)
- if not settingsCheckboxes[sel] then return end -- No settings were found
+ if not settingsCheckboxes[sel] then return end -- No settings were found
- local results = sett.readSett(sel)
- return (results and results ~= 'false') or (not results and settingsCheckboxes[sel].value)
+ local results = sett.readSett(sel)
+ return (results and results ~= 'false') or (not results and settingsCheckboxes[sel].value)
function sett.writeSett(d)
- sett.createSettFile()
+ sett.createSettFile()
- local ldat = sett.readSett()
- local file = io.open(sett.path, 'w')
+ local ldat = sett.readSett()
+ local file = io.open(sett.path, 'w')
- for i, v in pairs(d) do
- if v == 'nil' then v = nil end
- if i and i ~= '' then
- ldat[i] = v
- end
- end
+ for i, v in pairs(d) do
+ if v == 'nil' then v = nil end
+ if i and i ~= '' then
+ ldat[i] = v
+ end
+ end
- for i, v in pairs(ldat) do
- file:write(i..' = '.. tostring(v)..'\n')
- end
+ for i, v in pairs(ldat) do
+ file:write(i..' = '.. tostring(v)..'\n')
+ end
- file:close()
+ file:close()
-- Remove old settings files, so some updates can take effect
if sett.readSett('lastUsedVersion') ~= script_version then
- -- Old versions were using these paths
- os.remove(dp('?user/ChapterGen.setting'))
- os.remove(dp('?user/ChapterGen.config'))
- os.remove(dp('?user/config/ChapterGen.setting'))
+ -- Old versions were using these paths
+ os.remove(dp('?user/ChapterGen.setting'))
+ os.remove(dp('?user/ChapterGen.config'))
+ os.remove(dp('?user/config/ChapterGen.setting'))
- -- Delete default settings file and re-create it
- os.remove(sett.path)
- sett.createSettFile()
+ -- Delete default settings file and re-create it
+ os.remove(sett.path)
+ sett.createSettFile()
- sett.writeSett{lastUsedVersion = script_version}
+ sett.writeSett{lastUsedVersion = script_version}
--------- ---------
local function parseInput(tx)
- local options = {
- flaghidden = 'boolean',
- lang = 'string',
- }
- local oInput = {}
- for n, v in tx:gmatch('%-(.-):%s*(.-)%-') do
- -- Uhh, this is ugly...
- -- TODO: Better input handling
- if options[n] then
- if tonumber(v) and options[n] == 'boolean' then
- oInput[n] = tonumber(v) == 1 or tonumber(v) == 0 and false
- elseif tonumber(v) and options[n] == 'number' then
- oInput[n] = tonumber(v)
- elseif options[n] == 'string' and not tonumber(v) then
- oInput[n] = v
- else
- error_dialog("Invalid value '%s' for argument '%s'\nvalue type must be a %s",
- v, n, options[n]..' (1 or 0)')
- end
- else
- error_dialog('Unknown Argument "%s"', n)
- end
- end
- return oInput
+ local options = {
+ flaghidden = 'boolean',
+ lang = 'string',
+ }
+ local oInput = {}
+ for n, v in tx:gmatch('%-(.-):%s*(.-)%-') do
+ -- Uhh, this is ugly...
