diff --git a/.github/workflows/delete-old-workflows.yml b/.github/workflows/delete-old-workflows.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..598a36a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/delete-old-workflows.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+name: Delete old workflows
+ workflow_dispatch:
+ schedule:
+ - cron: '0 22 * * *'
+ del_runs:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ permissions:
+ actions: write
+ steps:
+ - name: Delete old workflow runs
+ uses: Mattraks/delete-workflow-runs@v2
+ with:
+ token: ${{ github.token }}
+ repository: ${{ github.repository }}
+ retain_days: 3
+ keep_minimum_runs: 1
diff --git a/.github/workflows/update-adguardhome.yml b/.github/workflows/update-adguardhome.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..923412c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/update-adguardhome.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+name: Update AdGuard Home
+ workflow_dispatch:
+ schedule:
+ - cron: "0 17 * * *"
+ push:
+ branches:
+ - main
+ paths-ignore:
+ - "README.md"
+ - ".github/workflows/delete-old-workflows.yml"
+ - ".github/workflows/update-clashdashboard.yml"
+ - ".github/workflows/update-mihomo.yml"
+ - ".github/workflows/update-singbox.yml"
+ go:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ outputs:
+ version: ${{ steps.go.outputs.version }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Get `Go` latest version
+ id: go
+ run: |
+ echo version=$(curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/actions/go-versions/update-versions-manifest-file/versions-manifest.json | grep '"version"' | head -1 | awk -F'"' '{print $4}') >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ node:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ outputs:
+ version: ${{ steps.node.outputs.version }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Get `Node` latest version (LTS)
+ id: node
+ run: |
+ echo version=$(curl -sSL https://nodejs.org/dist/index.json | jq -r 'map(select(.lts != false)) | .[0].version') >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ release:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ needs: go
+ outputs:
+ release_version: ${{ steps.release.outputs.release_version }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout `beta-v0.107`
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ repository: AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome
+ ref: beta-v0.107
+ fetch-depth: 0
+ - name: Setup `Go`
+ uses: actions/setup-go@v5
+ with:
+ go-version: ${{ needs.go.outputs.version }}
+ - name: Get `AdGuard Home Release` version
+ id: release
+ run: |
+ release_version=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 HEAD)
+ echo release_version=$release_version >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ release_cross:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ include:
+ # Linux
+ - { name: linux_amd64, goos: linux, goarch: amd64, goamd64: v1 }
+ - { name: linux_armv5, goos: linux, goarch: arm, goarm: 5 }
+ - { name: linux_armv6, goos: linux, goarch: arm, goarm: 6 }
+ - { name: linux_armv7, goos: linux, goarch: arm, goarm: 7 }
+ - { name: linux_arm64, goos: linux, goarch: arm64 }
+ - { name: linux_mips_softfloat, goos: linux, goarch: mips, gomips: softfloat }
+ - { name: linux_mipsle_softfloat, goos: linux, goarch: mipsle, gomips: softfloat }
+ # Windows
+ - { name: windows_amd64, goos: windows, goarch: amd64, goamd64: v1 }
+ - { name: windows_arm64, goos: windows, goarch: arm64 }
+ fail-fast: false
+ needs:
+ - go
+ - node
+ - release
+ env:
+ release_VERSION: ${{ needs.release.outputs.release_version }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout `beta-v0.107`
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ repository: AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome
+ ref: beta-v0.107
+ fetch-depth: 1
+ - name: Setup `Go`
+ uses: actions/setup-go@v5
+ with:
+ go-version: ${{ needs.go.outputs.version }}
+ - name: Adapt `Go` version
+ run: |
+ go get go@${{ needs.go.outputs.version }}
+ go mod tidy
+ - name: Setup `Node`
+ uses: actions/setup-node@v4
+ with:
+ node-version: ${{ needs.node.outputs.version }}
+ - name: Setup `Snapcraft`
+ run: |
+ sudo apt-get -yq --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends install snapcraft
+ - name: Build `AdGuard Home Release`
+ id: build
+ run: |
+ make SIGN=0 VERBOSE=1 ARCH=${{ matrix.goarch }} OS=${{ matrix.goos }} CHANNEL=release VERSION=${{ env.release_VERSION }} GOTOOLCHAIN=local build-release
+ - name: Upload files to workspace
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
+ with:
+ name: AdGuardHome_release_${{ matrix.name }}
+ path: '**/AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome*'
+ compression-level: 9
+ beta:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ needs: go
+ outputs:
+ beta_version: ${{ steps.beta.outputs.beta_version }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout `beta-v0.108`
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ repository: AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome
+ ref: beta-v0.108
+ fetch-depth: 0
+ - name: Setup `Go`
+ uses: actions/setup-go@v5
+ with:
+ go-version: ${{ needs.go.outputs.version }}
+ - name: Get `AdGuard Home Beta` version
+ id: beta
+ run: |
+ beta_version=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 HEAD)
+ echo beta_version=$beta_version >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ beta_cross:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ include:
+ # Linux
+ - { name: linux_amd64, goos: linux, goarch: amd64, goamd64: v1 }
+ - { name: linux_armv5, goos: linux, goarch: arm, goarm: 5 }
+ - { name: linux_armv6, goos: linux, goarch: arm, goarm: 6 }
+ - { name: linux_armv7, goos: linux, goarch: arm, goarm: 7 }
+ - { name: linux_arm64, goos: linux, goarch: arm64 }
+ - { name: linux_mips_softfloat, goos: linux, goarch: mips, gomips: softfloat }
+ - { name: linux_mipsle_softfloat, goos: linux, goarch: mipsle, gomips: softfloat }
+ # Windows
+ - { name: windows_amd64, goos: windows, goarch: amd64, goamd64: v1 }
+ - { name: windows_arm64, goos: windows, goarch: arm64 }
+ fail-fast: false
+ needs:
+ - go
+ - node
+ - beta
+ env:
+ beta_VERSION: ${{ needs.beta.outputs.beta_version }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout `beta-v0.108`
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ repository: AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome
