From 0441bac8b0c1d0159c23bea69aeb3e5513fad764 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sam <>
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2021 10:15:00 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 01/13] Add LoadCalculator

Updated load processor for self-weight, wind (normal), and snow (projected) loads.

Lazy calculation, only loaded faces are processed.
 src/compas_fd/datastructures/ |   8 +-
 src/compas_fd/loads/           |   6 +-
 src/compas_fd/loads/    | 210 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 220 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/compas_fd/loads/

diff --git a/src/compas_fd/datastructures/ b/src/compas_fd/datastructures/
index a114b3a8..05fb1c9f 100644
--- a/src/compas_fd/datastructures/
+++ b/src/compas_fd/datastructures/
@@ -36,6 +36,9 @@ def __init__(self):
             'is_fixed': False,
             'constraint': None,
             'param': None,
+            '_px': 0.0,
+            '_py': 0.0,
+            '_pz': 0.0,
             '_rx': 0.0,
             '_ry': 0.0,
             '_rz': 0.0,
@@ -48,5 +51,8 @@ def __init__(self):
             '_r': 0.0,
-            'is_loaded': True,
+            'is_loaded': False,
+            't': 0.0,
+            'wind': 0.0,
+            'snow': 0.0
diff --git a/src/compas_fd/loads/ b/src/compas_fd/loads/
index c8e1cc9a..ffdeb8a4 100644
--- a/src/compas_fd/loads/
+++ b/src/compas_fd/loads/
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
     :toctree: generated/
-    SelfweightCalculator
+    LoadCalculator
 from __future__ import print_function
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@
 import compas
 if not compas.IPY:
-    from .selfweight import SelfweightCalculator
+    from .load_calculator import LoadCalculator
 __all__ = []
 if not compas.IPY:
-    __all__ += ['SelfweightCalculator']
+    __all__ += ['LoadCalculator']
diff --git a/src/compas_fd/loads/ b/src/compas_fd/loads/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3c6be7b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compas_fd/loads/
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+from numpy import add
+from numpy import array
+from numpy import asarray
+from numpy import average
+from numpy import cross
+from numpy import empty
+from numpy import float64
+from numpy import roll
+from numpy.linalg import norm
+from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
+from compas.datastructures import Mesh
+from typing import Any
+from typing import List
+from typing import Sequence
+from typing import Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from nptyping import NDArray
+class LoadCalculator:
+    """Represents assembly of all input loads into a global vertex load matrix.
+    By calling an instance of LoadCalculator with vertex coordinates,
+    the global load matrix is calculated for the current geometry.
+    This calculation is lazy, face data (tributary areas or normals)
+    is only calculated if face loads or oriented loads are applied.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    mesh : :class:`Mesh`
+        Instance of Mesh datastructure.
+    Attributes
+    ----------
+    loads_mat : ndarray of float
+        global vertex load matrix as (v x 3) array.
+    face_normals : ndarray of float
+        Face normals for current geometry as (f x 3) array.
+    trib_areas : ndarray of float
+        Tributary areas matrix as sparse (v x f) array.
+        Entry a_ij holds tributary area of face j for vertex i.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> import compas
+    >>> from compas.datastructures import Mesh
+    >>> from compas_fd import LoadCalculator
+    >>> mesh = Mesh.from_obj(compas.get('hypar.obj'))
+    >>> dva = {'px': .0, 'py': .0, 'pz': .1}
+    >>> dfa = {'density': 2.4, 't': .1,
+               'is_loaded': True, 'wind': 1.0}
+    >>> mesh.update_default_vertex_attributes(dva)
+    >>> mesh.update_default_face_attributes(dfa)
+    >>> lc = LoadCalculator(mesh)
+    >>> xyz = [mesh.vertex_coordinates(v)
+               for v in mesh.vertices()]
+    >>> load_mat = lc(xyz)
+    >>> lc.update_mesh()
+    """
+    # attribute names in mesh data
+    PX, PY, PZ = 'px', 'py', 'pz'           # input vertex loads
+    _PX, _PY, _PZ = '_px', '_py', '_pz'     # resultant vertex loads
+    THICKNESS = 't'
+    RHO = 'density'
+    SW = 'is_loaded'
+    NORMAL = 'wind'
+    PROJECT = 'snow'
+    def __init__(self, mesh: Mesh) -> None:
+        self.mesh = mesh
+        self._set_mesh_maps()
+        self._preprocess_loads()
+        self._set_load_flags()
+    def __call__(self, xyz: Union[Sequence[Annotated[List[float], 3]], NDArray[(Any, 3), float64]],
+                 all_faces: bool = False) -> NDArray[(Any, 3), float64]:
+        """Assemble global load matrix for current geometry.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        xyz : ndarray of float  or  list of lists
+            Coordinates of the vertices as (v x 3) array.
+        all_faces : bool
+            Switch to calculate all face tributary areas
+            and normals, regardless of the applied loads.
+            Default is ``False``.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        ndarray of float
+            Resultant global vertex loads as (v x 3) array.
+        """
+        if not self._load_flags['any_face_load'] and not all_faces:
+            return self._vertex_loads
+        self.loads_mat = array(self._vertex_loads, copy=True)
+        self._process_faces(asarray(xyz).reshape(-1, 3), all_faces)
+        self._add_face_loads()
+        return self.loads_mat
+    def update_mesh(self) -> None:
+        """Set the resultant vertex loads in mesh data by
+        using the latest calculated internal load matrix."""
+        try:
+            lmat = self.loads_mat
+        except AttributeError:
+            lmat = self._vertex_loads
+        for v, vkey in enumerate(self.mesh.vertices()):
+            self.mesh.vertex_attributes(vkey, [self._PX, self._PY, self._PZ],
+                                        [lmat[v, 0], lmat[v, 1], lmat[v, 2]])
+    def _set_mesh_maps(self) -> None:
+        """Set mesh counts and maps."""
+        self._v_count = self.mesh.number_of_vertices()
+        self._f_count = self.mesh.number_of_faces()
+        self._v_id = self.mesh.key_index()
+        self.face_normals = None
+        self.trib_area = None
+    def _preprocess_loads(self) -> None:
+        """Preprocess loads into arrays."""
+        self._vertex_loads = asarray(self.mesh.vertices_attributes(
+                                     names=(self.PX, self.PY, self.PZ))
+                                     ).reshape((self._v_count, 3))
+        self._weight = asarray([-t * rho * w for t, rho, w in
+                                self.mesh.faces_attributes(
+                                    [self.THICKNESS, self.RHO, self.SW])]
+                               ).reshape((self._f_count, 1))
+        self._normal = asarray(self.mesh.faces_attribute(self.NORMAL)
+                               ).reshape((self._f_count, 1))
+        self._project = asarray(self.mesh.faces_attribute(self.PROJECT)
+                                ).reshape((self._f_count, 1))
+    def _set_load_flags(self) -> None:
+        """Set flags for which load types are applied."""
+        bool_weight = array(self._weight, dtype=bool)
+        bool_normal = array(self._normal, dtype=bool)
+        bool_project = array(self._project, dtype=bool)
+        self._oriented_loads = bool_normal + bool_project
+        self._face_loads = self._oriented_loads + bool_weight
+        self._load_flags = {'any_face_load': self._face_loads.any(),
+                            'any_weight': bool_weight.any(),
+                            'any_normal': bool_normal.any(),
+                            'any_projected': bool_project.any()}
+    def _add_face_loads(self) -> None:
+        """Add active face loads to the global load matrix."""
+        if self._load_flags['any_weight']:
+            self._add_weight()
+        if self._load_flags['any_normal']:
+            self._add_normal_loads()
+        if self._load_flags['any_projected']:
+            self._add_projected_loads()
+    def _process_faces(self, xyz: NDArray[(Any, 3), float64],
+                       all_faces: bool) -> None:
+        """Calculate normals and tributary areas per face,
+        for the vertex coordinates of the current geometry."""
+        self.face_normals = empty((self._f_count, 3), dtype=float)
+        trib_data = []; trib_rows = []; trib_cols = []  # noqa
+        for f, fkey in enumerate(self.mesh.faces()):
+            if not (self._face_loads[f] or all_faces):
+                continue
+            vts = [self._v_id[v] for v in
+                   self.mesh.face_vertices(fkey)]
+            f_xyz = xyz[vts, :]
+            cps = self.__face_cross_products(f_xyz)
+            # face tributary areas per vertex
+            part_areas = 0.25 * norm(cps, axis=1)
+            trib_data.extend(part_areas + roll(part_areas, -1))
+            trib_rows.extend(vts)
+            trib_cols.extend([f] * len(vts))
+            # face normal vector
+            if self._oriented_loads[f] or all_faces:
+                self.face_normals[f, :] = add.reduce(cps)
+        self.face_normals /= norm(self.face_normals, axis=1)[:, None]
+        self.trib_areas = coo_matrix((trib_data, (trib_rows, trib_cols)),
+                                     (self._v_count, self._f_count)).tocsr()
+    def __face_cross_products(self, f_xyz: NDArray[(Any, 3), float64]
+                              ) -> NDArray[(Any, 3), float64]:
+        """Utility to calculate cross products of the consecutive
+        (centroid -> vertex) vectors for each of the vertices of the face."""
+        centroid = average(f_xyz, axis=0)
+        v = f_xyz - centroid
+        vr = roll(v, -1, axis=0)
+        return cross(v, vr)
+    def _add_weight(self) -> None:
+        """Convert all face self-weights into global vertex loads
+        and add them into the global load matrix."""
+        self.loads_mat[:, 2:] +=
+    def _add_normal_loads(self) -> None:
+        """Convert all normal face loads into global vertex loads
+        and add them into the global load matrix."""
+        normal_loads = self.face_normals * self._normal
+        self.loads_mat +=
+    def _add_projected_loads(self) -> None:
+        """Convert all Z-projected face loads into global vertex loads
+        and add them into the global load matrix."""
+        z = asarray([0, 0, -1]).reshape((3, 1))
+        proj_loads = * self._project
+        self.loads_mat[:, 2:] +=