+ -- TODO: Better input handling
+ if options[n] then
+ if tonumber(v) and options[n] == 'boolean' then
+ oInput[n] = tonumber(v) == 1 or tonumber(v) == 0 and false
+ elseif tonumber(v) and options[n] == 'number' then
+ oInput[n] = tonumber(v)
+ elseif options[n] == 'string' and not tonumber(v) then
+ oInput[n] = v
+ else
+ error_dialog("Invalid value '%s' for argument '%s'\nvalue type must be a %s",
+ v, n, options[n]..' (1 or 0)')
+ end
+ else
+ error_dialog('Unknown Argument "%s"', n)
+ end
+ end
+ return oInput
local function OGMWriter(lines)
- local str = ''
+ local str = ''
- local obj
- for i, line in ipairs(lines) do
- obj = newChapter(line)
+ local obj
+ for i, line in ipairs(lines) do
+ obj = newChapter(line)
- obj.num = i
- str = str.. OGMAssembler(obj)
- end
+ obj.num = i
+ str = str.. OGMAssembler(obj)
+ end
- return str
+ return str
local function XMLWriter(lines)
- local str = ('\n\n\n\t')
+ local str = ('\n\n\n\t')
- for _, line in ipairs(lines) do
- str = str.. XMLAssembler(newChapter(line))
- end
+ for _, line in ipairs(lines) do
+ str = str.. XMLAssembler(newChapter(line))
+ end
- return str.. '\n\t\n'
+ return str.. '\n\t\n'
--------- ---------
-- All supported extensions
local extensions = {
- ['.txt (OGG/OGM)'] = {
- writer = OGMWriter,
- GUIText = "OGG/OGM text (.txt)|.txt|All Files (.)|.",
- ext = ".txt",
- },
- ['.xml (Matroska Chapters)'] = {
- writer = XMLWriter,
- GUIText = "Matroska Chapters (.xml)|.xml|All Files (.)|.",
- ext = ".xml",
- },
+ ['.txt (OGG/OGM)'] = {
+ writer = OGMWriter,
+ GUIText = "OGG/OGM text (.txt)|.txt|All Files (.)|.",
+ ext = ".txt",
+ },
+ ['.xml (Matroska Chapters)'] = {
+ writer = XMLWriter,
+ GUIText = "Matroska Chapters (.xml)|.xml|All Files (.)|.",
+ ext = ".xml",
+ },
extensions.allNames = (function()
- local s = {}
- for i,_ in pairs(extensions) do table.insert(s, i) end
- return table.sort(s) or s
+ local s = {}
+ for i,_ in pairs(extensions) do table.insert(s, i) end
+ return table.sort(s) or s
extensions.getAt = function(n)
- return extensions[extensions.allNames[n]]
+ return extensions[extensions.allNames[n]]
local function createCheckbox(name, label, hint, defaultValue)
- name, label, hint = name or #settingsCheckboxes+1, tostring(label), tostring(hint)
- local self = {label = label, hint = hint, value = defaultValue and defaultValue}
+ name, label, hint = name or #settingsCheckboxes+1, tostring(label), tostring(hint)
+ local self = {label = label, hint = hint, value = defaultValue and defaultValue}
- settingsCheckboxes[name] = self
+ settingsCheckboxes[name] = self
-createCheckbox('ignoreValidityRules', 'Ignore Validity Rules', "This option Makes the Plug-in Treat all Lines as they had 'chapter' Written inside the Effect Field and as they're Comments.\n\nRecommended when Using Aegisub only for Chapters without Subtitles.", false)
-createCheckbox('useSelectedLines', 'Use Selected Lines', "This would Make the Plug-in Use Selected Lines when there's and Ignores everything else.\n\nBy Default it Doesn't Ignore validity Rules.", false)
-createCheckbox('deleteLinesAfterExport', 'Delete Lines After Exporting', "This will Delete Chapter Lines that have been Used after Exporting the Chapters.\n\nTo Restore Deleted Lines, Undo Changes.", false)
+createCheckbox('ignoreValidityRules', 'Ignore Validity Rules', "This option Makes the Plug-in Treat all Lines as they had 'chapter' Written inside the Effect Field and as they're Comments.\n\nRecommended when Using Aegisub only for Chapters without Subtitles.", true)
+createCheckbox('useSelectedLines', 'Use Selected Lines', "This would Make the Plug-in Use Selected Lines when there's and Ignores everything else.\n\nBy Default it Doesn't Ignore validity Rules.")
+createCheckbox('deleteLinesAfterExport', 'Delete Lines After Exporting', "This will Delete Chapter Lines that have been Used after Exporting the Chapters.\n\nTo Restore Deleted Lines, Undo Changes.")