+ ref: beta-v0.108
+ fetch-depth: 1
+ - name: Setup `Go`
+ uses: actions/setup-go@v5
+ with:
+ go-version: ${{ needs.go.outputs.version }}
+ - name: Adapt `Go` version
+ run: |
+ go get go@${{ needs.go.outputs.version }}
+ go mod tidy
+ - name: Setup `Node`
+ uses: actions/setup-node@v4
+ with:
+ node-version: ${{ needs.node.outputs.version }}
+ - name: Setup `Snapcraft`
+ run: |
+ sudo apt-get -yq --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends install snapcraft
+ - name: Build `AdGuard Home Beta`
+ id: build
+ run: |
+ make SIGN=0 VERBOSE=1 ARCH=${{ matrix.goarch }} OS=${{ matrix.goos }} CHANNEL=beta VERSION=${{ env.beta_VERSION }} GOTOOLCHAIN=local build-release
+ - name: Upload files to workspace
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
+ with:
+ name: AdGuardHome_beta_${{ matrix.name }}
+ path: '**/AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome*'
+ compression-level: 9
+ push_adguardhome:
+ needs:
+ - release_cross
+ - release
+ - beta_cross
+ - beta
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ env:
+ release_VERSION: ${{ needs.release.outputs.release_version }}
+ beta_VERSION: ${{ needs.beta.outputs.beta_version }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Clone Repository
+ uses: actions/checkout@main
+ - name: Download files from workspace
+ uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
+ with:
+ path: ./tmp-AdGuardHome/
+ - name: Batch move and rename `AdGuard Home` files
+ run: |
+ mkdir -p ./tmp-AdGuardHome/compress/
+ archs=(amd64 armv5 armv6 armv7 arm64 mips_softfloat mipsle_softfloat)
+ new_name=(amd64 armv5 armv6 armv7 armv8 mips_softfloat mipsle_softfloat)
+ for ((i = 0; i < 7; i++)); do
+ mv -f "./tmp-AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome_release_linux_${archs[i]}/dist/AdGuardHome_linux_${archs[i]//v/_}/AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome" "./tmp-AdGuardHome/compress/AdGuardHome_release_linux_${new_name[i]}"
+ mv -f "./tmp-AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome_beta_linux_${archs[i]}/dist/AdGuardHome_linux_${archs[i]//v/_}/AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome" "./tmp-AdGuardHome/compress/AdGuardHome_beta_linux_${new_name[i]}"
+ done
+ chmod +x ./tmp-AdGuardHome/compress/*
+ - name: Setup `upx` and compress `AdGuard Home` files
+ uses: crazy-max/ghaction-upx@v3
+ with:
+ version: latest
+ files: ./tmp-AdGuardHome/compress/*
+ - name: Move `AdGuard Home` files
+ run: |
+ mkdir -p ./AdGuardHome/
+ mv -f ./tmp-AdGuardHome/compress/* ./AdGuardHome/
+ # `Release` for Windows
+ mv -f ./tmp-AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome_release_windows_amd64/dist/AdGuardHome_windows_amd64/AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome.exe ./AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome_release_windows_amd64.exe
+ mv -f ./tmp-AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome_release_windows_arm64/dist/AdGuardHome_windows_arm64/AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome.exe ./AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome_release_windows_arm64.exe
+ # `Beta` for Windows
+ mv -f ./tmp-AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome_beta_windows_amd64/dist/AdGuardHome_windows_amd64/AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome.exe ./AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome_beta_windows_amd64.exe
+ mv -f ./tmp-AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome_beta_windows_arm64/dist/AdGuardHome_windows_arm64/AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome.exe ./AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome_beta_windows_arm64.exe
+ rm -rf ./tmp*
+ - name: Release and upload `AdGuardHome` assets
+ uses: svenstaro/upload-release-action@v2
+ with:
+ repo_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+ release_name: AdGuardHome
+ tag: AdGuardHome
+ overwrite: true
+ body: |
+ [AdGuardHome](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome) Release 版和 Beta 版
+ 更新 AdGuard Home Release 版至 ${{ env.release_VERSION }},更新 AdGuard Home Beta 版至 ${{ env.beta_VERSION }}
+ file_glob: true
+ file: ./AdGuardHome/*
+ - name: Purge jsDelivr CDN
+ run: |
+ cd ./AdGuardHome/ || exit 1
+ for file in $(ls); do
+ curl -i "https://purge.jsdelivr.net/gh/${{ github.repository }}@AdGuardHome/${file}"
+ done
diff --git a/.github/workflows/update-clashdashboard.yml b/.github/workflows/update-clashdashboard.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f8f99b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/update-clashdashboard.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+name: Update Clash Dashboard
+ workflow_dispatch:
+ schedule:
+ - cron: "30 17 * * *"
+ push:
+ branches:
+ - main
+ paths-ignore:
+ - "README.md"
+ - ".github/workflows/delete-old-workflows.yml"
+ - ".github/workflows/update-adguardhome.yml"
+ - ".github/workflows/update-mihomo.yml"
+ - ".github/workflows/update-singbox.yml"
+ Update:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - name: Clone Repository
+ uses: actions/checkout@main
+ - name: Get version
+ run: |
+ razord_meta_download_version=$(curl -sSL https://api.github.com/repos/MetaCubeX/Razord-meta/tags | grep 'name' | head -n 1 | sed -e 's/.*v/v/' -e 's/".*//')
+ echo "razord_meta_download_version=${razord_meta_download_version}" >> ${GITHUB_ENV}
+ yacd_download_version=$(curl -sSL https://api.github.com/repos/haishanh/yacd/releases/latest | grep 'tag_name' | sed -e 's/.*v/v/' -e 's/".*//')
+ echo "yacd_download_version=${yacd_download_version}" >> ${GITHUB_ENV}
+ yacd_meta_download_version=$(curl -sSL https://api.github.com/repos/MetaCubeX/Yacd-meta/releases/latest | grep 'tag_name' | sed -e 's/.*v/v/' -e 's/".*//')
+ echo "yacd_meta_download_version=${yacd_meta_download_version}" >> ${GITHUB_ENV}
+ metacubexd_download_version=$(curl -sSL https://api.github.com/repos/MetaCubeX/metacubexd/releases/latest | grep 'tag_name' | sed -e 's/.*v/v/' -e 's/".*//')
+ echo "metacubexd_download_version=${metacubexd_download_version}" >> ${GITHUB_ENV}
+ - name: Download and compress `Razord-meta` dashboard
+ run: |
+ mkdir -p ./Dashboard/ ./tmp/Razord-meta/
+ curl -o ./tmp/Razord-meta/gh-pages.zip -L https://github.com/MetaCubeX/Razord-meta/archive/refs/heads/gh-pages.zip
+ unzip -o ./tmp/Razord-meta/gh-pages.zip -d ./tmp/Razord-meta/
+ tar -czf ./Dashboard/Razord-meta.tar.gz -C ./tmp/Razord-meta/Razord-meta-gh-pages/ .
