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API Reference

Cancellable Promise with extra features

CPromise.CanceledError : CanceledError

CanceledError class

Kind: static property of CPromise

CPromise.AbortController : AbortController | AbortControllerEx

Refers to the AbortController class (native if available)

Kind: static property of CPromise

CPromise.AbortControllerEx : AbortControllerEx

AbortControllerEx class

Kind: static property of CPromise


Generic cancellation reason

Kind: static property of CPromise


Cancellation reason for the case when the instance will be disposed

Kind: static property of CPromise


Timeout cancellation reason

Kind: static property of CPromise


React specific canceled reason

Kind: static property of CPromise

CPromise.async : function

async decorator

Kind: static property of CPromise

CPromise.listen : function

listen decorator

Kind: static property of CPromise

CPromise.cancel : function

cancel decorator

Kind: static property of CPromise

CPromise.ReactComponent : function

cancel decorator

Kind: static property of CPromise

CPromise.atomic : function

make CPromise function atomic

Kind: static property of CPromise

CPromise.done : function

append done chain to the resulting promise of the decorated method

Kind: static property of CPromise

CPromise.timeout : function

timeout decorator

Kind: static property of CPromise

CPromise.innerWeight : function

innerWeight decorator

Kind: static property of CPromise

CPromise.label : function

label decorator

Kind: static property of CPromise

CPromise.canceled : function

label decorator

Kind: static property of CPromise

CPromise.progress : function

progress decorator

Kind: static property of CPromise

CPromise.promisify : function

Kind: static property of CPromise

CPromise~CPromise : object

Creates a new CPromise instance

Kind: inner namespace of CPromise
Extends: Promise

Param Type Description
[executor] CPromiseExecutorFn promise executor function that will be invoked in the context of the new CPromise instance
[options] CPromiseOptions

cPromise.signal : AbortSignal

get promise abort signal object

Kind: instance property of CPromise

cPromise.isPending ⇒ Boolean

indicates if the promise is pending

Kind: instance property of CPromise

cPromise.isCanceled ⇒ Boolean

indicates if the promise is pending

Kind: instance property of CPromise

cPromise.isCaptured ⇒ Boolean

indicates if the promise progress is captured

Kind: instance property of CPromise

cPromise.isPaused ⇒ Boolean

indicates if the promise chain is paused

Kind: instance property of CPromise

cPromise.isRejected ⇒ Boolean

indicates if the promise is rejected

Kind: instance property of CPromise

cPromise.parent ⇒ CPromise | null

get parent promise

Kind: instance property of CPromise

cPromise.onCancel(listener) ⇒ CPromise

registers the listener for cancel event

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type
listener OnCancelListener

cPromise.onPause(listener) ⇒ CPromise

registers the listener for pause event

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type
listener OnPauseListener

cPromise.onResume(listener) ⇒ CPromise

registers the listener for resume event

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type
listener OnResumeListener

cPromise.onCapture(listener) ⇒ CPromise

registers the listener for capture event

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type
listener OnCaptureListener


registers the listener for done event

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type
listener CPDoneListener


registers the listener for done event

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type
listener CPSignalListener

cPromise.onSignal(signal, listener)

registers the listener for done event

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type
signal Signal
listener CPSignalListener

cPromise.totalWeight([weight]) ⇒ Number | CPromise

Set or get the total weight of the inner chains

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type
[weight] Number

cPromise.innerWeight([weight]) ⇒ Number | CPromise

Set or get the total weight of the inner chains

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type
[weight] Number

cPromise.progress([value], [data], [scope]) ⇒ Number | CPromise

Set promise progress

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type Description
[value] Number a number between [0, 1]
[data] * any data to send for progress event listeners
[scope] CPromise CPromise scope

cPromise.propagate(type, data, [scope]) ⇒ CPromise

emit propagate event that will propagate through each promise scope in the chain (bubbling)

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type Default Description
type String | symbol some type to identify the data kind
data * some data
[scope] CPromise CPromise scope

cPromise.captureProgress([options]) ⇒ CPromise

capture initial progress state of the chain

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type Description
[options] Object
options.throttle Number set min interval for firing progress event
options.innerWeight Number set weight of the nested promises

cPromise.scopes([pendingOnly]) ⇒ Array.<CPromise>

Returns all parent scopes that are in pending state

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type Default
[pendingOnly] boolean false

cPromise.timeout([ms]) ⇒ Number | CPromise

timeout before the promise will be canceled

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type Description
[ms] Number timeout in ms

cPromise.weight([weight]) ⇒ Number | CPromise

Sets the promise weight in progress capturing process

Kind: instance method of CPromise
Returns: Number | CPromise - returns weight if no arguments were specified

