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136 lines (110 loc) · 6.92 KB


Repository of the Rodan wrapper for Paco's classifier. This is a layout analysis method that uses neural models based on auto-encoders to separate different layers of pixel-level information, such as staff lines, text, or musical symbols. This method is based on its previous version (Calvo Classifier), with some enhancements that enable training with partial annotations of images.

This method has been accepted at the International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2023) and the article describing it will be available through its proceedings.

Rodan Jobs definition

This repository includes the following Rodan Jobs:

  • Fast Pixelwise Analysis of Music Document in
    • Available in the GPU Rodan queue.
  • Training model for Patchwise Analysis of Music Document in Paco_classifier/
    • Available in the GPU Rodan queue.

Installation Dependencies

Python dependencies:

  • h5py (2.7.0)
  • html5lib (0.9999999)
  • Keras (2.0.5)
  • numpy (1.15.1)
  • scipy (0.19.1)
  • setuptools (36.0.1)
  • six (1.10.0)
  • Tensorflow (2.5.1)
  • opencv-python (

Keras configuration

Paco's classifier needs Keras and TensorFlow to be installed. It can be easily done through pip.

Keras works over both Theano and Tensorflow, so after the installation check ~/.keras/keras.json so that it looks like:

    "image_dim_ordering": "tf",
    "epsilon": 1e-07,
    "floatx": "float32",
    "backend": "tensorflow"

Mode of use for training the model

Through the module The parameters should be provided by console.

The possible parameters are:

  • -psr Path to the folder with the original images. (Default: datasets/images)
  • -prg Path to the folder with the mask regions. (Default: datasets/regions)
  • -pbg Path to the folder with the background ground-truth data. (Default: datasets/layers/background)
  • -pgt A repeatable option for a path to the folder with ground-truth data for each layer (other than background). (Default: datasets/layers/staff datasets/layers/neumes)
  • -out A repeatable option for a path for the output model for each layer including the background. (Default: Models/model_background.hdf5 Models/model_staff.hdf5 Models/model_neumes.hdf5)
  • -width Width of the window to extract samples. (Default: 256)
  • -height Height of the window to extract samples (Default: 256)
  • -b Batch size (Default: 8)
  • -e Maximum number of epochs to be considered. The model will stop before if the the training process does not improve the results. (Default: 50)
  • -n Number of samples to be extracted for each layer. (Default: 1000)
  • -pat Number of consecutive epochs allowed without improvement. The training is stopped if the model does not improve this number of consecutive epochs. (Default: 15)
  • -fm Mode of the selection of the files in the training process. Possible values: [RANDOM, SHUFFLE, SEQUENTIAL]. (Default: SHUFFLE)
  • -sm Mode of extraction of samples. Possible values: [RANDOM, SEQUENTIAL]. (Default: RANDOM)

Note that the parameters -pgt and -out are repeatable options. For including more layers, these two parameters have to be repeated one time for each layer to provide the corresponding paths. Note also that the -out parameter indicates the paths in which each trained model will be saved. So that, the number of paths provided with the parameter -out must match with the number of path folders provided for each layer, including the background one.

If you have 3 layers (background, staff, neumes), you have to provide the path folder to the background data with -pbg, the path folders to the data of the rest of layers through -pgt (parameter repeated for each additional layer) and the output path for the trained models for each layer, being the background model the first one, and the rest of output paths matching with the different layers provided by -pgt, considering the order in which they were provided. For example:

  python -u  
            -psr datasets/images  
            -prg datasets/regions  
            -pbg datasets/layers/bg  
            -pgt datasets/layers/staff  
            -pgt datasets/layers/neumes  
            -out Models/model_background.hdf5  
            -out Models/model_staff.hdf5  
            -out Models/model_neumes.hdf5  
            -width 256  
            -height 256  
            -b 8  
            -e 50  
            -n 1000  
            -pat 15  
            -fm SHUFFLE  
            -sm RANDOM  

Within that script, there are a set of parameters with an example of use. Each one of these variables matches with a parameter of the python code.

  • PATH_IMAGES="datasets/images"
  • PATH_REGIONS="datasets/regions"
  • PATH_BACKGROUND="datasets/layers/background"
  • PATH_LAYERS=("datasets/layers/staff" "datasets/layers/neumes")
  • OUTPUT_MODEL=("Models/model_background.hdf5" "Models/model_staff.hdf5" "Models/model_neumes.hdf5")

IMPORTANT: NUMBER_SAMPLES_PER_CLASS cannot be smaller than BATCH_SIZE. The image width cannot be smaller than WINDOW_WIDTH and similarly, the image height cannot be smaller than WINDOW_HEIGHT. Ground truth portions of layers have to be fully opaque and have alpha channel value of 255 (img[:, :, TRANSPARENCY] == 255). Any image that contains 0 fully opaque pixel will be removed from the training set. Exception will be thrown if all images of a layer are empty.

Currently, the script requires that the data have a specific folder structure. It is necessary to have a folder for images, another for the region masks, another for the background layer, and an additional folder for each layer different to the background. For example:

  • datasets Parent folder.
    • images Folder for images.
    • regions Folder for the region masks.
    • background Folder for the background layer.
    • staff Folder for the staff layer.
    • neume Folder for the neume notation layer.
    • layer_x Folder for the x-th layer, etc.

With this structure, each image have exactly the same name of the associated data in each folder. For example:

  • datasets
    • images
      • image_01.png
      • example_99.png
    • regions
      • image_01.png
      • example_99.png
    • layers
      • background
        • image_01.png
        • example_99.png
      • staff
        • image_01.png
        • example_99.png
      • neume
        • image_01.png
        • example_99.png