The Angular views in this application retrieve data from the cadasta-api. To handle authorization around API CRUD endpoints all calls are proxied through CKAN so the user's role can be validated.
What follows below is a brief description of the CKAN endpoints and where the authentication functions are located.
If you are interested to see a breakdown of API calls per view per and per user permission, then refer to the /docs/CadastaRelatedViewsEndpointsandPermissions.docx.pdf
. For a high-level description
about where these pieces are and how to update them refer to the endpoint README
The following endpoints are the RPC action names in http://{ckan_hostname}/api/3/action/{action_name}
Get a bundle of information about the user and their organization membership to be used in show/hide logic
- Endpoint
- Does Not Wrap Cadasta
- No Auth Required
Get activity, resources, project extent and parcel geometries for a single project
Get all projects (from the project table)
Get records from the resources table with a specific project id
Get a project's activity records
Get project extent geometry, and all project parcel geometries
Get records from the show_parcels_list database view with a specific project id
Get a project specific parcel (from the parcels table)
Get all details for a project parcel: parcel attributes, parcel history (most recent 10), relationships (most recent 10)
Get a project parcel's relationship history (from the show_relationship_history view)
Get all parcel resources (from the resource_parcel table)
Get project
Get project
Get a project's parties
Get the details for a project party
Get the resources for a project party
Get the details for a project relationship
Get all the relationships for a project
Get the resources for a project relationship
Get the fielddata responses for a project
Get all the fielddata for a project
Create a project
Create an organization
Create a parcel for this project
Update an organization
Update a project
Update a project parcel
Update a project's party information
Update a project's relationship information
Update a project's fielddata respondent's validated data
Upload parcel, party, or relationship project resource
Upload .xls file to for ona mobile user