+ - name: Download and compress `yacd` dashboard
+ run: |
+ mkdir -p ./tmp/yacd/
+ curl -o ./tmp/yacd/gh-pages.zip -L https://github.com/haishanh/yacd/archive/refs/heads/gh-pages.zip
+ unzip -o ./tmp/yacd/gh-pages.zip -d ./tmp/yacd/
+ tar -czf ./Dashboard/yacd.tar.gz -C ./tmp/yacd/yacd-gh-pages/ .
+ - name: Download and compress `Yacd-meta` dashboard
+ run: |
+ mkdir -p ./tmp/Yacd-meta/
+ curl -o ./tmp/Yacd-meta/gh-pages.zip -L https://github.com/MetaCubeX/Yacd-meta/archive/refs/heads/gh-pages.zip
+ unzip -o ./tmp/Yacd-meta/gh-pages.zip -d ./tmp/Yacd-meta/
+ tar -czf ./Dashboard/Yacd-meta.tar.gz -C ./tmp/Yacd-meta/Yacd-meta-gh-pages/ .
+ - name: Download and compress `metacubexd` dashboard
+ run: |
+ mkdir -p ./tmp/metacubexd/
+ curl -o ./tmp/metacubexd/gh-pages.zip -L https://github.com/MetaCubeX/metacubexd/archive/refs/heads/gh-pages.zip
+ unzip -o ./tmp/metacubexd/gh-pages.zip -d ./tmp/metacubexd/
+ tar -czf ./Dashboard/metacubexd.tar.gz -C ./tmp/metacubexd/metacubexd-gh-pages/ .
+ rm -rf ./tmp*
+ - name: Release and upload `Dashboard` assets
+ uses: svenstaro/upload-release-action@v2
+ with:
+ repo_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+ release_name: Dashboard
+ tag: Dashboard
+ overwrite: true
+ body: |
+ Clash Dashboard,包括:[Razord-meta 面板](https://github.com/MetaCubeX/Razord-meta)、[yacd 面板](https://github.com/haishanh/yacd)、[Yacd-meta 面板](https://github.com/MetaCubeX/Yacd-meta)和 [metacubexd 面板](https://github.com/MetaCubeX/metacubexd)
+ 更新 Razord-meta 面板至 ${{ env.razord_meta_download_version }}
+ 更新 yacd 面板至 ${{ env.yacd_download_version }}
+ 更新 Yacd-meta 面板至 ${{ env.yacd_meta_download_version }}
+ 更新 metacubexd 面板至 ${{ env.metacubexd_download_version }}
+ file_glob: true
+ file: ./Dashboard/*
+ - name: Purge jsDelivr CDN
+ run: |
+ cd ./Dashboard/ || exit 1
+ for file in $(ls); do
+ curl -i "https://purge.jsdelivr.net/gh/${{ github.repository }}@Dashboard/${file}"
+ done
diff --git a/.github/workflows/update-mihomo.yml b/.github/workflows/update-mihomo.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2e47d538
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/update-mihomo.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+name: Update mihomo
+ workflow_dispatch:
+ schedule:
+ - cron: "0 18 * * *"
+ push:
+ branches:
+ - main
+ paths-ignore:
+ - "README.md"
+ - ".github/workflows/delete-old-workflows.yml"
+ - ".github/workflows/update-adguardhome.yml"
+ - ".github/workflows/update-clashdashboard.yml"
+ - ".github/workflows/update-singbox.yml"
+ go:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ outputs:
+ version: ${{ steps.go.outputs.version }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Get `Go` latest version
+ id: go
+ run: |
+ echo version=$(curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/actions/go-versions/update-versions-manifest-file/versions-manifest.json | grep '"version"' | head -1 | awk -F'"' '{print $4}') >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ meta:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ needs: go
+ outputs:
+ meta_version: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.meta_version }}
+ meta_tags: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.meta_tags }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout `Meta`
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ repository: MetaCubeX/mihomo
+ ref: Meta
+ fetch-depth: 0
+ - name: Setup `Go`
+ uses: actions/setup-go@v5
+ with:
+ go-version: ${{ needs.go.outputs.version }}
+ - name: Get `mihomo Meta` version
+ id: meta
+ run: |
+ meta_version=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 HEAD)
+ echo meta_version=$meta_version >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ echo meta_tags=with_gvisor >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ meta_cross:
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ include:
+ # Linux
+ - { name: linux-amd64, goos: linux, goarch: amd64, goamd64: v1 }
+ - { name: linux-amd64-v3, goos: linux, goarch: amd64, goamd64: v3 }
+ - { name: linux-armv5, goos: linux, goarch: arm, goarm: 5 }
+ - { name: linux-armv6, goos: linux, goarch: arm, goarm: 6 }
+ - { name: linux-armv7, goos: linux, goarch: arm, goarm: 7 }
+ - { name: linux-arm64, goos: linux, goarch: arm64 }
+ - { name: linux-mips-softfloat, goos: linux, goarch: mips, gomips: softfloat }
+ - { name: linux-mipsle-softfloat, goos: linux, goarch: mipsle, gomips: softfloat }
+ - { name: linux-mipsle-hardfloat, goos: linux, goarch: mipsle, gomips: hardfloat }
+ # Windows
+ - { name: windows-amd64, goos: windows, goarch: amd64, goamd64: v1 }
+ - { name: windows-amd64-v3, goos: windows, goarch: amd64, goamd64: v3 }
+ - { name: windows-arm64, goos: windows, goarch: arm64 }
+ fail-fast: false
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ needs:
+ - go
+ - meta
+ env:
+ GOOS: ${{ matrix.goos }}
+ GOARCH: ${{ matrix.goarch }}
+ GOAMD64: ${{ matrix.goamd64 }}
+ GOARM: ${{ matrix.goarm }}
+ GOMIPS: ${{ matrix.gomips }}
+ meta_TAGS: ${{ needs.meta.outputs.meta_tags }}
+ meta_VERSION: ${{ needs.meta.outputs.meta_version }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout `Meta`
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ repository: MetaCubeX/mihomo
+ ref: Meta
+ fetch-depth: 1
+ - name: Setup `Go`
+ uses: actions/setup-go@v5
+ with:
+ go-version: ${{ needs.go.outputs.version }}