From e084ce9485ea4838cc1c2307c59e927de00a9968 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sam <>
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2021 10:27:58 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 02/13] Update test files

 src/compas_fd/fd/ | 7 +++----
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/compas_fd/fd/ b/src/compas_fd/fd/
index 316fad97..8b8fc53c 100644
--- a/src/compas_fd/fd/
+++ b/src/compas_fd/fd/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 from numpy import float64
 import compas_fd
-from compas_fd.loads import SelfweightCalculator
+from compas_fd.loads import LoadCalculator
 from .fd_numpy import fd_numpy
@@ -29,9 +29,8 @@ def mesh_fd_numpy(mesh: 'compas_fd.datastructures.CableMesh') -> '
     p = array(mesh.vertices_attributes(('px', 'py', 'pz')), dtype=float64)
     edges = [(k_i[u], k_i[v]) for u, v in mesh.edges_where({'_is_edge': True})]
     q = array([attr['q'] for key, attr in mesh.edges_where({'_is_edge': True}, True)], dtype=float64).reshape((-1, 1))
-    density = mesh.attributes['density']
-    calculate_sw = SelfweightCalculator(mesh, density=density)
-    p[:, 2] -= calculate_sw(xyz)[:, 0]
+    lc = LoadCalculator(mesh)
+    p[:, 2] = lc(xyz)[:, 2]
     result = fd_numpy(vertices=xyz, fixed=fixed, edges=edges, forcedensities=q, loads=p)

