The docs will be located in the same directory with the same name as the one that it is actually located. They will also have the same name as the program.
The documentation will have the raw code, an explanation of the program, and maybe an explanation of the equation that it is solving. All code docementation with an explanation, will have a link to a wikipedia article about that equation.
New code probably won't come with documentation. However, it is always a work in progress and probably will be coming soon.
Name of Folder | Desc |
AP Bio | The ap bio class programs |
Algebra | General Algebra Program collection. |
College Algebra | College Algebra class (will become part of algebra folder in near future) |
Geometry | Geometry Volume, Area, Surface Area, and more |
Physics | Physics. Pretty Base but more to come |
Sequences | Algebraic Sequences (arithmetic and geometric) |
Stats | Stats equations like Z-Score and Chi^2 |
Others | Other Documentation. Not code related |