Param Type Description
[weight] Number any number greater or equal 0

cPromise.label([label]) ⇒ Number | CPromise

Sets the promise label

Kind: instance method of CPromise
Returns: Number | CPromise - returns weight if no arguments were specified

Param Type Description
[label] String any string

cPromise.resolve(value) ⇒ CPromise

Resolves the promise with given value

Kind: instance method of CPromise


cPromise.reject(err) ⇒ CPromise

Rejects the promise with given error

Kind: instance method of CPromise


cPromise.pause(data) ⇒ Boolean

Pause promise

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type
data *

cPromise.resume(data) ⇒ Boolean

Resume promise

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type
data *

cPromise.atomic([type]) ⇒

Make promise chain atomic (non-cancellable for external signals)

Kind: instance method of CPromise
Returns: CPromise

Param Type
[type] AtomicType

cPromise.cancel([reason], [forced])

throws the CanceledError that cause promise chain cancellation

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type Default
[reason] String | Error
[forced] Boolean false

cPromise.emitSignal(type, [data], [handler], [locator]) ⇒ Boolean

Emit a signal of the specific type

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type
type Signal
[data] *
[handler] SignalHandler
[locator] SignalLocator

cPromise.delay(ms) ⇒ CPromise

Returns a chain that will be resolved after specified timeout

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type
ms Number

cPromise.aggregate([weight]) ⇒ CPromise

Aggregate promise chain into one promise

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type Default
[weight] number 1

cPromise.then(onFulfilled, [onRejected]) ⇒ CPromise

returns a CPromise. It takes up to two arguments: callback functions for the success and failure cases of the Promise.

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type
onFulfilled onFulfilled
[onRejected] onRejected

cPromise.catch(onRejected, [filter]) ⇒ CPromise

Catches rejection with optionally specified Error class

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type
onRejected function
[filter] Error

cPromise.finally(onFinally) ⇒ Promise.<(T|void)>

Add handler that will be invoked when promise settled

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type
onFinally CPFinallyHandler

cPromise.done(doneHandler) ⇒ CPromise

Add a handler that will be called after the promise has been fulfilled, but unlike finally, the returned plain value will not be ignored

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type
doneHandler CPDoneHandler

cPromise.canceled([onCanceled]) ⇒ CPromise

Catches CancelError rejection

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type
[onCanceled] function

cPromise.listen(signal) ⇒ CPromise

Listen for abort signal

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type
signal AbortSignal

cPromise.on(type, listener, [prepend]) ⇒ CPromise

adds a new listener

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type Default
type EventType
listener function
[prepend] Boolean false

cPromise.hasListener(event, listener) ⇒ boolean

Check whether the listener is already registered to the specific event

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type
event EventType
listener function, listener) ⇒ CPromise

removes the listener

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type
type EventType
listener function

cPromise.listenersCount(type) ⇒ Number

returns listeners count of the specific event type

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type
type EventType

cPromise.hasListeners(type) ⇒ Boolean

checks if there are listeners of a specific type

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type
type String | Symbol

cPromise.once(type, listener) ⇒ CPromise

add 'once' listener

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type
type EventType
listener function

cPromise.emit(type, ...args) ⇒ CPromise

emits the event

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type
type EventType

cPromise.emitHook(type, ...args) ⇒ Boolean

Emits event as a hook. If some listener return true, this method will immediately return true as the result. Else false will be retuned

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type
type EventType

cPromise.toString([entireChain]) ⇒ string

Render promise to String

Kind: instance method of CPromise

Param Type Default Description
[entireChain] boolean false render the entire promise chain

CPromise.version ⇒ string

CPromise version string

Kind: static property of CPromise

CPromise.versionNumber ⇒ number

CPromise version number

Kind: static property of CPromise

CPromise.isCanceledError(thing) ⇒ boolean

Checks if thing is an CanceledError instance

Kind: static method of CPromise


CPromise.delay(ms, value, [options]) ⇒ CPromise

Returns a CPromise that will be resolved after specified timeout

Kind: static method of CPromise

Param Type Default Description
ms Number delay before resolve the promise with specified value
[options] object
[options.progressTick] number 1000 progress timer tick, must be >= 100ms

CPromise.all(iterable, [options]) ⇒ CPromise

Returns a single CPromise that resolves to an array of the results of the input promises. If one fails then other promises will be canceled immediately

Kind: static method of CPromise

Param Type
iterable Iterable | Generator | GeneratorFunction | array
[options] CPAllOptions


    yield axios.get(url1);
    yield axios.get(url2);
    yield axios.get(url3);
}, {concurrency: 1}).then(console.log)

