How to contribute to this repository
- Install git from
- Download the CnCNet YR Package repository code
- Create a directory anywhere on your local.
- Right-click in directory select
git bash
, or navigate to the directory in terminal. - Enter
git clone
- You now have the codebase on your local machine.
- Install your IDE of choice: Rider, Intellij, etc
Steps to update the client with new maps
Fetch latest code from repository and update your local code
- From project terminal execute
git fetch
,git pull
- Create a new branch from develop
- From project terminal execute
Prepare new maps and map images
- Every map file has an accompanying map image with the same name.
- Map file names should be as follows:
- Ensure inside each of map file, under
the map name starts with number of players, e.g.Name=[2] Hail Mary
- Ensure author is set under
- Map files should not have enhanced preview image and should be small in file size.
- Map images should end in .png, should be x768 on longest side, should run through TinyPNG to shrink the image file size
Add new map files to the project.
- If the map is to be played on the ladder, place the map files and map images in
package\Maps\Yuri's Revenge\
- If the map is non-ladder, place it in appropriate folder. Battle, Mod Maps
- If the map is to be played on the ladder, place the map files and map images in
- This file is very important, it tells the client what maps to display and in what order.
- Execute this script to automatically update
for you.\tools\mpmaps-updater\maps-updater.bat
- View the output of the bat file to see any warnings or errors.
- Open MpMaps.ini and ensure each new map you have inserted is in the file, and double check the GameModes and details.
Commit and push
- When all changes are ready, use git to add the files you added, then commit and push them.
- Using git tools in the IDE is pretty useful for this stuff.
Create a pull request from your branch to
at Once your code is merged, it is all ready to be updated in the client. There are separate steps to execute the client update with the latest code.