** Virtual Environment Without conda **
git clone https://github.com/ChangYong-Oh/RadiusDirectionPosteriors.git
cd RadiusDirectionPosteriors
source setup_pip.sh
** Virtual Environment With conda **
conda create -n RadiusDirectionPosteriors python=2.7.14 anaconda --yes
cd "`which python | xargs dirname | xargs dirname`/envs/RadiusDirectionPosteriors"
git clone https://github.com/ChangYong-Oh/RadiusDirectionPosteriors.git
source RadiusDirectionPosteriors/setup_conda.sh
Default python should be the anaconda python.
Different python version is possible. For avaialbe version search
conda search "^python$"
** Import in existing Python environment **
Or to be able to import this code in an existing Python environment, go:
pip install -e git+https://github.com/ChangYong-Oh/RadiusDirectionPosteriors.git#egg=RadiusDirectionPosteriors
Data directory and experiment result directory can be set in
All below files can be called with arguments and information about arguments can be retrieved by calling those file with --help option.
python RadiusDirectionPosteriors/train_double_uci.py --help
For dataset splitting, it is recommended to follow splitting given in
You can train model with compression with file
- model_type : LeNetFC, LeNet5-Bundle, LeNet5-Flatten
- prior_file : json file contraining prior information, when only a filename is given without an absolute path, it looks for a json file in prior_json directory.
- epochs : number of epochs
- batch_size : default 100
- lr : default 0.001
- gpu : when this is given, then gpu is used
- model_file : only needed when you want to continue training initialized with setting in model_file
- eval : Using setting in model_file, model is evaluated.
python RadiusDirectionPosteriors/main.py --model_type LeNet5 --prior_file HalfCauchy-fc0.01-conv0.01.json --epochs 200
For LeNetFC, LeNet5-Bundle, LeNet5-Flatten, cpu is faster.
In each of following files, you can plot logarithm of mode of radius posteriors. Threshold and model_file can be specified in files.