+ - name: Set ENV
+ run: |
+ sudo timedatectl set-timezone "Asia/Shanghai"
+ echo "BUILDTIME=$(date)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ shell: bash
+ - name: Build `mihomo Meta` core
+ id: build
+ run: go build -v -trimpath -ldflags "-X 'github.com/metacubex/mihomo/constant.Version=${meta_VERSION}' -X 'github.com/metacubex/mihomo/constant.BuildTime=${BUILDTIME}' -s -w -buildid=" -tags "${meta_TAGS}" -o meta
+ - name: Upload files to workspace
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
+ with:
+ name: mihomo-meta-${{ matrix.name }}
+ path: meta*
+ compression-level: 9
+ alpha:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ needs: go
+ outputs:
+ alpha_version: ${{ steps.alpha.outputs.alpha_version }}
+ alpha_tags: ${{ steps.alpha.outputs.alpha_tags }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout `Alpha`
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ repository: MetaCubeX/mihomo
+ ref: Alpha
+ fetch-depth: 0
+ - name: Setup `Go`
+ uses: actions/setup-go@v5
+ with:
+ go-version: ${{ needs.go.outputs.version }}
+ - name: Get `mihomo Alpha` version
+ id: alpha
+ run: |
+ alpha_version=alpha-$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
+ echo alpha_version=$alpha_version >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ echo alpha_tags=with_gvisor >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ alpha_cross:
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ include:
+ # Linux
+ - { name: linux-amd64, goos: linux, goarch: amd64, goamd64: v1 }
+ - { name: linux-amd64-v3, goos: linux, goarch: amd64, goamd64: v3 }
+ - { name: linux-armv5, goos: linux, goarch: arm, goarm: 5 }
+ - { name: linux-armv6, goos: linux, goarch: arm, goarm: 6 }
+ - { name: linux-armv7, goos: linux, goarch: arm, goarm: 7 }
+ - { name: linux-arm64, goos: linux, goarch: arm64 }
+ - { name: linux-mips-softfloat, goos: linux, goarch: mips, gomips: softfloat }
+ - { name: linux-mipsle-softfloat, goos: linux, goarch: mipsle, gomips: softfloat }
+ - { name: linux-mipsle-hardfloat, goos: linux, goarch: mipsle, gomips: hardfloat }
+ # Windows
+ - { name: windows-amd64, goos: windows, goarch: amd64, goamd64: v1 }
+ - { name: windows-amd64-v3, goos: windows, goarch: amd64, goamd64: v3 }
+ - { name: windows-arm64, goos: windows, goarch: arm64 }
+ fail-fast: false
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ needs:
+ - go
+ - alpha
+ env:
+ GOOS: ${{ matrix.goos }}
+ GOARCH: ${{ matrix.goarch }}
+ GOAMD64: ${{ matrix.goamd64 }}
+ GOARM: ${{ matrix.goarm }}
+ GOMIPS: ${{ matrix.gomips }}
+ alpha_TAGS: ${{ needs.alpha.outputs.alpha_tags }}
+ alpha_VERSION: ${{ needs.alpha.outputs.alpha_version }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout `Alpha`
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ repository: MetaCubeX/mihomo
+ ref: Alpha
+ fetch-depth: 1
+ - name: Setup `Go`
+ uses: actions/setup-go@v5
+ with:
+ go-version: ${{ needs.go.outputs.version }}
+ - name: Set ENV
+ run: |
+ sudo timedatectl set-timezone "Asia/Shanghai"
+ echo "BUILDTIME=$(date)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ shell: bash
+ - name: Build `mihomo Alpha` core
+ id: build
+ run: go build -v -trimpath -ldflags "-X 'github.com/metacubex/mihomo/constant.Version=${alpha_VERSION}' -X 'github.com/metacubex/mihomo/constant.BuildTime=${BUILDTIME}' -s -w -buildid=" -tags "${alpha_TAGS}" -o meta
+ - name: Upload files to workspace
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
+ with:
+ name: mihomo-alpha-${{ matrix.name }}
+ path: meta*
+ compression-level: 9
+ push_mihomo:
+ needs:
+ - meta_cross
+ - meta
+ - alpha_cross
+ - alpha
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ env:
+ meta_VERSION: ${{ needs.meta.outputs.meta_version }}
+ alpha_VERSION: ${{ needs.alpha.outputs.alpha_version }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Clone Repository
+ uses: actions/checkout@main
+ - name: Download files from workspace
+ uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
+ with:
+ path: ./tmp-mihomo/
+ - name: Zip `mihomo` cores by `tar`
+ run: |
+ mkdir -p ./tmp-mihomo/compress/
+ archs=(amd64 armv5 armv6 armv7 arm64 mips-softfloat mipsle-hardfloat mipsle-softfloat)
+ new_name=(amd64 armv5 armv6 armv7 armv8 mips-softfloat mipsle-hardfloat mipsle-softfloat)
+ # `Meta` cores
+ for ((i = 0; i < 8; i++)); do
+ mv -f "./tmp-mihomo/mihomo-meta-linux-${archs[i]}/meta" ./tmp-mihomo/CrashCore
+ chmod +x ./tmp-mihomo/CrashCore
+ tar --no-same-owner -czf "./tmp-mihomo/compress/mihomo-meta-linux-${new_name[i]}.tar.gz" -C ./tmp-mihomo/ ./CrashCore
+ done
+ # `Alpha` cores
+ for ((i = 0; i < 8; i++)); do
+ mv -f "./tmp-mihomo/mihomo-alpha-linux-${archs[i]}/meta" ./tmp-mihomo/CrashCore
+ chmod +x ./tmp-mihomo/CrashCore
+ tar --no-same-owner -czf "./tmp-mihomo/compress/mihomo-alpha-linux-${new_name[i]}.tar.gz" -C ./tmp-mihomo/ ./CrashCore
+ done
+ - name: Move `mihomo` cores
+ run: |
+ mkdir -p ./mihomo/
+ mv -f ./tmp-mihomo/compress/* ./mihomo/
+ # `Meta` cores for Windows
+ mv -f ./tmp-mihomo/mihomo-meta-windows-amd64/meta ./mihomo/mihomo-meta-windows-amd64.exe
+ mv -f ./tmp-mihomo/mihomo-meta-windows-amd64-v3/meta ./mihomo/mihomo-meta-windows-amd64v3.exe
+ mv -f ./tmp-mihomo/mihomo-meta-windows-arm64/meta ./mihomo/mihomo-meta-windows-arm64.exe
+ # `Alpha` cores for Windows
+ mv -f ./tmp-mihomo/mihomo-alpha-windows-amd64/meta ./mihomo/mihomo-alpha-windows-amd64.exe