CPromise.race(pending) ⇒ CPromise

returns a promise that fulfills or rejects as soon as one of the promises in an iterable fulfills or rejects, with the value or reason from that promise. Other pending promises will be canceled immediately

Kind: static method of CPromise

Param Type
pending Iterable

CPromise.allSettled(iterable, [options]) ⇒ CPromise

returns a promise that resolves after all of the given promises have either fulfilled or rejected

Kind: static method of CPromise

Param Type
iterable Iterable | Generator | GeneratorFunction
[options] CPAllOptions

CPromise.retry(fn, [options]) ⇒ CPromise

Retry async operation

Kind: static method of CPromise

Param Type Default
fn CPGeneratorRetryFunction | CPRetryFunction
[options] Object
[options.args] Array
[options.retries] Number
[options.delayWeight] Number
[options.delay] Number | CPRetryDelayResolver
[options.scopeArg] Boolean false

CPromise.resolve([thing], [options]) ⇒ CPromise

Converts thing to CPromise using the following rules:

  • CPromise instance returns as is
  • Objects with special method defined with key Symbol.for('toCPromise') will be converted using this method The result will be cached for future calls
  • Thenable wraps into a new CPromise instance, if thenable has the cancel method it will be used for canceling
  • Generator function will be resolved to CPromise
  • Array will be resoled via CPromise.all, arrays with one element (e.g. [[1000]]) will be resolved via CPromise.race

This method returns null if the conversion failed.

Kind: static method of CPromise

Param Type
[thing] *
[options] resolveOptionsObject | Boolean

CPromise.promisify(originalFn, [options]) ⇒ function

Converts callback styled function|GeneratorFn|AsyncFn to CPromise async function

Kind: static method of CPromise

Param Type
originalFn function | GeneratorFunction | AsyncFunction
[options] PromisifyOptions | function | Boolean, [options]) ⇒ CPromise

Resolves the generator to an CPromise instance

Kind: static method of CPromise

Param Type Description
generatorFn GeneratorFunction
[options] Object
[options.args] Array
[options.resolveSignatures] Boolean resolve extra signatures (like arrays with CPromise.all)
[options.scopeArg] Boolean pass the CPromise scope as the first argument to the generator function
[options.context] *


Decorator to make CPromise async function from generator, ECMA async or callback-styled method

Kind: static method of CPromise

Param Type
[options] object
[options.timeout] number
[options.label] string
[options.innerWeight] number
[options.weight] number
[options.listen] AbortControllerId | AbortController | AbortSignal | Array.<(AbortControllerId|AbortController|AbortSignal)>
[options.atomic] AtomicType


Decorator to subscribe CPromise async method to the internal or external controller

Kind: static method of CPromise

Param Type
[signals] AbortControllerId | AbortController | AbortSignal | Array.<(AbortControllerId|AbortController|AbortSignal)>

CPromise.cancel([reason], signal)

Decorator to cancel internal or external abort controller before the decorated function invocation. Can be used as a plain function by passing a object context with .call or .apply methods

Kind: static method of CPromise

Param Type
[reason] string
signal AbortControllerId | AbortController


el.onclick= ()=>, reason, 'myControllerId'); - to use the decorator as a plain function


Decorator to add an onCanceled rejection handler to the resulting promise of the decorated method

Kind: static method of CPromise

Param Type
onCanceledChain function | GeneratorFunction


Decorator to subscribe the handler to the onProgress event of the resulting promise

Kind: static method of CPromise

Param Type
onProgressHandler ProgressDecoratorHandler


Decorate class as React component

Kind: static method of CPromise

Param Type
options boolean | ReactComponentDecoratorOptions


Decorator to set timeout for the resulting promise of the decorated function

Kind: static method of CPromise

Param Type
ms number


Decorator to set label for the resulting promise of the decorated function

Kind: static method of CPromise

Param Type
str string


Decorator to set innerWeight for the resulting promise of the decorated function

Kind: static method of CPromise

Param Type
weight number


Decorator to set timeout for the resulting promise of the decorated function

Kind: static method of CPromise

Param Type
atomicType AtomicType


append done chain to the resulting promise of the decorated method

Kind: static method of CPromise

Param Type
doneHandler CPDecoratorDoneHandler

CPromise.isPromisifiedFn(fn) ⇒ * | boolean

Returns promisification strategy that was used to the original function

Kind: static method of CPromise

Param Type
fn function

CPromise.isCPromise(thing, [anyVersion]) ⇒ boolean

Check whether object is CPromise instance

Kind: static method of CPromise

Param Type Default
thing *
[anyVersion] boolean false

CPromise~EventType : String | Symbol

Kind: inner typedef of CPromise

CPromise~CPromiseExecutorFn : function

Kind: inner typedef of CPromise
this: CPromise

Param Type
resolve function
reject function
scope CPromise

CPromise~PromiseOptionsObject : Object

Kind: inner typedef of CPromise

Name Type Default Description
label String
timeout Number
weight Number
[nativeController] Boolean false prefer native AbortController class as the internal signal