createCheckbox('saveLastUsedPath', 'Remember Last Used Path', "Saves the Last Directory You Used to Export the Chapters, Also Saves the Last Used 'Extension'.", true)
-createCheckbox('ignoreEndTime', 'Ignore End Time', "Don't Use End Time, So only Start Time would be Used and Written.\n\nUseful when Using 'XML/Matroska extension.'", false)
+createCheckbox('ignoreEndTime', 'Ignore End Time', "Don't Use End Time, So only Start Time would be Used and Written.\n\nUseful when Using 'XML/Matroska extension.'", true)
createCheckbox('askBeforeConverting', 'Ask Before Convert to MKV', "Asks you to Convert non-supported Videos to MKV before Merging Start.\nNote that only MKV Videos Can have Chapters\n\nUncheck this Box to Convert Videos without Asking.", true)
function show_export_ext(sel)
- local db = sett.readSett('dialogExtentionBehavior')
- if db and db:match('".*"$') then
- return true, {dropdown = db:match('"(.-)"$')}
- end
- local lastUsedExt = sett.readSett('lastUsedExt')
- local dialog = {
- {class = "label", label = "File extension: ", x = 1},
- dropMenu = {
- class = "dropdown",
- name = "dropdown",
- items = extensions.allNames,
- value = (sel or extensions[lastUsedExt] and lastUsedExt)
- or extensions.allNames[1],
- x = 2,
- }
- }
- return aegisub.dialog.display(dialog, {"&Save", "&Cancel"}, {save = "&Save", cancel = "&Cancel"})
+ local db = sett.readSett('dialogExtentionBehavior')
+ if db and db:match('".*"$') then
+ return true, {dropdown = db:match('"(.-)"$')}
+ end
+ local lastUsedExt = sett.readSett('lastUsedExt')
+ local dialog = {
+ {class = "label", label = "File extension: ", x = 1},
+ dropMenu = {
+ class = "dropdown",
+ name = "dropdown",
+ items = extensions.allNames,
+ value = (sel or extensions[lastUsedExt] and lastUsedExt)
+ or extensions.allNames[1],
+ x = 2,
+ }
+ }
+ return aegisub.dialog.display(dialog, {"&Save", "&Cancel"}, {save = "&Save", cancel = "&Cancel"})
function info_dialog(tx, buttons, ...)
- local args = {...}
- args = #args < 1 and {''} or args
- buttons = buttons or {close = "Close"}
+ local args = {...}
+ args = #args < 1 and {''} or args
+ buttons = buttons or {close = "Close"}
- tx = tx and tostring(tx) or "Unknown Error"
- tx = string.format(tx, table.unpack(args))
+ tx = tx and tostring(tx) or "Unknown Error"
+ tx = string.format(tx, table.unpack(args))
- local txSt = ''
- for i in tx:gmatch('[^\n]+') do
- txSt = txSt..i..string.rep(' ', 6)..'\n'
- end
- tx = txSt; txSt = nil;
+ local txSt = ''
+ for i in tx:gmatch('[^\n]+') do
+ txSt = txSt..i..string.rep(' ', 6)..'\n'
+ end
+ tx = txSt; txSt = nil;
- local dialogT = {
- label = {
- class = "label",
- label = tx,
- x = 1,
- }
- }
+ local dialogT = {
+ label = {
+ class = "label",
+ label = tx,
+ x = 1,
+ }
+ }
- local buttonsNames = {}
- for _, n in pairs(buttons) do
- table.insert(buttonsNames, n)
- end
+ local buttonsNames = {}
+ for _, n in pairs(buttons) do
+ table.insert(buttonsNames, n)
+ end
- return aegisub.dialog.display(dialogT, buttonsNames, buttons)
+ return aegisub.dialog.display(dialogT, buttonsNames, buttons)
function error_dialog(tx, ...)
- info_dialog(tx, ...)
- aegisub.cancel()
+ info_dialog(tx, ...)