+ mv -f ./tmp-mihomo/mihomo-alpha-windows-amd64-v3/meta ./mihomo/mihomo-alpha-windows-amd64v3.exe
+ mv -f ./tmp-mihomo/mihomo-alpha-windows-arm64/meta ./mihomo/mihomo-alpha-windows-arm64.exe
+ rm -rf ./tmp*
+ - name: Release and upload `mihomo` assets
+ uses: svenstaro/upload-release-action@v2
+ with:
+ repo_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+ release_name: mihomo
+ tag: mihomo
+ overwrite: true
+ body: |
+ [mihomo](https://github.com/MetaCubeX/mihomo) Meta 版和 Alpha 版内核
+ 更新 Meta 版至 ${{ env.meta_VERSION }},更新 Alpha 版至 ${{ env.alpha_VERSION }}
+ file_glob: true
+ file: ./mihomo/*
+ - name: Purge jsDelivr CDN
+ run: |
+ cd ./mihomo/ || exit 1
+ for file in $(ls); do
+ curl -i "https://purge.jsdelivr.net/gh/${{ github.repository }}@mihomo/${file}"
+ done
diff --git a/.github/workflows/update-singbox.yml b/.github/workflows/update-singbox.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8601920d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/update-singbox.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+name: Update sing-box
+ workflow_dispatch:
+ schedule:
+ - cron: "30 18 * * *"
+ push:
+ branches:
+ - main
+ paths-ignore:
+ - "README.md"
+ - ".github/workflows/delete-old-workflows.yml"
+ - ".github/workflows/update-adguardhome.yml"
+ - ".github/workflows/update-clashdashboard.yml"
+ - ".github/workflows/update-mihomo.yml"
+ go:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ outputs:
+ version: ${{ steps.go.outputs.version }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Get `Go` latest version
+ id: go
+ run: |
+ echo version=$(curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/actions/go-versions/update-versions-manifest-file/versions-manifest.json | grep '"version"' | head -1 | awk -F'"' '{print $4}') >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ puernya:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ needs: go
+ outputs:
+ puernya_version: ${{ steps.puernya.outputs.puernya_version }}
+ puernya_tags: ${{ steps.puernya.outputs.puernya_tags }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout `building`
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ repository: PuerNya/sing-box
+ ref: building
+ fetch-depth: 0
+ - name: Setup `Go`
+ uses: actions/setup-go@v5
+ with:
+ go-version: ${{ needs.go.outputs.version }}
+ - name: Get `sing-box PuerNya` version
+ id: puernya
+ run: |
+ git remote add sekai https://github.com/SagerNet/sing-box.git
+ git fetch --tags sekai
+ puernya_version=$(CGO_ENABLED=0 go run ./cmd/internal/read_tag)
+ echo puernya_version=$puernya_version >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ echo puernya_tags=with_quic,with_dhcp,with_wireguard,with_shadowsocksr,with_ech,with_utls,with_clash_api,with_gvisor >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ puernya_cross:
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ include:
+ # linux
+ - { name: linux-amd64, goos: linux, goarch: amd64, goamd64: v1 }
+ - { name: linux-amd64-v3, goos: linux, goarch: amd64, goamd64: v3 }
+ - { name: linux-armv5, goos: linux, goarch: arm, goarm: 5 }
+ - { name: linux-armv6, goos: linux, goarch: arm, goarm: 6 }
+ - { name: linux-armv7, goos: linux, goarch: arm, goarm: 7 }
+ - { name: linux-arm64, goos: linux, goarch: arm64 }
+ - { name: linux-mips-softfloat, goos: linux, goarch: mips, gomips: softfloat }
+ - { name: linux-mipsle-softfloat, goos: linux, goarch: mipsle, gomips: softfloat }
+ - { name: linux-mipsle-hardfloat, goos: linux, goarch: mipsle, gomips: hardfloat }
+ # windows
+ - { name: windows-amd64, goos: windows, goarch: amd64, goamd64: v1 }
+ - { name: windows-amd64-v3, goos: windows, goarch: amd64, goamd64: v3 }
+ - { name: windows-arm64, goos: windows, goarch: arm64 }
+ fail-fast: false
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ needs:
+ - go
+ - puernya
+ env:
+ GOOS: ${{ matrix.goos }}
+ GOARCH: ${{ matrix.goarch }}
+ GOAMD64: ${{ matrix.goamd64 }}
+ GOARM: ${{ matrix.goarm }}
+ GOMIPS: ${{ matrix.gomips }}
+ puernya_TAGS: ${{ needs.puernya.outputs.puernya_tags }}
+ puernya_VERSION: ${{ needs.puernya.outputs.puernya_version }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout `building`
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ repository: PuerNya/sing-box
+ ref: building
+ fetch-depth: 1
+ - name: Fix sniff
+ run: sed -i 's/sniffHosts/sniffHost/' ./experimental/clashapi/trafficontrol/tracker.go
+ - name: Setup `Go`
+ uses: actions/setup-go@v5
+ with:
+ go-version: ${{ needs.go.outputs.version }}
+ - name: Revert golang1.23 commit for Windows 7/8
+ if: ${{ matrix.goos == 'windows' }}
+ run: |
+ cd $(go env GOROOT)
+ curl https://github.com/MetaCubeX/go/commit/9ac42137ef6730e8b7daca016ece831297a1d75b.diff | patch --verbose -p 1
+ curl https://github.com/MetaCubeX/go/commit/21290de8a4c91408de7c2b5b68757b1e90af49dd.diff | patch --verbose -p 1
+ curl https://github.com/MetaCubeX/go/commit/6a31d3fa8e47ddabc10bd97bff10d9a85f4cfb76.diff | patch --verbose -p 1
+ curl https://github.com/MetaCubeX/go/commit/69e2eed6dd0f6d815ebf15797761c13f31213dd6.diff | patch --verbose -p 1
+ - name: Build `sing-box PuerNya` core
+ id: build
+ run: go build -v -trimpath -ldflags "-checklinkname=0 -X 'github.com/sagernet/sing-box/constant.Version=${puernya_VERSION}' -s -w -buildid=" -tags "${puernya_TAGS}" ./cmd/sing-box
