diff --git a/NPMK/NPMKverChecker.m b/NPMK/NPMKverChecker.m
index a812717..56f4552 100644
--- a/NPMK/NPMKverChecker.m
+++ b/NPMK/NPMKverChecker.m
@@ -24,20 +24,72 @@ function NPMKverChecker()
% January 10, 2018
% - Added a clickable URL to the prompt.
+persistent new_version
gitHubURL = 'https://github.com/BlackrockMicrosystems/NPMK/releases/latest';
-%% Check for the latest version fo NPMK
- FIDv = fopen('Versions.txt');
- verFile = fscanf(FIDv, '%s');
- fclose(FIDv);
- latestVersion = verFile(findstr('LATEST', verFile)+7:findstr('LATEST', verFile)+13);
- gitHubPage = urlread(gitHubURL);
- newVersionAvailable = findstr(latestVersion, gitHubPage);
- if isempty(newVersionAvailable)
- disp('A new version of NPMK may be available.');
- fprintf('Please visit GitHub NPMK Page to get the latest version.\n', gitHubURL)
+if isempty(new_version)
+ %% Check for the latest version fo NPMK
+ try
+ % Local copy
+ FIDv = fopen('Versions.txt');
+ verFile = fscanf(FIDv, '%s');
+ fclose(FIDv);
+ latestVersion = verFile(findstr('LATEST', verFile)+7:findstr('LATEST', verFile)+13);
+ % Remote copy
+ gitHubPage = urlread(gitHubURL);
+ gitVersion = regexp(gitHubPage, '\
.*(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+).*\', 'tokens');
+ gitVersion = gitVersion{1}{1};
+ new_version = compare_semver(gitVersion, latestVersion) == -1;
+ catch
+ end
+if new_version
+ disp('A new version of NPMK may be available.');
+ fprintf('Please visit GitHub NPMK Page to get the latest version.\n', gitHubURL)
+function cmp = compare_semver(a, b)
+%% COMPARE_SEMVAR: Compare two "semantic version" strings
+% - a, b: Semantic version strings (as char arrays)
+% - cmp: Comparison value (like C's strcmp)
+% -1 if a is more recent than b
+% 0 if a and b are the same
+% 1 if b is more recent than a
+% - In brief, semantic versions are MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH (etc). These are
+% slightly different from "regular" decimals, in that version 1.2 is
+% newer than 1.1, but 17 minor releases older than 1.19
+% - This doesn't yet handle pre-release or other metadata stuff
+a = strsplit(a, '.');
+b = strsplit(b, '.');
+if length(b) > length(a)
+ tmp = a;
+ a=b;
+ b=tmp;
+while length(a) > length(b)
+ b{end+1} = 0;
+a = str2double(a);
+b = str2double(b);
+for ii=1:length(a)
+ if a(ii) > b(ii)
+ cmp = -1;
+ return
+ elseif a(ii) < b(ii)
+ cmp = 1;
+ return;
\ No newline at end of file
+cmp = 0;