From e7fddb19f82056ce7216898f5bfb263da63c80c7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sam <>
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2021 10:12:02 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 03/13] Density as global variable

 src/compas_fd/loads/ | 9 +++++----
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/compas_fd/loads/ b/src/compas_fd/loads/
index 3c6be7b3..a375c001 100644
--- a/src/compas_fd/loads/
+++ b/src/compas_fd/loads/
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ class LoadCalculator:
     >>> from compas_fd import LoadCalculator
     >>> mesh = Mesh.from_obj(compas.get('hypar.obj'))
     >>> dva = {'px': .0, 'py': .0, 'pz': .1}
-    >>> dfa = {'density': 2.4, 't': .1,
-               'is_loaded': True, 'wind': 1.0}
+    >>> dfa = {'t': .1, 'is_loaded': True, 'wind': 1.0}
+    >>> mesh.attributes.update({'density': 22.0})
     >>> mesh.update_default_vertex_attributes(dva)
     >>> mesh.update_default_face_attributes(dfa)
     >>> lc = LoadCalculator(mesh)
@@ -125,9 +125,10 @@ def _preprocess_loads(self) -> None:
         self._vertex_loads = asarray(self.mesh.vertices_attributes(
                                      names=(self.PX, self.PY, self.PZ))
                                      ).reshape((self._v_count, 3))
-        self._weight = asarray([-t * rho * w for t, rho, w in
+        rho = self.mesh.attributes[self.RHO]
+        self._weight = asarray([-t * w * rho for t, w in
-                                    [self.THICKNESS, self.RHO, self.SW])]
+                                    [self.THICKNESS, self.SW])]
                                ).reshape((self._f_count, 1))
         self._normal = asarray(self.mesh.faces_attribute(self.NORMAL)
                                ).reshape((self._f_count, 1))

From b80cc09c09494914970e65258cff4a0429b8a77f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sam <>
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2021 11:33:24 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 04/13] Update naming

for clarity
 src/compas_fd/loads/ | 22 +++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/compas_fd/loads/ b/src/compas_fd/loads/
index a375c001..962eb99b 100644
--- a/src/compas_fd/loads/
+++ b/src/compas_fd/loads/
@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ class LoadCalculator:
     # attribute names in mesh data
     PX, PY, PZ = 'px', 'py', 'pz'           # input vertex loads
     _PX, _PY, _PZ = '_px', '_py', '_pz'     # resultant vertex loads
-    THICKNESS = 't'
     RHO = 'density'
+    THICKNESS = 't'
     SW = 'is_loaded'
     NORMAL = 'wind'
     PROJECT = 'snow'
@@ -127,19 +127,19 @@ def _preprocess_loads(self) -> None:
                                      ).reshape((self._v_count, 3))
         rho = self.mesh.attributes[self.RHO]
         self._weight = asarray([-t * w * rho for t, w in
-                                self.mesh.faces_attributes(
-                                    [self.THICKNESS, self.SW])]
-                               ).reshape((self._f_count, 1))
-        self._normal = asarray(self.mesh.faces_attribute(self.NORMAL)
+                                self.mesh.faces_attributes([self.THICKNESS, self.SW])]
                                ).reshape((self._f_count, 1))
-        self._project = asarray(self.mesh.faces_attribute(self.PROJECT)
-                                ).reshape((self._f_count, 1))
+        self._normal_load = asarray(self.mesh.faces_attribute(self.NORMAL)
+                                    ).reshape((self._f_count, 1))
+        self._project_load = asarray(self.mesh.faces_attribute(self.PROJECT)
+                                     ).reshape((self._f_count, 1))
+        print(self._weight)
     def _set_load_flags(self) -> None:
         """Set flags for which load types are applied."""
         bool_weight = array(self._weight, dtype=bool)
-        bool_normal = array(self._normal, dtype=bool)
-        bool_project = array(self._project, dtype=bool)
+        bool_normal = array(self._normal_load, dtype=bool)
+        bool_project = array(self._project_load, dtype=bool)
         self._oriented_loads = bool_normal + bool_project
         self._face_loads = self._oriented_loads + bool_weight
         self._load_flags = {'any_face_load': self._face_loads.any(),
@@ -200,12 +200,12 @@ def _add_weight(self) -> None:
     def _add_normal_loads(self) -> None:
         """Convert all normal face loads into global vertex loads
         and add them into the global load matrix."""
-        normal_loads = self.face_normals * self._normal
+        normal_loads = self.face_normals * self._normal_load
         self.loads_mat +=
     def _add_projected_loads(self) -> None:
         """Convert all Z-projected face loads into global vertex loads
         and add them into the global load matrix."""
         z = asarray([0, 0, -1]).reshape((3, 1))
-        proj_loads = * self._project
+        proj_loads = * self._project_load
         self.loads_mat[:, 2:] +=

From ef5c965f5a1457b89ef07704f648b321d5c2339b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sam <>
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2021 11:34:00 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 05/13] Cleanup

 src/compas_fd/loads/ | 1 -
 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/compas_fd/loads/ b/src/compas_fd/loads/
index 962eb99b..2a579504 100644
--- a/src/compas_fd/loads/
+++ b/src/compas_fd/loads/
@@ -133,7 +133,6 @@ def _preprocess_loads(self) -> None:
                                     ).reshape((self._f_count, 1))
         self._project_load = asarray(self.mesh.faces_attribute(self.PROJECT)
                                      ).reshape((self._f_count, 1))
-        print(self._weight)
     def _set_load_flags(self) -> None:
         """Set flags for which load types are applied."""