+ - name: Upload files to workspace
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
+ with:
+ name: sing-box-puernya-${{ matrix.name }}
+ path: sing-box*
+ compression-level: 9
+ release:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ needs: go
+ outputs:
+ release_version: ${{ steps.release.outputs.release_version }}
+ release_tags: ${{ steps.release.outputs.release_tags }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout `main`
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ repository: SagerNet/sing-box
+ ref: main
+ fetch-depth: 0
+ - name: Setup `Go`
+ uses: actions/setup-go@v5
+ with:
+ go-version: ${{ needs.go.outputs.version }}
+ - name: Get `sing-box Release` version
+ id: release
+ run: |
+ git remote add sekai https://github.com/SagerNet/sing-box.git
+ git fetch --tags sekai
+ release_version=$(CGO_ENABLED=0 go run ./cmd/internal/read_tag)
+ echo release_version=$release_version >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ echo release_tags=with_gvisor,with_dhcp,with_wireguard,with_clash_api,with_quic,with_utls,with_ech >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ release_cross:
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ include:
+ # linux
+ - { name: linux-amd64, goos: linux, goarch: amd64, goamd64: v1 }
+ - { name: linux-amd64-v3, goos: linux, goarch: amd64, goamd64: v3 }
+ - { name: linux-armv5, goos: linux, goarch: arm, goarm: 5 }
+ - { name: linux-armv6, goos: linux, goarch: arm, goarm: 6 }
+ - { name: linux-armv7, goos: linux, goarch: arm, goarm: 7 }
+ - { name: linux-arm64, goos: linux, goarch: arm64 }
+ - { name: linux-mips-softfloat, goos: linux, goarch: mips, gomips: softfloat }
+ - { name: linux-mipsle-softfloat, goos: linux, goarch: mipsle, gomips: softfloat }
+ - { name: linux-mipsle-hardfloat, goos: linux, goarch: mipsle, gomips: hardfloat }
+ # windows
+ - { name: windows-amd64, goos: windows, goarch: amd64, goamd64: v1 }
+ - { name: windows-amd64-v3, goos: windows, goarch: amd64, goamd64: v3 }
+ - { name: windows-arm64, goos: windows, goarch: arm64 }
+ fail-fast: false
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ needs:
+ - go
+ - release
+ env:
+ GOOS: ${{ matrix.goos }}
+ GOARCH: ${{ matrix.goarch }}
+ GOAMD64: ${{ matrix.goamd64 }}
+ GOARM: ${{ matrix.goarm }}
+ GOMIPS: ${{ matrix.gomips }}
+ release_TAGS: ${{ needs.release.outputs.release_tags }}
+ release_VERSION: ${{ needs.release.outputs.release_version }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout `main`
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ repository: SagerNet/sing-box
+ ref: main
+ fetch-depth: 1
+ - name: Setup `Go`
+ uses: actions/setup-go@v5
+ with:
+ go-version: ${{ needs.go.outputs.version }}
+ - name: Revert golang1.23 commit for Windows 7/8
+ if: ${{ matrix.goos == 'windows' }}
+ run: |
+ cd $(go env GOROOT)
+ curl https://github.com/MetaCubeX/go/commit/9ac42137ef6730e8b7daca016ece831297a1d75b.diff | patch --verbose -p 1
+ curl https://github.com/MetaCubeX/go/commit/21290de8a4c91408de7c2b5b68757b1e90af49dd.diff | patch --verbose -p 1
+ curl https://github.com/MetaCubeX/go/commit/6a31d3fa8e47ddabc10bd97bff10d9a85f4cfb76.diff | patch --verbose -p 1
+ curl https://github.com/MetaCubeX/go/commit/69e2eed6dd0f6d815ebf15797761c13f31213dd6.diff | patch --verbose -p 1
+ - name: Build `sing-box Release` core
+ id: build
+ run: go build -v -trimpath -ldflags "-checklinkname=0 -X 'github.com/sagernet/sing-box/constant.Version=${release_VERSION}' -s -w -buildid=" -tags "${release_TAGS}" ./cmd/sing-box
+ - name: Upload files to workspace
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
+ with:
+ name: sing-box-release-${{ matrix.name }}
+ path: sing-box*
+ compression-level: 9
+ dev:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ needs: go
+ outputs:
+ dev_version: ${{ steps.dev.outputs.dev_version }}
+ dev_tags: ${{ steps.dev.outputs.dev_tags }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout `dev`
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ repository: SagerNet/sing-box
+ ref: dev
+ fetch-depth: 0
+ - name: Setup `Go`
+ uses: actions/setup-go@v5
+ with:
+ go-version: ${{ needs.go.outputs.version }}
+ - name: Get `sing-box Dev` version
+ id: dev
+ run: |
+ git remote add sekai https://github.com/SagerNet/sing-box.git
+ git fetch --tags sekai
+ dev_version=$(CGO_ENABLED=0 go run ./cmd/internal/read_tag)
+ echo dev_version=$dev_version >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ echo dev_tags=with_gvisor,with_dhcp,with_wireguard,with_clash_api,with_quic,with_utls,with_ech >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ dev_cross:
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ include:
+ # linux
+ - { name: linux-amd64, goos: linux, goarch: amd64, goamd64: v1 }
+ - { name: linux-amd64-v3, goos: linux, goarch: amd64, goamd64: v3 }
+ - { name: linux-armv5, goos: linux, goarch: arm, goarm: 5 }
+ - { name: linux-armv6, goos: linux, goarch: arm, goarm: 6 }
+ - { name: linux-armv7, goos: linux, goarch: arm, goarm: 7 }
+ - { name: linux-arm64, goos: linux, goarch: arm64 }
+ - { name: linux-mips-softfloat, goos: linux, goarch: mips, gomips: softfloat }
+ - { name: linux-mipsle-softfloat, goos: linux, goarch: mipsle, gomips: softfloat }
+ - { name: linux-mipsle-hardfloat, goos: linux, goarch: mipsle, gomips: hardfloat }
+ # windows
