This document shows how to convert ocr annotation to the general format (not including LMDB) for model training.
You may also refer to
which is a quick solution for converting annotation files of all datasets under a given directory.
To download and convert OCR datasets to the required data format, please refer to these instructions.
The format of the converted annotation file should follow:
img_61.jpg\t[{"transcription": "MASA", "points": [[310, 104], [416, 141], [418, 216], [312, 179]]}, {...}]
Taking ICDAR2015 (ic15) dataset as an example, to convert the ic15 dataset to the required format, please run
# convert training anotation
python tools/dataset_converters/ \
--dataset_name ic15 \
--task det \
--image_dir /path/to/ic15/det/train/ch4_training_images \
--label_dir /path/to/ic15/det/train/ch4_training_localization_transcription_gt \
--output_path /path/to/ic15/det/train/det_gt.txt
# convert testing anotation
python tools/dataset_converters/ \
--dataset_name ic15 \
--task det \
--image_dir /path/to/ic15/det/test/ch4_test_images \
--label_dir /path/to/ic15/det/test/ch4_test_localization_transcription_gt \
--output_path /path/to/ic15/det/test/det_gt.txt
The annotation format for text recognition dataset follows
word_7.png fusionopolis
word_8.png fusionopolis
word_9.png Reserve
word_10.png CAUTION
word_11.png citi
Note that image name and text label are seperated by \t.
To convert, please run:
# convert training anotation
python tools/dataset_converters/ \
--dataset_name ic15 \
--task rec \
--label_dir /path/to/ic15/rec/ch4_training_word_images_gt/gt.txt
--output_path /path/to/ic15/rec/train/ch4_training_word_images_gt/rec_gt.txt
# convert testing anotation
python tools/dataset_converters/ \
--dataset_name ic15 \
--task rec \
--label_dir /path/to/ic15/rec/ch4_test_word_images_gt/gt.txt
--output_path /path/to/ic15/rec/ch4_test_word_images_gt/rec_gt.txt
Some of the dataset can be converted to LMDB format. Currently, this is only supported for the SynthText
and SynthAdd
To convert to LMDB format, please run
python tools/dataset_converters/ \
--dataset_name synthtext \
--task rec_lmdb \
--image_dir /path/to/SynthText \
--label_dir /path/to/SynthText_gt.mat \
--output_path ST_full