+ aegisub.cancel()
function settings_gui()
- local db = sett.readSett('dialogExtentionBehavior')
- local gui = {
- {class='label',label='Chapter Extention Dialog Behavior',x=1,y=0},
- dialogExtentionBehavior = {
- name = 'dialogExtentionBehavior',
- class = 'dropdown',
- items = {'Always Ask'},
- hint = "Always Ask: Always Ask about the Chapter's Extension before Exporting.\nOther Values: Never Ask, Use the Chosen Value Instead.",
- x = 1, y = 1,
- }
- }
- -- Set extensions names as values (for the dropmenu)
- for _, q in ipairs(extensions.allNames) do
- table.insert(gui.dialogExtentionBehavior.items, q)
- end
- gui.dialogExtentionBehavior.value = extensions[db] and db or 'Always Ask'
- -- Merge 'GUI' table with 'settingsCheckboxes' table
- local i = 4
- for q, v in pairs(settingsCheckboxes) do
- v.name, v.class = q, "checkbox"
- v.x, v.y = 1, i - 1
- v.value = sett.readBol(v.name)
- v.label = ' '.. v.label
- table.insert(gui, v)
- i = i + 1
- end
- return aegisub.dialog.display(gui)
+ local db = sett.readSett('dialogExtentionBehavior')
+ local gui = {
+ {class='label',label='Chapter Extention Dialog Behavior',x=1,y=0},
+ dialogExtentionBehavior = {
+ name = 'dialogExtentionBehavior',
+ class = 'dropdown',
+ items = {'Always Ask'},
+ hint = "Always Ask: Always Ask about the Chapter's Extension before Exporting.\nOther Values: Never Ask, Use the Chosen Value Instead.",
+ x = 1, y = 1,
+ }
+ }
+ -- Set extensions names as values (for the dropmenu)
+ for _, q in ipairs(extensions.allNames) do
+ table.insert(gui.dialogExtentionBehavior.items, q)
+ end
+ gui.dialogExtentionBehavior.value = extensions[db] and db or 'Always Ask'
+ -- Merge 'GUI' table with 'settingsCheckboxes' table
+ local i = 4
+ for q, v in pairs(settingsCheckboxes) do
+ v.name, v.class = q, "checkbox"
+ v.x, v.y = 1, i - 1
+ v.value = sett.readBol(v.name)
+ v.label = ' '.. v.label
+ table.insert(gui, v)
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ return aegisub.dialog.display(gui)
--------- ---------
local function setLastUsedPath(path, ext)
- if sett.readBol('saveLastUsedPath') then
- if type(path) == 'string' then
- sett.writeSett {
- lastUsedPath = path:gsub('(.+%p).-%..+', '%1'),
- lastUsedName = path:gsub('.+%p(.-)%..+', '%1'),
- }
- end
- if extensions[ext].ext then
- sett.writeSett {
- lastUsedExt = ext,
- }
- end
- end
+ if sett.readBol('saveLastUsedPath') then
+ if type(path) == 'string' then
+ sett.writeSett {
+ lastUsedPath = path:gsub('(.+%p).-%..+', '%1'),
+ lastUsedName = path:gsub('.+%p(.-)%..+', '%1'),
+ }
+ end
+ if extensions[ext].ext then
+ sett.writeSett {
+ lastUsedExt = ext,
+ }
+ end
+ end
local function getFileExt(path)
- return path:match('.+(%..-)$'):lower()
+ return path:match('.+(%..-)$'):lower()
local function isExtSupported(ext)
- local supEx = "*.mkv;*.mp4;*.m4v;*.ts;*.m2ts;*.mts;*.ogg;*.ogm;*.ogv;*.webm;*.webmv;*.mpv;*.mpg;*.mpeg;*.m1v;*.m2v;*.evo;*.evob;*.vob;*.rmvb;*.avi;*.mov;*.3gp;*.flac;*.flv";
- for exten in supEx:gmatch('%*(%..-);') do
- if exten:lower() == tostring(ext):lower():match('(%..-)$') then return true end
- end
+ local supEx = "*.mkv;*.mp4;*.m4v;*.ts;*.m2ts;*.mts;*.ogg;*.ogm;*.ogv;*.webm;*.webmv;*.mpv;*.mpg;*.mpeg;*.m1v;*.m2v;*.evo;*.evob;*.vob;*.rmvb;*.avi;*.mov;*.3gp;*.flac;*.flv";
+ for exten in supEx:gmatch('%*(%..-);') do
+ if exten:lower() == tostring(ext):lower():match('(%..-)$') then return true end
+ end
- return (ext and false) or (not ext and supEx) -- if ext is nil return all supported exts
+ return (ext and false) or (not ext and supEx) -- if ext is nil return all supported exts
local function executeMKVTools(tool, ...)