+ - { name: windows-amd64, goos: windows, goarch: amd64, goamd64: v1 }
+ - { name: windows-amd64-v3, goos: windows, goarch: amd64, goamd64: v3 }
+ - { name: windows-arm64, goos: windows, goarch: arm64 }
+ fail-fast: false
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ needs:
+ - go
+ - dev
+ env:
+ GOOS: ${{ matrix.goos }}
+ GOARCH: ${{ matrix.goarch }}
+ GOAMD64: ${{ matrix.goamd64 }}
+ GOARM: ${{ matrix.goarm }}
+ GOMIPS: ${{ matrix.gomips }}
+ dev_TAGS: ${{ needs.dev.outputs.dev_tags }}
+ dev_VERSION: ${{ needs.dev.outputs.dev_version }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout `dev`
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ repository: SagerNet/sing-box
+ ref: dev
+ fetch-depth: 1
+ - name: Setup `Go`
+ uses: actions/setup-go@v5
+ with:
+ go-version: ${{ needs.go.outputs.version }}
+ - name: Revert golang1.23 commit for Windows 7/8
+ if: ${{ matrix.goos == 'windows' }}
+ run: |
+ cd $(go env GOROOT)
+ curl https://github.com/MetaCubeX/go/commit/9ac42137ef6730e8b7daca016ece831297a1d75b.diff | patch --verbose -p 1
+ curl https://github.com/MetaCubeX/go/commit/21290de8a4c91408de7c2b5b68757b1e90af49dd.diff | patch --verbose -p 1
+ curl https://github.com/MetaCubeX/go/commit/6a31d3fa8e47ddabc10bd97bff10d9a85f4cfb76.diff | patch --verbose -p 1
+ curl https://github.com/MetaCubeX/go/commit/69e2eed6dd0f6d815ebf15797761c13f31213dd6.diff | patch --verbose -p 1
+ - name: Build `sing-box Dev` core
+ id: build
+ run: go build -v -trimpath -ldflags "-checklinkname=0 -X 'github.com/sagernet/sing-box/constant.Version=${dev_VERSION}' -s -w -buildid=" -tags "${dev_TAGS}" ./cmd/sing-box
+ - name: Upload files to workspace
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
+ with:
+ name: sing-box-dev-${{ matrix.name }}
+ path: sing-box*
+ compression-level: 9
+ push_sing-box:
+ needs:
+ - puernya_cross
+ - puernya
+ - release_cross
+ - release
+ - dev_cross
+ - dev
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ env:
+ puernya_VERSION: ${{ needs.puernya.outputs.puernya_version }}
+ release_VERSION: ${{ needs.release.outputs.release_version }}
+ dev_VERSION: ${{ needs.dev.outputs.dev_version }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Clone Repository
+ uses: actions/checkout@main
+ - name: Download files from workspace
+ uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
+ with:
+ path: ./tmp-sing-box/
+ - name: Zip `sing-box` cores by `tar`
+ run: |
+ mkdir -p ./tmp-sing-box/compress/
+ archs=(amd64 amd64-v3 armv5 armv6 armv7 arm64 mips-softfloat mipsle-hardfloat mipsle-softfloat)
+ new_name=(amd64 amd64v3 armv5 armv6 armv7 armv8 mips-softfloat mipsle-hardfloat mipsle-softfloat)
+ # `PuerNya` cores
+ for ((i = 0; i < 9; i++)); do
+ mv -f "./tmp-sing-box/sing-box-puernya-linux-${archs[i]}/sing-box" ./tmp-sing-box/CrashCore
+ chmod +x ./tmp-sing-box/CrashCore
+ tar --no-same-owner -czf "./tmp-sing-box/compress/sing-box-puernya-linux-${new_name[i]}.tar.gz" -C ./tmp-sing-box/ ./CrashCore
+ done
+ # `Release` cores
+ for ((i = 0; i < 9; i++)); do
+ mv -f "./tmp-sing-box/sing-box-release-linux-${archs[i]}/sing-box" ./tmp-sing-box/CrashCore
+ chmod +x ./tmp-sing-box/CrashCore
+ tar --no-same-owner -czf "./tmp-sing-box/compress/sing-box-release-linux-${new_name[i]}.tar.gz" -C ./tmp-sing-box/ ./CrashCore
+ done
+ # `dev` cores
+ for ((i = 0; i < 9; i++)); do
+ mv -f "./tmp-sing-box/sing-box-dev-linux-${archs[i]}/sing-box" ./tmp-sing-box/CrashCore
+ chmod +x ./tmp-sing-box/CrashCore
+ tar --no-same-owner -czf "./tmp-sing-box/compress/sing-box-dev-linux-${new_name[i]}.tar.gz" -C ./tmp-sing-box/ ./CrashCore
+ done
+ - name: Move `sing-box` cores
+ run: |
+ mkdir -p ./sing-box/
+ mv -f ./tmp-sing-box/compress/* ./sing-box/
+ # `PuerNya` cores for Windows
+ mv -f ./tmp-sing-box/sing-box-puernya-windows-amd64/sing-box.exe ./sing-box/sing-box-puernya-windows-amd64.exe
+ mv -f ./tmp-sing-box/sing-box-puernya-windows-amd64-v3/sing-box.exe ./sing-box/sing-box-puernya-windows-amd64v3.exe
+ mv -f ./tmp-sing-box/sing-box-puernya-windows-arm64/sing-box.exe ./sing-box/sing-box-puernya-windows-arm64.exe
+ # `Release` cores for Windows
+ mv -f ./tmp-sing-box/sing-box-release-windows-amd64/sing-box.exe ./sing-box/sing-box-release-windows-amd64.exe
+ mv -f ./tmp-sing-box/sing-box-release-windows-amd64-v3/sing-box.exe ./sing-box/sing-box-release-windows-amd64v3.exe
+ mv -f ./tmp-sing-box/sing-box-release-windows-arm64/sing-box.exe ./sing-box/sing-box-release-windows-arm64.exe
+ # `dev` cores for Windows
+ mv -f ./tmp-sing-box/sing-box-dev-windows-amd64/sing-box.exe ./sing-box/sing-box-dev-windows-amd64.exe
+ mv -f ./tmp-sing-box/sing-box-dev-windows-amd64-v3/sing-box.exe ./sing-box/sing-box-dev-windows-amd64v3.exe
+ mv -f ./tmp-sing-box/sing-box-dev-windows-arm64/sing-box.exe ./sing-box/sing-box-dev-windows-arm64.exe
+ rm -rf ./tmp*
+ - name: Release and upload `sing-box` assets
+ uses: svenstaro/upload-release-action@v2
+ with:
+ repo_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+ release_name: sing-box
+ tag: sing-box
+ overwrite: true
+ body: |
+ [sing-box](https://github.com/SagerNet/sing-box) Release 版、Dev 版和 [PuerNya 版](https://github.com/PuerNya/sing-box/tree/building)内核
+ 更新 PuerNya 版至 v${{ env.puernya_VERSION }},更新 Release 版至 v${{ env.release_VERSION }},更新 Dev 版至 v${{ env.dev_VERSION }}
+ file_glob: true
+ file: ./sing-box/*
+ - name: Purge jsDelivr CDN
+ run: |