From d28473973ea90f91ac66d6d0b527b8f14e8b708e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sam <>
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2021 16:40:57 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 06/13] Update naming

matrix and other naming updated for clarity
 src/compas_fd/loads/ | 74 +++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 37 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/compas_fd/loads/ b/src/compas_fd/loads/
index 2a579504..92971076 100644
--- a/src/compas_fd/loads/
+++ b/src/compas_fd/loads/
@@ -35,11 +35,11 @@ class LoadCalculator:
-    loads_mat : ndarray of float
+    LM : ndarray of float
         global vertex load matrix as (v x 3) array.
-    face_normals : ndarray of float
+    FN : ndarray of float
         Face normals for current geometry as (f x 3) array.
-    trib_areas : ndarray of float
+    TA : ndarray of float
         Tributary areas matrix as sparse (v x f) array.
         Entry a_ij holds tributary area of face j for vertex i.
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class LoadCalculator:
     _PX, _PY, _PZ = '_px', '_py', '_pz'     # resultant vertex loads
     RHO = 'density'
     THICKNESS = 't'
-    SW = 'is_loaded'
+    HAS_SW = 'is_loaded'
     NORMAL = 'wind'
     PROJECT = 'snow'
@@ -77,14 +77,14 @@ def __init__(self, mesh: Mesh) -> None:
     def __call__(self, xyz: Union[Sequence[Annotated[List[float], 3]], NDArray[(Any, 3), float64]],
-                 all_faces: bool = False) -> NDArray[(Any, 3), float64]:
+                 process_all_faces: bool = False) -> NDArray[(Any, 3), float64]:
         """Assemble global load matrix for current geometry.
         xyz : ndarray of float  or  list of lists
             Coordinates of the vertices as (v x 3) array.
-        all_faces : bool
+        process_all_faces : bool
             Switch to calculate all face tributary areas
             and normals, regardless of the applied loads.
             Default is ``False``.
@@ -94,31 +94,31 @@ def __call__(self, xyz: Union[Sequence[Annotated[List[float], 3]], NDArray[(Any,
         ndarray of float
             Resultant global vertex loads as (v x 3) array.
-        if not self._load_flags['any_face_load'] and not all_faces:
+        if not self._load_flags['any_face_load'] and not process_all_faces:
             return self._vertex_loads
-        self.loads_mat = array(self._vertex_loads, copy=True)
-        self._process_faces(asarray(xyz).reshape(-1, 3), all_faces)
+        self.LM = array(self._vertex_loads, copy=True)
+        self._process_faces(asarray(xyz).reshape(-1, 3), process_all_faces)
-        return self.loads_mat
+        return self.LM
     def update_mesh(self) -> None:
         """Set the resultant vertex loads in mesh data by
         using the latest calculated internal load matrix."""
-            lmat = self.loads_mat
+            LM = self.LM
         except AttributeError:
-            lmat = self._vertex_loads
+            LM = self._vertex_loads
         for v, vkey in enumerate(self.mesh.vertices()):
             self.mesh.vertex_attributes(vkey, [self._PX, self._PY, self._PZ],
-                                        [lmat[v, 0], lmat[v, 1], lmat[v, 2]])
+                                        [LM[v, 0], LM[v, 1], LM[v, 2]])
     def _set_mesh_maps(self) -> None:
         """Set mesh counts and maps."""
         self._v_count = self.mesh.number_of_vertices()
         self._f_count = self.mesh.number_of_faces()
         self._v_id = self.mesh.key_index()
-        self.face_normals = None
-        self.trib_area = None
+        self.FN = None
+        self.TA = None
     def _preprocess_loads(self) -> None:
         """Preprocess loads into arrays."""
@@ -127,18 +127,18 @@ def _preprocess_loads(self) -> None:
                                      ).reshape((self._v_count, 3))
         rho = self.mesh.attributes[self.RHO]
         self._weight = asarray([-t * w * rho for t, w in
-                                self.mesh.faces_attributes([self.THICKNESS, self.SW])]
+                                self.mesh.faces_attributes([self.THICKNESS, self.HAS_SW])]
                                ).reshape((self._f_count, 1))
-        self._normal_load = asarray(self.mesh.faces_attribute(self.NORMAL)
-                                    ).reshape((self._f_count, 1))
-        self._project_load = asarray(self.mesh.faces_attribute(self.PROJECT)
+        self._normal_loads = asarray(self.mesh.faces_attribute(self.NORMAL)
                                      ).reshape((self._f_count, 1))
+        self._project_loads = asarray(self.mesh.faces_attribute(self.PROJECT)
+                                      ).reshape((self._f_count, 1))
     def _set_load_flags(self) -> None:
         """Set flags for which load types are applied."""
         bool_weight = array(self._weight, dtype=bool)
-        bool_normal = array(self._normal_load, dtype=bool)
-        bool_project = array(self._project_load, dtype=bool)
+        bool_normal = array(self._normal_loads, dtype=bool)
+        bool_project = array(self._project_loads, dtype=bool)
         self._oriented_loads = bool_normal + bool_project
         self._face_loads = self._oriented_loads + bool_weight
         self._load_flags = {'any_face_load': self._face_loads.any(),
@@ -156,34 +156,34 @@ def _add_face_loads(self) -> None:
     def _process_faces(self, xyz: NDArray[(Any, 3), float64],
-                       all_faces: bool) -> None:
+                       process_all_faces: bool) -> None:
         """Calculate normals and tributary areas per face,
         for the vertex coordinates of the current geometry."""
-        self.face_normals = empty((self._f_count, 3), dtype=float)
+        self.FN = empty((self._f_count, 3), dtype=float)
         trib_data = []; trib_rows = []; trib_cols = []  # noqa
         for f, fkey in enumerate(self.mesh.faces()):
-            if not (self._face_loads[f] or all_faces):
+            if not (self._face_loads[f] or process_all_faces):
             vts = [self._v_id[v] for v in
             f_xyz = xyz[vts, :]
-            cps = self.__face_cross_products(f_xyz)
+            cps = self._face_cross_products(f_xyz)
             # face tributary areas per vertex
             part_areas = 0.25 * norm(cps, axis=1)
             trib_data.extend(part_areas + roll(part_areas, -1))
             trib_cols.extend([f] * len(vts))
             # face normal vector
-            if self._oriented_loads[f] or all_faces:
-                self.face_normals[f, :] = add.reduce(cps)
+            if self._oriented_loads[f] or process_all_faces:
+                self.FN[f, :] = add.reduce(cps)
-        self.face_normals /= norm(self.face_normals, axis=1)[:, None]
-        self.trib_areas = coo_matrix((trib_data, (trib_rows, trib_cols)),
-                                     (self._v_count, self._f_count)).tocsr()
+        self.FN /= norm(self.FN, axis=1)[:, None]
+        self.TA = coo_matrix((trib_data, (trib_rows, trib_cols)),
+                             (self._v_count, self._f_count)).tocsr()
-    def __face_cross_products(self, f_xyz: NDArray[(Any, 3), float64]
-                              ) -> NDArray[(Any, 3), float64]:
+    def _face_cross_products(self, f_xyz: NDArray[(Any, 3), float64]
+                             ) -> NDArray[(Any, 3), float64]:
         """Utility to calculate cross products of the consecutive
         (centroid -> vertex) vectors for each of the vertices of the face."""
         centroid = average(f_xyz, axis=0)
@@ -194,17 +194,17 @@ def __face_cross_products(self, f_xyz: NDArray[(Any, 3), float64]
     def _add_weight(self) -> None:
         """Convert all face self-weights into global vertex loads
         and add them into the global load matrix."""
-        self.loads_mat[:, 2:] +=
+        self.LM[:, 2:] +=
     def _add_normal_loads(self) -> None:
         """Convert all normal face loads into global vertex loads
         and add them into the global load matrix."""
-        normal_loads = self.face_normals * self._normal_load
-        self.loads_mat +=
+        NL = self.FN * self._normal_loads
+        self.LM +=
     def _add_projected_loads(self) -> None:
         """Convert all Z-projected face loads into global vertex loads
         and add them into the global load matrix."""
         z = asarray([0, 0, -1]).reshape((3, 1))
-        proj_loads = * self._project_load
-        self.loads_mat[:, 2:] +=
+        PL = * self._project_loads
+        self.LM[:, 2:] +=

