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test definition for the word a@ test definition for the word akesi@ test definition for the word ala@ test definition for the word alasa@ test definition for the word ale@ test definition for the word anpa@ test definition for the word ante@ test definition for the word anu@ test definition for the word awen@ test definition for the word e@ test definition for the word en@ test definition for the word esun@ test definition for the word ijo@ test definition for the word ike@ test definition for the word ilo@ test definition for the word insa@ test definition for the word jaki@ test definition for the word jan@ test definition for the word jelo@ test definition for the word jo@ test definition for the word kala@ test definition for the word kalama@ test definition for the word kama@ test definition for the word kasi@ test definition for the word ken@ test definition for the word kepeken@ test definition for the word kijetesantakalu@ test definition for the word kili@ test definition for the word kin@ test definition for the word kipisi@ test definition for the word kiwen@ test definition for the word ko@ test definition for the word kon@ test definition for the word ku@ test definition for the word kule@ test definition for the word kulupu@ test definition for the word kute@ test definition for the word la@ test definition for the word lape@ test definition for the word laso@ test definition for the word lawa@ test definition for the word leko@ test definition for the word len@ test definition for the word lete@ test definition for the word li@ test definition for the word lili@ test definition for the word linja@ test definition for the word lipu@ test definition for the word loje@ test definition for the word lon@ test definition for the word luka@ test definition for the word lukin@ test definition for the word lupa@ test definition for the word ma@ test definition for the word mama@ test definition for the word mani@ test definition for the word meli@ test definition for the word mi@ test definition for the word mije@ test definition for the word moku@ test definition for the word moli@ test definition for the word monsi@ test definition for the word monsuta@ test definition for the word mu@ test definition for the word mun@ test definition for the word musi@ test definition for the word mute@ test definition for the word namako@ test definition for the word nanpa@ test definition for the word nasa@ test definition for the word nasin@ test definition for the word nena@ test definition for the word ni@ test definition for the word nimi@ test definition for the word noka@ test definition for the word o@ test definition for the word olin@ test definition for the word ona@ test definition for the word open@ test definition for the word pakala@ test definition for the word pali@ test definition for the word palisa@ test definition for the word pan@ test definition for the word pana@ test definition for the word pi@ test definition for the word pilin@ test definition for the word pimeja@ test definition for the word pini@ test definition for the word pipi@ test definition for the word poka@ test definition for the word poki@ test definition for the word pona@ test definition for the word pu@ test definition for the word sama@ test definition for the word seli@ test definition for the word selo@ test definition for the word seme@ test definition for the word sewi@ test definition for the word sijelo@ test definition for the word sike@ test definition for the word sin@ test definition for the word sina@ test definition for the word sinpin@ test definition for the word sitelen@ test definition for the word soko@ test definition for the word sona@ test definition for the word soweli@ test definition for the word suli@ test definition for the word suno@ test definition for the word supa@ test definition for the word suwi@ test definition for the word tan@ test definition for the word taso@ test definition for the word tawa@ test definition for the word telo@ test definition for the word tenpo@ test definition for the word toki@ test definition for the word tomo@ test definition for the word tonsi@ test definition for the word tu@ test definition for the word unpa@ test definition for the word uta@ test definition for the word utala@ test definition for the word walo@ test definition for the word wan@ test definition for the word waso@ test definition for the word wawa@ test definition for the word weka@ test definition for the word wile@