- tools = {['mkvmerge'] = mkvmergePath, ['mkvpropedit'] = mkvpropeditPath}
- tool, tools = tools[tool], tool -- Change 'tools' to the name of the tool
+ tools = {['mkvmerge'] = mkvmergePath, ['mkvpropedit'] = mkvpropeditPath}
+ tool, tools = tools[tool], tool -- Change 'tools' to the name of the tool
- if not fileExists(tool) then return false, ("%s Is Missing\nPlease Make sure %s does Exists at 'automation/include/' then Try again"):format(tools,tools) end
- local args = {...}; args = type(args[1]) == "table" and args[1] or args
+ if not fileExists(tool) then return false, ("%s Is Missing\nPlease Make sure %s does Exists at 'automation/include/' then Try again"):format(tools,tools) end
+ local args = {...}; args = type(args[1]) == "table" and args[1] or args
- local jsonPath = dp('?temp/%s-flags.json'):format(tools)
- local jsonFile = io.open(jsonPath, "w")
- jsonFile:write('[\n')
+ local jsonPath = dp('?temp/%s-flags.json'):format(tools)
+ local jsonFile = io.open(jsonPath, "w")
+ jsonFile:write('[\n')
- for i, v in ipairs(args) do
- jsonFile:write('\t"'..escapePath(v)..'"'..(i == #args and '\n' or ',\n'))
- end
+ for i, v in ipairs(args) do
+ jsonFile:write('\t"'..escapePath(v)..'"'..(i == #args and '\n' or ',\n'))
+ end
- jsonFile:write(']')
- jsonFile:close()
+ jsonFile:write(']')
+ jsonFile:close()
- local success, errMesg, errCode = os.execute(('"%s" @%s'):format(tool, jsonPath))
- if not success then return false, errMesg, errCode end
+ local success, errMesg, errCode = os.execute(('"%s" @%s'):format(tool, jsonPath))
+ if not success then return false, errMesg, errCode end
- success, errMesg = os.remove(jsonPath)
- if not success then
- aegisub.debug.out('Warning: Attempt to remove a temporary file:\n'.. jsonPath.. '\n'.. errMesg.. '\n\n')
- end
+ success, errMesg = os.remove(jsonPath)
+ if not success then
+ aegisub.debug.out('Warning: Attempt to remove a temporary file:\n'.. jsonPath.. '\n'.. errMesg.. '\n\n')
+ end
- return true
+ return true
local function mkvmerge(...)
- return executeMKVTools('mkvmerge', ...)
+ return executeMKVTools('mkvmerge', ...)
local function mkvpropedit(...)
- return executeMKVTools('mkvpropedit', ...)
+ return executeMKVTools('mkvpropedit', ...)
local function convertVideoToMKV(sourcePath, targetPath)
- if getFileExt(sourcePath) == '.mkv' then return false, "The Video is already .MKV !!" end
+ if getFileExt(sourcePath) == '.mkv' then return false, "The Video is already .MKV !!" end
- sourcePath = tostring(sourcePath) or ""
- targetPath = targetPath or sourcePath:gsub('%..-$', '.mkv')
+ sourcePath = tostring(sourcePath) or ""
+ targetPath = targetPath or sourcePath:gsub('%..-$', '.mkv')
- local success, err, code = mkvmerge{sourcePath, "--compression", "-1:none", "-o", targetPath}
+ local success, err, code = mkvmerge{sourcePath, "--compression", "-1:none", "-o", targetPath}
- if not success then return success, err, code
- else return success, targetPath end
+ if not success then return success, err, code
+ else return success, targetPath end
local function generateChapterFile(lines, selected, targetPath, ext)
- local cLines = {}
- local iLines = {}
- local iTable
+ local cLines = {}
+ local iLines = {}
+ local iTable
- local useSelectedLines = sett.readBol('useSelectedLines')
- local ignoreValidityRules = sett.readBol('ignoreValidityRules')
- local ignoreEndTime = sett.readBol('ignoreEndTime')
+ local useSelectedLines = sett.readBol('useSelectedLines')
+ local ignoreValidityRules = sett.readBol('ignoreValidityRules')
+ local ignoreEndTime = sett.readBol('ignoreEndTime')
- if useSelectedLines then
- selected.n = #selected -- A table with holes... what a great idea !
- for i, v in ipairs(selected) do selected[i] = nil; selected[v] = true end
- end
+ if useSelectedLines then
+ selected.n = #selected -- A table with holes... what a great idea !
