If package.json allowed comments we would put this inline.
We are striving to keep most of the runtime dependencies up-to-date. The react/UI dependences will change often. The non-react dependencies do not change much.
- react
- react-dom
- prop-types
- fixed-data-table-2
- rc-tree
- react-color
- react-datetime
- react-dnd (not current version, see below)
- react-dnd-html5-backend (not current version, see below)
- react-grid-layout
- react-select
- react-sizeme
- react-split-pane
- prismjs
- enum
- immutability-helper
- isomorphic-fetch
- local-storage
- lodash
- moment
- point-in-polygon
- shallowequal
- validator
- redux (v3, v4 has breaking changes, see below)
- redux-logger
- redux-saga
- redux-thunk
These runtime dependencies that are purposely not most the most recent version
We have not yet updating redux to version 4. Webpack 4 requires calls to getState() happen only outside of a reducer. We will probably never go to webpack 4.
From release notes:
Throw if getState, subscribe, or unsubscribe called while dispatching (including inside a reducer)
Redux is fairly simple conceptually. There is no urgency to update.
Has some breaking changes going to version 1. It will need some testing if we upgrade. We use very little of redux-saga so the breaking changes might not affect us.
These are used by eternal/FilePicker
. This code will need to back updated to use the new versions.
Babel is completely up to date. We will work to keep it that way every year. Babel seems to change required package almost every update. When we goto the next version please make sure all these package are still necessary
babel packages:
- @babel/core
- @babel/preset-react
- @babel/register
- @babel/plugin-transform-runtime
- @babel/preset-env
- core-js
- regenerator-runtime
Webpack is completely up to date. We will work to keep it that way every year. The loaders are mostly up to date, some require node 10.13
Webpack packages:
- webpack
- webpack-cli
- babel-loader
- style-loader
- css-loader
Version 24. (Version 25 requires node >10)
JSDoc is completely up to date. We should always keep this up-to-date
JSDoc packages:
- jsdoc
- jsdoc-jsx
- ink-docstrap
- publish-release
- taffydb - JSDoc claims not to need this for 4.0 but I think ink-docstrap needs it
ESLint is completely up to date. We should always keep this up-to-date
ESLint packages:
- eslint
- babel-eslint
- eslint-loader
- eslint-plugin-jsdoc
- eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y
- eslint-plugin-react
- eslint-plugin-react-hooks