Grid View for ASP.NET Web Forms - How to use batch mode to edit data and edit form mode to insert new rows
This example demonstrates how to wrap a grid control in a callback panel and switch the grid's edit mode on the panel's callback.
Follow the steps below to edit data in batch mode and insert new rows in edit form mode:
Create the Grid View control and wrap it with a callback panel. Specify a column's HeaderTemplate property and add a hyperlink editor to the template to create a custom New button.
<dx:ASPxCallbackPanel ID="ASPxCallbackPanel1" runat="server" ClientInstanceName="cp" OnCallback="ASPxCallbackPanel1_Callback"> <PanelCollection> <dx:PanelContent runat="server"> <dx:ASPxGridView ID="gridView" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataSourceID="ads" ClientInstanceName="gridView" KeyFieldName="CategoryID" > <ClientSideEvents EndCallback="OnEndCallback" /> <Columns> <dx:GridViewCommandColumn ShowInCustomizationForm="True" ShowNewButtonInHeader="True"> <HeaderTemplate> <dx:ASPxHyperLink ID="hlNew" runat="server" Text="New"> <ClientSideEvents Click="hlNew_Click" /> </dx:ASPxHyperLink> </HeaderTemplate> </dx:GridViewCommandColumn> <!-- ... --> </Columns> <SettingsEditing Mode="Batch" /> </dx:PanelContent> </PanelCollection> </dx:ASPxCallbackPanel>
Create a flag variable, handle the button's
event, and do the following in the handler:- Call the grid's HasChanges method to indicate whether the grid has unsaved changes.
- Call the grid's UpdateEdit method to save changes.
- Call the panel's
method to send a callback to the server. - Use a hidden field control to save the flag variable value.
var isNewClicked = false; function hlNew_Click(s, e) { if (gridView.batchEditApi.HasChanges()) { if (confirm("All changes will be saved automatically. Do you want to continue?")) gridView.UpdateEdit(); isNewClicked = true; } else { hf.Set("isNewClicked", true); cp.PerformCallback(); } }
<dx:ASPxHiddenField ID="hf" runat="server" ClientInstanceName="hf" />
Handle the panel's server-side
event. In the handler, set the grid's Mode property toBatch
based on the flag variable value. To insert new rows in edit form mode, call the grid's AddNewRow method.protected void ASPxCallbackPanel1_Callback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.CallbackEventArgsBase e) { if (hf.Contains("isNewClicked")) { if ((bool)hf.Get("isNewClicked") == true) { gridView.SettingsEditing.Mode = DevExpress.Web.GridViewEditingMode.EditForm; hf.Set("isNewClicked", false); gridView.AddNewRow(); } else gridView.SettingsEditing.Mode = DevExpress.Web.GridViewEditingMode.Batch; } }
- Default.aspx (VB: Default.aspx)
- Default.aspx.cs (VB: Default.aspx.vb)
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