From 3ee178b1064bc2cb7255d00254019adaadb71c12 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sam <>
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2021 10:19:54 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 07/13] Naming again

for user clarity
 src/compas_fd/loads/ | 20 ++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/compas_fd/loads/ b/src/compas_fd/loads/
index 92971076..b1cde6de 100644
--- a/src/compas_fd/loads/
+++ b/src/compas_fd/loads/
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ class LoadCalculator:
-    LM : ndarray of float
-        global vertex load matrix as (v x 3) array.
+    RL : ndarray of float
+        global resultant vertex load matrix as (v x 3) array.
     FN : ndarray of float
         Face normals for current geometry as (f x 3) array.
     TA : ndarray of float
@@ -96,21 +96,21 @@ def __call__(self, xyz: Union[Sequence[Annotated[List[float], 3]], NDArray[(Any,
         if not self._load_flags['any_face_load'] and not process_all_faces:
             return self._vertex_loads
-        self.LM = array(self._vertex_loads, copy=True)
+        self.RL = array(self._vertex_loads, copy=True)
         self._process_faces(asarray(xyz).reshape(-1, 3), process_all_faces)
-        return self.LM
+        return self.RL
     def update_mesh(self) -> None:
         """Set the resultant vertex loads in mesh data by
         using the latest calculated internal load matrix."""
-            LM = self.LM
+            RL = self.RL
         except AttributeError:
-            LM = self._vertex_loads
+            RL = self._vertex_loads
         for v, vkey in enumerate(self.mesh.vertices()):
             self.mesh.vertex_attributes(vkey, [self._PX, self._PY, self._PZ],
-                                        [LM[v, 0], LM[v, 1], LM[v, 2]])
+                                        [RL[v, 0], RL[v, 1], RL[v, 2]])
     def _set_mesh_maps(self) -> None:
         """Set mesh counts and maps."""
@@ -194,17 +194,17 @@ def _face_cross_products(self, f_xyz: NDArray[(Any, 3), float64]
     def _add_weight(self) -> None:
         """Convert all face self-weights into global vertex loads
         and add them into the global load matrix."""
-        self.LM[:, 2:] +=
+        self.RL[:, 2:] +=
     def _add_normal_loads(self) -> None:
         """Convert all normal face loads into global vertex loads
         and add them into the global load matrix."""
         NL = self.FN * self._normal_loads
-        self.LM +=
+        self.RL +=
     def _add_projected_loads(self) -> None:
         """Convert all Z-projected face loads into global vertex loads
         and add them into the global load matrix."""
         z = asarray([0, 0, -1]).reshape((3, 1))
         PL = * self._project_loads
-        self.LM[:, 2:] +=
+        self.RL[:, 2:] +=

From 52634451eadf9f0504a0b4ee8c8e117df36ab14a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sam <>
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2021 11:53:34 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 08/13] Add boolean toggles loads