+ for i, v in ipairs(selected) do selected[i] = nil; selected[v] = true end
+ end
- -- Filtering sub lines
- for i, v in ipairs(lines) do
- if v.class == "dialogue" and (ignoreValidityRules or (v.comment and v.effect:lower():find("chapter"))) and (useSelectedLines and (selected.n > 1 and selected[i] or selected.n <= 1) or not useSelectedLines) then
- -- Create a (similar) chapter object
- iTable = {
- cpString = v.text,
- startTime= v.start_time,
- endTime = ignoreEndTime and v.start_time or v.end_time,
- }
+ -- Filtering sub lines
+ for i, v in ipairs(lines) do
+ if v.class == "dialogue" and (ignoreValidityRules or (v.comment and v.effect:lower():find("chapter"))) and (useSelectedLines and (selected.n > 1 and selected[i] or selected.n <= 1) or not useSelectedLines) then
+ -- Create a (similar) chapter object
+ iTable = {
+ cpString = v.text,
+ startTime= v.start_time,
+ endTime = ignoreEndTime and v.start_time or v.end_time,
+ }
- -- Handle additional user inputs
- for k, n in pairs(parseInput(v.effect:lower())) do
- iTable[k] = n
- end
+ -- Handle additional user inputs
+ for k, n in pairs(parseInput(v.effect:lower())) do
+ iTable[k] = n
+ end
- table.insert(cLines, iTable)
- table.insert(iLines, i)
- end
- end
+ table.insert(cLines, iTable)
+ table.insert(iLines, i)
+ end
+ end
- if #cLines < 1 then
- return false, "No Chapters were found, Are you sure you aren't drunk ?"
- end
+ if #cLines < 1 then
+ return false, "No Chapters were found, Are you sure you aren't drunk ?"
+ end
- local tData = extensions[ext].writer(cLines)
+ local tData = extensions[ext].writer(cLines)
- -- Write the chapter file
- local file = io.open(targetPath, 'wb')
- if not file then return false, "Cannot Create the Chapter File\nPlease try Choosing another Directory for the File." end
+ -- Write the chapter file
+ local file = io.open(targetPath, 'wb')
+ if not file then return false, "Cannot Create the Chapter File\nPlease try Choosing another Directory for the File." end
- file:write(tData)
- file:close()
+ file:write(tData)
+ file:close()
- -- Delete filtered Lines if user chooses to
- if sett.readBol('deleteLinesAfterExport') then
- lines.delete(iLines)
- end
+ -- Delete filtered Lines if user chooses to
+ if sett.readBol('deleteLinesAfterExport') then
+ lines.delete(iLines)
+ end
- return tData
+ return tData
local function exportChapterToVideo(lines, selected, videoSource, ext)
- if not fileExists(mkvpropeditPath) then
- return false, "mkvpropedit Is Missing\nPlease Make sure mkvpropedit does Exists at 'automation/include/' then Try again"
- end
+ if not fileExists(mkvpropeditPath) then
+ return false, "mkvpropedit Is Missing\nPlease Make sure mkvpropedit does Exists at 'automation/include/' then Try again"
+ end
- if not isExtSupported(videoSource) then
- return false, ("Cannot Convert %s Video to .MKV (Matroska) Video.\nPlease Convert the Video to MKV then Try Again."):format(getFileExt(videoSource):upper())
- end
+ if not isExtSupported(videoSource) then
+ return false, ("Cannot Convert %s Video to .MKV (Matroska) Video.\nPlease Convert the Video to MKV then Try Again."):format(getFileExt(videoSource):upper())
+ end
- if getFileExt(videoSource) ~= ".mkv" then
- local s = sett.readBol("askBeforeConverting")
- local b = s and info_dialog("The video isn't .MKV (Matroska).\nTo process the Video with chapters the Video has to be a Matroska.\nThe Plug-in will Create a copy of the Video and Convert it to Matroska.\n\nDo you want to Convert the Video to Matroska ?\n(NOTE: Processing time depends on the Video and on your Computer's processor.)",
- {yes = "Convert", cancel = "Cancel"})
+ if getFileExt(videoSource) ~= ".mkv" then
+ local s = sett.readBol("askBeforeConverting")