CPromise~CPromiseOptions : PromiseOptionsObject | String | Number

If value is a number it will be considered as the value for timeout option If value is a string it will be considered as a label

Kind: inner typedef of CPromise

CPromise~OnCancelListener : function

Kind: inner typedef of CPromise

Param Type
reason CanceledError

CPromise~OnPauseListener : function

Kind: inner typedef of CPromise

CPromise~OnResumeListener : function

Kind: inner typedef of CPromise

CPromise~OnCaptureListener : function

Kind: inner typedef of CPromise

Param Type
CPromise scope

CPromise~CPDoneListener ⇒ CPromise

Kind: inner typedef of CPromise

Param Type
value *
isRejected boolean

CPromise~CPSignalListener ⇒ Boolean

Kind: inner typedef of CPromise

Param Type
type Signal
data *

CPromise~AtomicType : number | boolean | "disabled" | "detached" | "await"

Kind: inner typedef of CPromise

CPromise~Signal : String | Symbol

Kind: inner typedef of CPromise

CPromise~SignalHandler ⇒ Boolean

Kind: inner typedef of CPromise
this: {CPromise}

Param Type
data *
type Signal
scope CPromise

CPromise~SignalLocator ⇒ Boolean

Kind: inner typedef of CPromise
this: {CPromise}

Param Type
data *
type Signal
scope CPromise
isRoot Boolean

CPromise~CPFinallyHandler : function

Kind: inner typedef of CPromise
this: CPromise

Param Type
settledValue *
isRejected boolean
scope CPromise

CPromise~CPDoneHandler : function

Kind: inner typedef of CPromise
this: CPromise

Param Type
settledValue *
isRejected boolean
scope CPromise

CPromise~CPAllOptions : object

Kind: inner typedef of CPromise

Name Type Description
[concurrency] number limit concurrency of promise being run simultaneously
[mapper] function function to map each element
[ignoreResults] boolean do not collect results
[signatures] boolean use advanced signatures for vales resolving

CPromise~CPRetryFunction ⇒ *

Kind: inner typedef of CPromise

Param Type
attempt number
args array

CPromise~CPGeneratorRetryFunction ⇒ *

Kind: inner typedef of CPromise

Param Type
scope CPromise
attempt number
args array

CPromise~CPRetryDelayResolver ⇒ number

Kind: inner typedef of CPromise
Returns: number - a delay in ms before next attempt

Param Type
attempt number
retries number

CPromise~resolveOptionsObject : Object

Kind: inner typedef of CPromise

Name Type Default
[resolveSignatures] Boolean true
[atomic] AtomicType true
[args] *

CPromise~PromisifyFinalizeFn : function

Kind: inner typedef of CPromise

Param Type
result *
scope CPromise

CPromise~CPPromisifyDecoratorFn ⇒ function

Kind: inner typedef of CPromise

Param Type Description
originalFn function function to decorate
options PromisifyOptions

CPromise~PromisifyOptions : Object

Kind: inner typedef of CPromise

Name Type Default Description
[multiArgs] Boolean aggregate all passed arguments to an array
[finalize] PromisifyFinalizeFn aggregate all passed arguments to an array
[fnType] "plain" | "generator" | "async"
[scopeArg] boolean pass the CPromise scope as the first argument to the generator function
[decorator] function CPPromisifyDecoratorFn
[alignArgs] boolean align passed arguments to function definition for callback-styled function
[once] boolean true don't promisify already promisified function
[types] array.<('plain'|'async'|'generator')> function types to promisify

CPromise~AbortControllerId : string | symbol

Kind: inner typedef of CPromise

CPromise~ProgressDecoratorHandler : function

Kind: inner typedef of CPromise

Param Type
progress number
scope CPromise
data *
context object

CPromise~ReactComponentDecoratorOptions : object

Kind: inner typedef of CPromise

Name Type Default
[subscribeAll] boolean false
[bindListeners] boolean true
[bindMethods] boolean true

CPromise~CPDecoratorDoneHandler : function

Kind: inner typedef of CPromise

Param Type
value *
isRejected boolean
scope CPromise
context object