 src/compas_fd/loads/ | 24 +++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/compas_fd/loads/ b/src/compas_fd/loads/
index b1cde6de..4b871973 100644
--- a/src/compas_fd/loads/
+++ b/src/compas_fd/loads/
@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ class LoadCalculator:
     >>> from compas_fd import LoadCalculator
     >>> mesh = Mesh.from_obj(compas.get('hypar.obj'))
     >>> dva = {'px': .0, 'py': .0, 'pz': .1}
-    >>> dfa = {'t': .1, 'is_loaded': True, 'wind': 1.0}
+    >>> dfa = {'t': .1, 'wind': 1.0, 'snow': .0,
+               'has_weight': True, 'has_wind': True, 'has_snow': False}
     >>> mesh.attributes.update({'density': 22.0})
     >>> mesh.update_default_vertex_attributes(dva)
     >>> mesh.update_default_face_attributes(dfa)
@@ -66,9 +67,11 @@ class LoadCalculator:
     _PX, _PY, _PZ = '_px', '_py', '_pz'     # resultant vertex loads
     RHO = 'density'
     THICKNESS = 't'
-    HAS_SW = 'is_loaded'
     NORMAL = 'wind'
     PROJECT = 'snow'
+    HAS_SW = 'has_weight'
+    HAS_NORMAL = 'has_wind'
+    HAS_PROJ = 'has_snow'
     def __init__(self, mesh: Mesh) -> None:
         self.mesh = mesh
@@ -126,17 +129,16 @@ def _preprocess_loads(self) -> None:
                                      names=(self.PX, self.PY, self.PZ))
                                      ).reshape((self._v_count, 3))
         rho = self.mesh.attributes[self.RHO]
-        self._weight = asarray([-t * w * rho for t, w in
-                                self.mesh.faces_attributes([self.THICKNESS, self.HAS_SW])]
-                               ).reshape((self._f_count, 1))
-        self._normal_loads = asarray(self.mesh.faces_attribute(self.NORMAL)
-                                     ).reshape((self._f_count, 1))
-        self._project_loads = asarray(self.mesh.faces_attribute(self.PROJECT)
-                                      ).reshape((self._f_count, 1))
+        self._weights = asarray([-t * hw * rho for t, hw in self.mesh.faces_attributes(
+                                [self.THICKNESS, self.HAS_SW])]).reshape((self._f_count, 1))
+        self._normal_loads = asarray([n * hn for n, hn in self.mesh.faces_attributes(
+                                     [self.NORMAL, self.HAS_NORMAL])]).reshape((self._f_count, 1))
+        self._project_loads = asarray([p * hp for p, hp in self.mesh.faces_attributes(
+                                      [self.PROJECT, self.HAS_PROJ])]).reshape((self._f_count, 1))
     def _set_load_flags(self) -> None:
         """Set flags for which load types are applied."""
-        bool_weight = array(self._weight, dtype=bool)
+        bool_weight = array(self._weights, dtype=bool)
         bool_normal = array(self._normal_loads, dtype=bool)
         bool_project = array(self._project_loads, dtype=bool)
         self._oriented_loads = bool_normal + bool_project
@@ -194,7 +196,7 @@ def _face_cross_products(self, f_xyz: NDArray[(Any, 3), float64]
     def _add_weight(self) -> None:
         """Convert all face self-weights into global vertex loads
         and add them into the global load matrix."""
-        self.RL[:, 2:] +=
+        self.RL[:, 2:] +=
     def _add_normal_loads(self) -> None:
         """Convert all normal face loads into global vertex loads

From 4394891d17a36cd7c2574ea327e2847cdcfb3879 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sam <>
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2021 14:17:50 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 09/13] Add weight by vertex

