variable "app_environment" {
type = string
variable "app_suffix" {
type = string
default = ""
variable "azure_resource_prefix" {
type = string
variable "azure_sp_credentials_json" {
type = string
default = null
variable "cluster" {
type = string
variable "config_short" {
type = string
variable "deploy_azure_backing_services" {
type = string
default = true
variable "docker_image" {
type = string
variable "enable_monitoring" {
type = bool
default = true
variable "external_hostname" {
type = string
default = null
variable "namespace" {
type = string
variable "service_short" {
type = string
"app_environment": "development",
"cluster": "test",
"enable_monitoring": false,
"external_hostname": "",
"namespace": "tra-development"
"app_environment": "test",
"cluster": "test",
"enable_monitoring": false,
"external_hostname": "",
"namespace": "tra-test"
"app_environment": "review",
"cluster": "test",
"deploy_azure_backing_services": false,
"enable_monitoring": false,
"namespace": "tra-development"
"app_environment": "preproduction",
"cluster": "test",
"enable_monitoring": false,
"external_hostname": "",
"namespace": "tra-test"
"app_environment": "production",
"cluster": "production",
"enable_monitoring": true,
"external_hostname": "",
"namespace": "tra-production"
terraform {
required_version = "1.4.5"
backend "azurerm" {}
locals {
azure_credentials = try(jsondecode(var.azure_sp_credentials_json), null)
provider "azurerm" {
subscription_id = try(local.azure_credentials.subscriptionId, null)
client_id = try(local.azure_credentials.clientId, null)
client_secret = try(local.azure_credentials.clientSecret, null)
tenant_id = try(local.azure_credentials.tenantId, null)
skip_provider_registration = true
features {}
provider "kubernetes" {
host = module.cluster_data.kubernetes_host
client_certificate = module.cluster_data.kubernetes_client_certificate
client_key = module.cluster_data.kubernetes_client_key
cluster_ca_certificate = module.cluster_data.kubernetes_cluster_ca_certificate
locals {
environment = "${var.app_environment}${var.app_suffix}"
service_name = "service-name"
module "cluster_data" {
source = "git::"
name = var.cluster
module "redis" {
source = "git::"
namespace = var.namespace
environment = local.environment
azure_resource_prefix = var.azure_resource_prefix
service_name = local.service_name
service_short = var.service_short
config_short = var.config_short
cluster_configuration_map = module.cluster_data.configuration_map
use_azure = var.deploy_azure_backing_services
azure_enable_monitoring = var.enable_monitoring
module "postgres" {
source = "git::"
namespace = var.namespace
environment = local.environment
azure_resource_prefix = var.azure_resource_prefix
service_name = local.service_name
service_short = var.service_short
config_short = var.config_short
cluster_configuration_map = module.cluster_data.configuration_map
use_azure = var.deploy_azure_backing_services
azure_enable_monitoring = var.enable_monitoring
azure_extensions = ["pg_stat_statements", "pgcrypto"]
An Azure key vault named ${var.azure_resource_prefix}-${var.service_short}-${var.config_short}-kv
containing application secrets.
module "application_configuration" {
source = "git::"
namespace = var.namespace
environment = local.environment
azure_resource_prefix = var.azure_resource_prefix
service_short = var.service_short
config_short = var.config_short
is_rails_application = true
config_variables = {
HOSTING_ENVIRONMENT = local.environment
secret_variables = {
DATABASE_URL = module.postgres.url
REDIS_URL = module.redis.url
module "web_application" {
source = "git::"
name = "web"
is_web = true
namespace = var.namespace
environment = local.environment
service_name = local.service_name
cluster_configuration_map = module.cluster_data.configuration_map
kubernetes_config_map_name = module.application_configuration.kubernetes_config_map_name
kubernetes_secret_name = module.application_configuration.kubernetes_secret_name
docker_image = var.docker_image
module "worker_application" {
source = "git::"
name = "worker"
is_web = false
namespace = var.namespace
environment = local.environment
service_name = local.service_name
cluster_configuration_map = module.cluster_data.configuration_map
kubernetes_config_map_name = module.application_configuration.kubernetes_config_map_name
kubernetes_secret_name = module.application_configuration.kubernetes_secret_name
docker_image = var.docker_image
command = ["bundle", "exec", "sidekiq", "-C", "./config/sidekiq.yml"]
probe_command = ["pgrep", "-f", "sidekiq"]
Some services will require multiple Key Vaults to store application and infrastructure secrets. It'll require the following changes:
- Two Key Vaults named:
- Add
secret_key_vault_short = "app"
to the application configuration. - Add a secrets instance to retrieve infrastructure secrets:
module "infrastructure_secrets" { source = "git::" azure_resource_prefix = var.azure_resource_prefix service_short = var.service_short config_short = var.config_short key_vault_short = "inf" }
terraform {
required_providers {
statuscake = {
source = "StatusCakeDev/statuscake"
provider "statuscake" {
api_token =
locals {
external_url = var.external_hostname != null ? "https://#{var.external_hostname}" : null
module "statuscake" {
count = var.enable_monitoring ? 1 : 0
source = "git::"
uptime_urls = compact([module.web_application.probe_url, local.external_url])
ssl_urls = compact([local.external_url])
contact_groups = []