Project: Active Transparency for Governmental Entities Specification - MOTA Initiative Description: a specification of the obligations and good practices for the publication and disclosure of information on active transparency in Colombia. Version: 0.5.6
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and Keep a Changelog convention and is also available in spanish and portuguese.
- wrong version in the title
- improved copy with @Daniel Ospina-Celis revision (merges #21 )
- bumped version
- character encoding on some files
- bumped version
- improved copy
- Total rules changed to 48.
- Merged
Directorio de funcionarios - B�sico
andDirectorio de funcionarios - Completo
rules intoDirectorio de servidores p�blicos, empleados (i.e. funcion�rios)
, originally created to allow more flexibility for obligated entities, because of its potential to generate confusion and discourage the compliance to the legal rule (i.e. a full directory with complete information). - Reorganized
Reporte de Auditorias
andInformes de gesti�n, evaluaci�n y auditor�a
into 4 separated rules for allowing gradual evaluation and allowing more flexibility for obligated entities, encouraging gradual compliance to the legal requirements). - Removed
Informaci�n Publicada Antes De La Ley 1712 De 2014
, redundant in relation withRespuestas A Solicitudes De Informaci�n Recibidas
- Updated some criteria success level descriptions
- Improved copy
Retroactive commit
- Corrections
- Merged redundant criteria (8.4)
retroactive commit
- text for section 1.1 Transparencia, Rendici�n de Cuentas y lucha contra la corrupci�n;
- text for section 1.2 P�blico objetivo
- text for section 1.3 Filosof�a y Presupuestos
- text for section 1.4 Interdisciplinaridad
- text for section 1.5 Regulaci�n
- added some missing information (by Juan Carlos Upegui);
- change and or clarification of some rules;
- revised copy and fixed several spelling, syntax and grammar errors (revised by Juan Carlos Upegui)
- updated [] and variations files;
- wrong file encoding (it should be UTF8);
- spanish copy with several spelling, syntax and grammar errors (revised by Daniel Ospina)
- bumped version
- fixed [] e []
- CHANGELOG for spanish and portuguese
- Tweaked README on all languages
- Webstandards compliance (guideline 5.2.3) is easier to obtain on all levels: -- dropped requirement for WCAG 2.1, changed to Norma Técnica Colombiana (NTC) 5854; -- XHTML temporarily accepted for web standards checking; -- increased number of accepted warning and/or errors; -- a few errors are now accepted on level A
- Performance compliance (guideline 5.2.4) is easier to obtain (work in progress) -- tweaked some requirements
- Changes conformity level and criteria -- Normalize success criteria (closes #9)
- Clarify criteria 5.2.6 - Dados Abiertos: Acceso vía API REST (closes #6)
- Improved Introductory sessions, including ABSTRACT
- Improved criteria: 5.2.3 - Universalidad: Patrones de Accesibilidad y Web Standards
- Updated and improved criteria: 5.2.4 - Universalidad: Performance
- Minor Tweaks
- Missing Changelog entries
- version number references
- Lacking references and links to Norma Técnica Colombiana (NTC) 5854
- Table of Contents
- W3C RESPEC index.html
- TOC and Subheader numbering
- Some rules were removed and/or merged to other rules
- AFAZERES em Destaque
- Several typo corrections
- Several rules descriptions were changed to improve clarity and criteria demands
- Several rules merged
- Initial specification draft
- in 3 languages (spanish, english and portuguese).
- in 3 languages (spanish, english and portuguese).
- in 3 languages (spanish, english and portuguese).