 src/compas_fd/loads/ | 106 ++++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 60 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/compas_fd/loads/ b/src/compas_fd/loads/
index 4b871973..c48cadda 100644
--- a/src/compas_fd/loads/
+++ b/src/compas_fd/loads/
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
 from numpy import asarray
 from numpy import average
 from numpy import cross
-from numpy import empty
 from numpy import float64
 from numpy import roll
+from numpy import zeros
 from numpy.linalg import norm
 from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ class LoadCalculator:
     RL : ndarray of float
         global resultant vertex load matrix as (v x 3) array.
-    FN : ndarray of float
-        Face normals for current geometry as (f x 3) array.
     TA : ndarray of float
         Tributary areas matrix as sparse (v x f) array.
         Entry a_ij holds tributary area of face j for vertex i.
+    FN : ndarray of float
+        Face normals for current geometry as (f x 3) array.
@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ class LoadCalculator:
     >>> from compas.datastructures import Mesh
     >>> from compas_fd import LoadCalculator
     >>> mesh = Mesh.from_obj(compas.get('hypar.obj'))
-    >>> dva = {'px': .0, 'py': .0, 'pz': .1}
-    >>> dfa = {'t': .1, 'wind': 1.0, 'snow': .0,
-               'has_weight': True, 'has_wind': True, 'has_snow': False}
+    >>> dva = {'px': .0, 'py': .0, 'pz': -.1, 't': .1}
+    >>> dfa = {'wind': 1.0, 'snow': .0, 'has_weight': True,
+               'has_wind': True, 'has_snow': False}
     >>> mesh.attributes.update({'density': 22.0})
     >>> mesh.update_default_vertex_attributes(dva)
     >>> mesh.update_default_face_attributes(dfa)
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class LoadCalculator:
     >>> lc.update_mesh()
-    # attribute names in mesh data
+    # hardcoded attribute names in mesh data map
     PX, PY, PZ = 'px', 'py', 'pz'           # input vertex loads
     _PX, _PY, _PZ = '_px', '_py', '_pz'     # resultant vertex loads
     RHO = 'density'
@@ -97,75 +97,86 @@ def __call__(self, xyz: Union[Sequence[Annotated[List[float], 3]], NDArray[(Any,
         ndarray of float
             Resultant global vertex loads as (v x 3) array.
-        if not self._load_flags['any_face_load'] and not process_all_faces:
+        if not self._any_face_load and not process_all_faces:
             return self._vertex_loads
-        self.RL = array(self._vertex_loads, copy=True)
+        self._RL = array(self._vertex_loads, copy=True)
         self._process_faces(asarray(xyz).reshape(-1, 3), process_all_faces)
-        return self.RL
+        return self._RL
     def update_mesh(self) -> None:
-        """Set the resultant vertex loads in mesh data by
+        """Set the resultant vertex loads in the mesh data map by
         using the latest calculated internal load matrix."""
-        try:
-            RL = self.RL
-        except AttributeError:
-            RL = self._vertex_loads
+        RL = self.RL
         for v, vkey in enumerate(self.mesh.vertices()):
             self.mesh.vertex_attributes(vkey, [self._PX, self._PY, self._PZ],
                                         [RL[v, 0], RL[v, 1], RL[v, 2]])
+    @property
+    def RL(self):
+        """global resultant vertex load matrix as (v x 3) array."""
+        return getattr(self, '_RL', self._vertex_loads)
+    @property
+    def TA(self):
+        """Tributary areas matrix as sparse (v x f) array.
+        Entry a_ij holds tributary area of face j for vertex i."""
+        return getattr(self, '_TA', zeros((self._v_count, self._f_count)))
+    @property
+    def FN(self):
+        """Face normals for current geometry as (f x 3) array."""
+        return getattr(self, '_FN', zeros((self._f_count, 3)))
     def _set_mesh_maps(self) -> None:
         """Set mesh counts and maps."""
         self._v_count = self.mesh.number_of_vertices()
         self._f_count = self.mesh.number_of_faces()
         self._v_id = self.mesh.key_index()
-        self.FN = None
-        self.TA = None
     def _preprocess_loads(self) -> None:
         """Preprocess loads into arrays."""
         self._vertex_loads = asarray(self.mesh.vertices_attributes(
                                      names=(self.PX, self.PY, self.PZ))
                                      ).reshape((self._v_count, 3))
-        rho = self.mesh.attributes[self.RHO]
-        self._weights = asarray([-t * hw * rho for t, hw in self.mesh.faces_attributes(
-                                [self.THICKNESS, self.HAS_SW])]).reshape((self._f_count, 1))
+        self._v_weights = self.mesh.attributes[self.RHO] * asarray(
+                          self.mesh.vertices_attribute(self.THICKNESS))
         self._normal_loads = asarray([n * hn for n, hn in self.mesh.faces_attributes(
                                      [self.NORMAL, self.HAS_NORMAL])]).reshape((self._f_count, 1))
         self._project_loads = asarray([p * hp for p, hp in self.mesh.faces_attributes(
                                       [self.PROJECT, self.HAS_PROJ])]).reshape((self._f_count, 1))
     def _set_load_flags(self) -> None:
-        """Set flags for which load types are applied."""
-        bool_weight = array(self._weights, dtype=bool)
-        bool_normal = array(self._normal_loads, dtype=bool)
-        bool_project = array(self._project_loads, dtype=bool)
-        self._oriented_loads = bool_normal + bool_project
-        self._face_loads = self._oriented_loads + bool_weight
-        self._load_flags = {'any_face_load': self._face_loads.any(),
-                            'any_weight': bool_weight.any(),
-                            'any_normal': bool_normal.any(),
-                            'any_projected': bool_project.any()}
+        """Set flags for which face load types are applied."""
+        have_normal = array(self._normal_loads, dtype=bool)
+        have_projected = array(self._project_loads, dtype=bool)
+        self._have_weight = array(self.mesh.faces_attribute(self.HAS_SW),
+                                  dtype=bool).reshape((self._f_count, 1))
+        self._have_oriented_load = have_normal + have_projected
+        self._have_face_load = self._have_oriented_load + self._have_weight
+        self._any_face_load = self._have_face_load.any()
+        self._any_weight = self._have_weight.any()
+        self._any_normal = have_normal.any()
+        self._any_projected = have_projected.any()
     def _add_face_loads(self) -> None:
         """Add active face loads to the global load matrix."""
-        if self._load_flags['any_weight']:
+        if self._any_weight:
-        if self._load_flags['any_normal']:
+        if self._any_normal:
-        if self._load_flags['any_projected']:
+        if self._any_projected:
     def _process_faces(self, xyz: NDArray[(Any, 3), float64],
                        process_all_faces: bool) -> None:
         """Calculate normals and tributary areas per face,
         for the vertex coordinates of the current geometry."""
-        self.FN = empty((self._f_count, 3), dtype=float)
+        self._FN = zeros((self._f_count, 3), dtype=float)
         trib_data = []; trib_rows = []; trib_cols = []  # noqa
         for f, fkey in enumerate(self.mesh.faces()):
-            if not (self._face_loads[f] or process_all_faces):
+            if not (self._have_face_load[f] or process_all_faces):
             vts = [self._v_id[v] for v in
@@ -177,12 +188,12 @@ def _process_faces(self, xyz: NDArray[(Any, 3), float64],
             trib_cols.extend([f] * len(vts))
             # face normal vector
-            if self._oriented_loads[f] or process_all_faces:
-                self.FN[f, :] = add.reduce(cps)
+            if self._have_oriented_load[f] or process_all_faces:
+                self._FN[f, :] = add.reduce(cps)
-        self.FN /= norm(self.FN, axis=1)[:, None]
-        self.TA = coo_matrix((trib_data, (trib_rows, trib_cols)),
-                             (self._v_count, self._f_count)).tocsr()
+        self._FN /= norm(self._FN, axis=1)[:, None]
+        self._TA = coo_matrix((trib_data, (trib_rows, trib_cols)),
+                              (self._v_count, self._f_count)).tocsr()
     def _face_cross_products(self, f_xyz: NDArray[(Any, 3), float64]
                              ) -> NDArray[(Any, 3), float64]:
@@ -195,18 +206,21 @@ def _face_cross_products(self, f_xyz: NDArray[(Any, 3), float64]
     def _add_weight(self) -> None:
         """Convert all face self-weights into global vertex loads
-        and add them into the global load matrix."""
-        self.RL[:, 2:] +=
+        and add them into the global load matrix.
+        Loads are stepped per vertex tributary area."""
+        self._RL[:, 2:] += (self._v_weights * add.reduce(
+                            self._TA * self._have_weight, axis=1)
+                            ).reshape((-1, 1))
     def _add_normal_loads(self) -> None:
         """Convert all normal face loads into global vertex loads
         and add them into the global load matrix."""
-        NL = self.FN * self._normal_loads
-        self.RL +=
+        NL = self._FN * self._normal_loads
+        self._RL +=
     def _add_projected_loads(self) -> None:
         """Convert all Z-projected face loads into global vertex loads
         and add them into the global load matrix."""
         z = asarray([0, 0, -1]).reshape((3, 1))
-        PL = * self._project_loads
-        self.RL[:, 2:] +=
+        PL = * self._project_loads
+        self._RL[:, 2:] +=

From 49a4ac744b1562b41601276c2a0fab166be8ac0b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sam <>
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2021 09:34:29 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 10/13] Weight minus Z

 src/compas_fd/loads/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/compas_fd/loads/ b/src/compas_fd/loads/
index c48cadda..1a6f10c2 100644
--- a/src/compas_fd/loads/
+++ b/src/compas_fd/loads/
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ def _add_weight(self) -> None:
         """Convert all face self-weights into global vertex loads
         and add them into the global load matrix.
         Loads are stepped per vertex tributary area."""
-        self._RL[:, 2:] += (self._v_weights * add.reduce(
+        self._RL[:, 2:] -= (self._v_weights * add.reduce(
                             self._TA * self._have_weight, axis=1)
                             ).reshape((-1, 1))