+ local b = s and info_dialog("The video isn't .MKV (Matroska).\nTo process the Video with chapters the Video has to be a Matroska.\nThe Plug-in will Create a copy of the Video and Convert it to Matroska.\n\nDo you want to Convert the Video to Matroska ?\n(NOTE: Processing time depends on the Video and on your Computer's processor.)",
+ {yes = "Convert", cancel = "Cancel"})
- if (not b and s) or b == "Cancel" then
- aegisub.cancel()
- elseif not s or b then
- local success, videoOrErr, code = convertVideoToMKV(videoSource)
- if not success then return success, 'Error: '..tostring(videoOrErr)..'\nError code: '..tostring(code) end
+ if (not b and s) or b == "Cancel" then
+ aegisub.cancel()
+ elseif not s or b then
+ local success, videoOrErr, code = convertVideoToMKV(videoSource)
+ if not success then return success, 'Error: '..tostring(videoOrErr)..'\nError code: '..tostring(code) end
- videoSource = videoOrErr
- end
- end
+ videoSource = videoOrErr
+ end
+ end
- local tmpChapPath = dp('?temp/tmp_chapter'..extensions[ext].ext)
+ local tmpChapPath = dp('?temp/tmp_chapter'..extensions[ext].ext)
- local s, e = generateChapterFile(lines, selected, tmpChapPath, ext)
- if not s then return false, e end
+ local s, e = generateChapterFile(lines, selected, tmpChapPath, ext)
+ if not s then return false, e end
- local success, err, code = mkvpropedit{videoSource, "--chapters", tmpChapPath}
- if not success then
- aegisub.debug.out("Error: Merging Failed !\nPlease make sure that you have all required permissions and the video's extension is actually supported\n")
- aegisub.debug.out("If you can't fix this issue, please report it on github at 'Bilal2453/Chapter-Generator'\n")
- aegisub.debug.out('Status: '..tostring(err)..' | '.. 'Error Code: '..tostring(code)..' | mkvpropedit: '..tostring(fileExists(mkvpropeditPath))..'\n\n')
- end
+ local success, err, code = mkvpropedit{videoSource, "--chapters", tmpChapPath}
+ if not success then
+ aegisub.debug.out("Error: Merging Failed !\nPlease make sure that you have all required permissions and the video's extension is actually supported\n")
+ aegisub.debug.out("If you can't fix this issue, please report it on github at 'Bilal2453/Chapter-Generator'\n")
+ aegisub.debug.out('Status: '..tostring(err)..' | '.. 'Error Code: '..tostring(code)..' | mkvpropedit: '..tostring(fileExists(mkvpropeditPath))..'\n\n')
+ end
- s, e = os.remove(tmpChapPath)
- if not s then
- aegisub.debug.out('Warning: Attempt to remove a temporary file: '.. tmpChapPath.. '\n'.. e.. '\n')
- end
- return success, tostring(err).. '\nError Code: '.. tostring(code)
+ s, e = os.remove(tmpChapPath)
+ if not s then
+ aegisub.debug.out('Warning: Attempt to remove a temporary file: '.. tmpChapPath.. '\n'.. e.. '\n')
+ end
+ return success, tostring(err).. '\nError Code: '.. tostring(code)
--------- ---------
function macro_export_as(lines, selectedLines)
- local rSett = sett.readSett()
+ local rSett = sett.readSett()
- local b, data = show_export_ext()
- if not b then aegisub.cancel() end
+ local b, data = show_export_ext()
+ if not b then aegisub.cancel() end
- local chapterExt = extensions[data.dropdown] and extensions[data.dropdown].ext
- local saveFile = aegisub.dialog.save("Export Chapter", rSett.lastUsedPath or '', rSett.lastUsedName or 'Chapter', chapterExt or extensions.getAt(1).ext)
- if not saveFile then aegisub.cancel() end
+ local chapterExt = extensions[data.dropdown] and extensions[data.dropdown].ext
+ local saveFile = aegisub.dialog.save("Export Chapter", rSett.lastUsedPath or '', rSett.lastUsedName or 'Chapter', chapterExt or extensions.getAt(1).ext)
+ if not saveFile then aegisub.cancel() end
- setLastUsedPath(saveFile, data.dropdown)
+ setLastUsedPath(saveFile, data.dropdown)
- local s, err = generateChapterFile(lines, selectedLines, saveFile, data.dropdown)
