All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
Be aware that code written for 1.9 will not work out of the box because DotSpatial.Topology was replaced by DotSpatial.GeoAPI and DotSpatial.NetTopologySuite (#786).
- Switched to NTS/GeoAPI instead of DotSpatial.Topology (#633, #404, #786)
- Tag property in ActionItem (#338)
- Added property AppManager.BaseDirectory which allows to change base directory for plugins. (#758)
- Support for formatted ESRI projection files (#793)
- XML comments for publicly visible types and members
- "Add layer to Map"-checkbox to the ToolDialog (#147)
- CopySubset overloads with withAttributes parameters
- Jenks Natural Breaks support in categories binning.
- Test that checks correct creation of GpggkSentence objects from string
- GdalExtension: Updated to GDAL 1.1.11
- Demo and Apps projects should have build files (#120)
- ExtensionManager & HideReleaseFromEndUser (#798)
- Moved localizeable strings to resource files
- Renamed FilterCollectionEM to FeatureSelectionExt because it contains extension methods for IFeatureSelection
- Move FeatureSet.Filename / FilePath to DataSet (#821)
- Changed Filename to absolute path so it stays the same even if CurrentDirectory is changed
- Renamed IntervalMethod.Quantile to IntervalMethod.EqualFrequency for better consistency.
- IHeaderControl.Add() now returns object which represents added GUI item.
- Added authority and authority code as optional parameters to method ProjectionInfo.FromProj4String.
- Update proj4 strings to EPSG db 9.0 (#870)
- ShapeFile Numeric columns now loaded into double instead of string for up to 15 decimal digits (#893)
- DS Feature refactorings (#906)
- LegendText ReadOnly (#750)
- Removed DotSpatial.Topology assembly (#633)
- Removed obsolete methods\properties (#797)
- Parameters for the Austrian Bundesmeldenetz in DotSpatial.Projections.ProjectedCategories.NationalGrids are incorrect (#855)
- Raster extent shifts from correct extent (#725)
- Inconsistent use of affine coefficients (#822)
- Fixed the shift in x-coordinate when reprojecting from WGS84 to LAEA (#815)
- Fixed LAEA reprojected y coordinate that resulted in n.def (#813)
- ShapeReader skipping one entry when switching the page (#774)
- DotSpatial.Projections dll file is very big (#27)
- ParseEsriString leaves datums.xml open (#713)
- MultiPolygon shapefile with holes with nested part not read correctly (#779)
- Exception when calling Feature.Difference (#765)
- Coordinate getHashCode() incorrect (#731)
- IsSimple returns true without checking (#656)
- Polygonizer StackOverflowException (#509)
- Topology: Area for a Polygon with Holes (#16)
- Unhandled exception in ScaleBarPlugin (#789)
- No outgoing dirEdge found (#602)
- WKBWriter adds 4 null bytes? (#475)
- Exception when calling feature.Intersects(otherFeature) (#746)
- Remove Map Frame context menu doesn't work (#237)
- ReprojectPoints() not working for more than 1 point for Stereographic transforms. (#781)
- Projection ETRS1989LAEA (#387)
- Problem with LAEA projection (#568)
- Intersection Issue (#785)
- SqlServer raise WKB is not valid format. (#499)
- Error inside ClipPolygonWithLine that caused an exception because the output filename wasn't set
- Incorrect toWgs84 initialisation in Proj4DatumName set accesor (#732)
- Unhandled exception when zoom to empty Group (#796)
- Excel Join, wrong OleDbAdaptater. (#250)
- Select Layer in the MapFrame (#743)
- Measure Plugin - unhandled exception (#792)
- Error that caused the last value to be missing from the RasterSymbolizer.Scheme
- Bug in tool Reproject Features (#761)
- Clone a featureset with CopyFeatures throws exception (#780)
- Make sure Feature.Copy doesn't throw an error if the Feature doesn't have a ParentFeatureSet
- Symbology.IndexSelection.RemoveRegion is working slow (#718)
- Exception in WebMap plugin if "espg"-substring is lower-case (#777)
- Problem in rendering ECW images (#824)
- Polygon layer - scheme partially resets when open properties window (#842)
- Index Glitch in GdalRaster with Very Large Rasters (#849)
- Map Frame Dragging (#772)
- Fixed reprojection errors between RT90 and SWEREF99, caused by missing TOWGS parameters in transformation attributes (#861)
- Incorrect reprojection between RT90 2,5 gon V and WGS84 (#618)
- SelectByAttributes - Unhandled Exception (#253)
- AttributeTable.Columns.Add (#303)
- Spheroid International_1924 in EuropeanDatum1950UTMZone30N coordinate system (#623)
- AttributeTable - Can't handle all field types, fails to handle null values properly (#880)
- Attributes now preserved from input to output when performing ClipPolygonWithPolygon tool (#892)
- FeatureSet.Open(".shp") throws wrong error if .shx is missing (#903)
- Wrong Expression at Expression Editor mess up Layer Feature Set. (#904)
- Incorrect selection of polygons with Holes (#905)
- ExtendBuffer Map property fixed (#661)
- Polygon Hatch Style is not displayed (#851)
- Is this a bug in DotSpatial.WebControls? (#496)
- NmeaSentence.ParseDilution produces an exception when an nmea string with dilution of precision not greater than 0 is used. (#909)
- Errors in SetPropertiesFromSentence functions of GpggkSentence, GpgsvSentence, GprmcSentence
- Allow feature.DataRow = null in Shape-constructor (#917)
- DS uses InRamImage although GDAL provider was selected (#931)
- Disable editing in identify window (#930)
- ArcMap does show M and Z as NaN (#935)