From e24d3f92564ac242d24e96256eb4f107f0dafaa3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sam <>
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2021 10:30:36 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 11/13] Include global load factors

 src/compas_fd/datastructures/ |  8 ++++++-
 src/compas_fd/loads/    | 26 +++++++++++++++++------
 2 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/compas_fd/datastructures/ b/src/compas_fd/datastructures/
index 05fb1c9f..4df861c5 100644
--- a/src/compas_fd/datastructures/
+++ b/src/compas_fd/datastructures/
@@ -23,6 +23,10 @@ def __init__(self):
         super(CableMesh, self).__init__()
             'density': 22.0,
+            'point_lc': 1.0,
+            'weight_lc': 1.0,
+            'wind_lc': 1.0,
+            'snow_lc': 1.0
             'x': 0.0,
@@ -51,7 +55,9 @@ def __init__(self):
             '_r': 0.0,
-            'is_loaded': False,
+            'has_weight': False,
+            'has_snow': False,
+            'has_wind': False,
             't': 0.0,
             'wind': 0.0,
             'snow': 0.0
diff --git a/src/compas_fd/loads/ b/src/compas_fd/loads/
index 1a6f10c2..8c1c9f2f 100644
--- a/src/compas_fd/loads/
+++ b/src/compas_fd/loads/
@@ -49,10 +49,12 @@ class LoadCalculator:
     >>> from compas.datastructures import Mesh
     >>> from compas_fd import LoadCalculator
     >>> mesh = Mesh.from_obj(compas.get('hypar.obj'))
+    >>> ma = {'density': 22.0 'point_lc': 1, 'weight_lc': 1,
+              'wind_lc': 1, 'snow_lc': 1}
     >>> dva = {'px': .0, 'py': .0, 'pz': -.1, 't': .1}
     >>> dfa = {'wind': 1.0, 'snow': .0, 'has_weight': True,
                'has_wind': True, 'has_snow': False}
-    >>> mesh.attributes.update({'density': 22.0})
+    >>> mesh.attributes.update(ma)
     >>> mesh.update_default_vertex_attributes(dva)
     >>> mesh.update_default_face_attributes(dfa)
     >>> lc = LoadCalculator(mesh)
@@ -65,8 +67,14 @@ class LoadCalculator:
     # hardcoded attribute names in mesh data map
     PX, PY, PZ = 'px', 'py', 'pz'           # input vertex loads
     _PX, _PY, _PZ = '_px', '_py', '_pz'     # resultant vertex loads
     RHO = 'density'
-    THICKNESS = 't'
+    VTS_LC = 'point_lc'
+    WEIGHT_LC = 'weight_lc'
+    NORMAL_LC = 'wind_lc'
+    PROJ_LC = 'snow_lc'
+    TH = 't'
     NORMAL = 'wind'
     PROJECT = 'snow'
     HAS_SW = 'has_weight'
@@ -136,15 +144,19 @@ def _set_mesh_maps(self) -> None:
     def _preprocess_loads(self) -> None:
         """Preprocess loads into arrays."""
+        vts_lc, weight_lc, normal_lc, proj_lc, rho = (self.mesh.attributes[key] for key in (
+            self.VTS_LC, self.WEIGHT_LC, self.NORMAL_LC, self.PROJ_LC, self.RHO))
         self._vertex_loads = asarray(self.mesh.vertices_attributes(
                                      names=(self.PX, self.PY, self.PZ))
-                                     ).reshape((self._v_count, 3))
-        self._v_weights = self.mesh.attributes[self.RHO] * asarray(
-                          self.mesh.vertices_attribute(self.THICKNESS))
+                                     ).reshape((self._v_count, 3)) * vts_lc
+        self._v_weights = asarray(self.mesh.vertices_attribute(self.TH)) * rho * weight_lc
         self._normal_loads = asarray([n * hn for n, hn in self.mesh.faces_attributes(
-                                     [self.NORMAL, self.HAS_NORMAL])]).reshape((self._f_count, 1))
+                                     [self.NORMAL, self.HAS_NORMAL])]
+                                     ).reshape((self._f_count, 1)) * normal_lc
         self._project_loads = asarray([p * hp for p, hp in self.mesh.faces_attributes(
-                                      [self.PROJECT, self.HAS_PROJ])]).reshape((self._f_count, 1))
+                                      [self.PROJECT, self.HAS_PROJ])]
+                                      ).reshape((self._f_count, 1)) * proj_lc
     def _set_load_flags(self) -> None:
         """Set flags for which face load types are applied."""

From 59486b7d1f1ed33821cb66b0c1a06b9b6447b5f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sam <>
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2021 10:52:27 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 12/13] Move thickness to vertices

 src/compas_fd/datastructures/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/compas_fd/datastructures/ b/src/compas_fd/datastructures/
index 4df861c5..bdf01026 100644
--- a/src/compas_fd/datastructures/
+++ b/src/compas_fd/datastructures/
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ def __init__(self):
             '_rx': 0.0,
             '_ry': 0.0,
             '_rz': 0.0,
+            't': 0.0
             'q': 1.0,
@@ -58,7 +59,6 @@ def __init__(self):
             'has_weight': False,
             'has_snow': False,
             'has_wind': False,
-            't': 0.0,
             'wind': 0.0,
             'snow': 0.0

From a9fd86fe0dd3b07ed7161107a562ad4ab2d0a5df Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sam <>
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2021 10:57:40 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 13/13] Correct thickness

 src/compas_fd/datastructures/ | 3 +--
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/compas_fd/datastructures/ b/src/compas_fd/datastructures/
index bdf01026..ec470f62 100644
--- a/src/compas_fd/datastructures/
+++ b/src/compas_fd/datastructures/
@@ -45,8 +45,7 @@ def __init__(self):
             '_pz': 0.0,
             '_rx': 0.0,
             '_ry': 0.0,
-            '_rz': 0.0,
-            't': 0.0
+            '_rz': 0.0
             'q': 1.0,