- if not s then error_dialog(err) end
+ local s, err = generateChapterFile(lines, selectedLines, saveFile, data.dropdown)
+ if not s then error_dialog(err) end
function macro_export_to_video(lines, selectedLines)
- local button, ext = show_export_ext()
- if not button then aegisub.cancel() end
- ext = ext.dropdown
+ local button, ext = show_export_ext()
+ if not button then aegisub.cancel() end
+ ext = ext.dropdown
- local videoSource = aegisub.dialog.open('Choose a video...', sett.readSett('lastUsedPath') or '', '', 'All supported videos|'..isExtSupported()..';*;', false, true)
- if not videoSource then aegisub.cancel() end
+ local videoSource = aegisub.dialog.open('Choose a video...', sett.readSett('lastUsedPath') or '', '', 'All supported videos|'..isExtSupported()..';*;', false, true)
+ if not videoSource then aegisub.cancel() end
- setLastUsedPath(nil, ext)
+ setLastUsedPath(nil, ext)
- local success, mesg = exportChapterToVideo(lines, selectedLines, videoSource, ext)
- if not success then error_dialog(mesg) end
+ local success, mesg = exportChapterToVideo(lines, selectedLines, videoSource, ext)
+ if not success then error_dialog(mesg) end
function macro_export_to_opened_video(lines, selectedLines)
- local button, chapterExt = show_export_ext()
- if not button then aegisub.cancel() end
+ local button, chapterExt = show_export_ext()
+ if not button then aegisub.cancel() end
- chapterExt = chapterExt.dropdown
- setLastUsedPath(nil, chapterExt)
+ chapterExt = chapterExt.dropdown
+ setLastUsedPath(nil, chapterExt)
- local videoSource = aegisub.project_properties()['video_file']
- if not videoSource then error_dialog("Cannot get Video's Path... believe me Aegisub is weird !\nTechniclly, it's impossible to get this Error, So Please Report This at github.com/Bilal2453/Chapter-Generator") end
+ local videoSource = aegisub.project_properties()['video_file']
+ if not videoSource then error_dialog("Cannot get Video's Path... believe me Aegisub is weird !\nTechniclly, it's impossible to get this Error, So Please Report This at github.com/Bilal2453/Chapter-Generator") end
- local supported = isExtSupported(videoSource)
+ local supported = isExtSupported(videoSource)
- if not supported then error_dialog("Unsupported videos' extension.\nPlease, Convert the Video to MKV then Try Again.") end
+ if not supported then error_dialog("Unsupported videos' extension.\nPlease, Convert the Video to MKV then Try Again.") end
- local success, mesg = exportChapterToVideo(lines, selectedLines, videoSource, chapterExt)
- if not success then error_dialog(mesg) end
+ local success, mesg = exportChapterToVideo(lines, selectedLines, videoSource, chapterExt)
+ if not success then error_dialog(mesg) end
function macro_change_settings()
- local button, data = settings_gui()
- if not button then aegisub.cancel() end
+ local button, data = settings_gui()
+ if not button then aegisub.cancel() end
- sett.writeSett(data)
+ sett.writeSett(data)
- -- Remove old used paths data
- if not sett.readBol('saveLastUsedPath') then
- sett.writeSett{
- lastUsedPath = 'nil',
- lastUsedName = 'nil',
- lastUsedExt = 'nil',
- }
- end
+ -- Remove old used paths data
+ if not sett.readBol('saveLastUsedPath') then
+ sett.writeSett{
+ lastUsedPath = 'nil',
+ lastUsedName = 'nil',
+ lastUsedExt = 'nil',
+ }
+ end
--------- ---------
function is_video_opened()
- local p = aegisub.project_properties()
- if not p.video_file or p.video_file == '' or p.video_file:find("?dummy") then
- return false
- else
- return true
- end
+ local p = aegisub.project_properties()
+ if not p.video_file or p.video_file == '' or p.video_file:find("?dummy") then
+ return false
+ else
+ return true
+ end
aegisub.register_macro(script_name..'/Export/Export As...', "Exports Chapters as a File.", macro_export_as)