+ cd ./sing-box/ || exit 1
+ for file in $(ls); do
+ curl -i "https://purge.jsdelivr.net/gh/${{ github.repository }}@sing-box/${file}"
+ done
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c6cf4bf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+**注意:本项目生成文件所在的分支已全部删除(包括文件历史记录),所有文件将不再发布到分支中,仅分发到 [Releases](https://github.com/DustinWin/clash_singbox-tools/releases) 中,以节省占用空间(文件历史记录过大),详细请看《[关于 GitHub 上的大文件](https://docs.github.com/zh/repositories/working-with-files/managing-large-files/about-large-files-on-github)》**
+# 更新 [mihomo 内核](https://github.com/MetaCubeX/mihomo)、[sing-box 内核](https://github.com/SagerNet/sing-box)、[sing-box PuerNya 版内核](https://github.com/PuerNya/sing-box/tree/building)、Clash dashboard 面板和 [AdGuard Home](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome)
+# 一、 说明
+每天凌晨(北京时间 UTC+8)自动构建生成:
+1. Clash Premium Release 版和 Nightly 版[内核](https://github.com/DustinWin/clash_singbox-tools/releases/tag/Clash-Premium)(已停更)
+2. mihomo Meta 版和 Alpha 版内核
+3. sing-box Release 版和 Dev 版内核
+4. sing-box PuerNya 版内核(支持 `outbound_providers` 代理集合)
+5. Clash dashboard 面板:[Razord-meta 面板](https://github.com/MetaCubeX/Razord-meta)、[yacd 面板](https://github.com/haishanh/yacd)、[Yacd-meta 面板](https://github.com/MetaCubeX/Yacd-meta)和 [metacubexd 面板](https://github.com/MetaCubeX/metacubexd)
+6. AdGuard Home Release 版和 Beta 版
+- 1. 本教程中的下载链接以 CPU 架构 ARMv8 为例,请注意修改链接后缀
+- 2. 查看 CPU 架构可连接 SSH 后执行命令 `uname -ms`,若执行结果是“linux aarch64”,就是搭载的 ARMv8 架构
+# 二、 使用方法
+## 1. 导入内核(以 [ShellCrash](https://github.com/juewuy/ShellCrash) 导入内核为例)
+**mihomo 内核和 sing-box 内核 Linux 版下载链接后缀和 CPU 架构对应关系如下表:**
+|CPU 架构|AMD64|AMD64v3|ARMv5|ARMv6|ARMv7|ARMv8&ARM64&AArch64|mips-softfloat|mipsle-hardfloat|mipsle-softfloat|
+① 首次导入
+连接 SSH 后执行如下命令:
+# mihomo 内核 Meta 版
+curl -L https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/DustinWin/clash_singbox-tools@mihomo/mihomo-meta-linux-armv8.tar.gz | tar -zx -C /tmp/ && crash
+# mihomo 内核 Alpha 版
+curl -L https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/DustinWin/clash_singbox-tools@mihomo/mihomo-alpha-linux-armv8.tar.gz | tar -zx -C /tmp/ && crash
+# sing-box 内核 PuerNya 版
+curl -L https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/DustinWin/clash_singbox-tools@sing-box/sing-box-puernya-linux-armv8.tar.gz | tar -zx -C /tmp/ && crash
+# sing-box 内核 Release 版
+curl -L https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/DustinWin/clash_singbox-tools@sing-box/sing-box-release-linux-armv8.tar.gz | tar -zx -C /tmp/ && crash
+# sing-box 内核 Dev 版
+curl -L https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/DustinWin/clash_singbox-tools@sing-box/sing-box-dev-linux-armv8.tar.gz | tar -zx -C /tmp/ && crash
+此时脚本会自动“发现可用的内核文件”,选择 1 加载,后选择对应的内核
+② 升级导入(ShellCrash -> 9 更新/卸载 -> 2 切换内核文件,内核版本不会刷新)
+连接 SSH 后执行如下命令:
+# mihomo 内核 Meta 版
+curl -o $CRASHDIR/CrashCore.tar.gz -L https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/DustinWin/clash_singbox-tools@mihomo/mihomo-meta-linux-armv8.tar.gz && $CRASHDIR/start.sh restart
+# mihomo 内核 Alpha 版
+curl -o $CRASHDIR/CrashCore.tar.gz -L https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/DustinWin/clash_singbox-tools@mihomo/mihomo-alpha-linux-armv8.tar.gz && $CRASHDIR/start.sh restart
+# sing-box 内核 PuerNya 版
+curl -o $CRASHDIR/CrashCore.tar.gz -L https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/DustinWin/clash_singbox-tools@sing-box/sing-box-puernya-linux-armv8.tar.gz && $CRASHDIR/start.sh restart
+# sing-box 内核 Release 版
+curl -o $CRASHDIR/CrashCore.tar.gz -L https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/DustinWin/clash_singbox-tools/@sing-box/sing-box-release-linux-armv8.tar.gz && $CRASHDIR/start.sh restart
+# sing-box 内核 Dev 版
+curl -o $CRASHDIR/CrashCore.tar.gz -L https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/DustinWin/clash_singbox-tools@sing-box/sing-box-dev-linux-armv8.tar.gz && $CRASHDIR/start.sh restart
+## 2. 安装 Clash Dashboard 面板(以 ShellCrash 安装 metacubexd 面板为例)
+**Clash Dashboard 面板对应文件名和在线地址关系如下表:**
+|Razord-meta 面板|`Razord-meta.tar.gz`|https://clash.metacubex.one|
+|yacd 面板|`yacd.tar.gz`|https://yacd.haishan.me|
+|Yacd-meta 面板|`Yacd-meta.tar.gz`|https://yacd.metacubex.one|
+|metacubexd 面板|`metacubexd.tar.gz`|https://metacubex.github.io/metacubexd|
+连接 SSH 后执行如下命令:
+curl -L https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/DustinWin/clash_singbox-tools@Dashboard/metacubexd.tar.gz | tar -zx -C $CRASHDIR/ui/ && $CRASHDIR/start.sh restart
+## 3. 安装 AdGuard Home
+**AdGuard Home Linux 版 CPU 架构和链接后缀对应关系如下表:**
+|CPU 架构|AMD64|ARMv5|ARMv6|ARMv7|ARMv8|mips-softfloat|mipsle-softfloat|
+① 安装 AdGuard Home
+连接 SSH 后执行如下命令:
+mkdir -p /data/AdGuardHome
+# AdGuard Home Release 版
+curl -o /data/AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome -L https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/DustinWin/clash_singbox-tools@AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome_release_linux_armv8
+# AdGuard Home Beta 版
+curl -o /data/AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome -L https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/DustinWin/clash_singbox-tools@AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome_beta_linux_armv8
+chmod +x /data/AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome
+/data/AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome -s install
+/data/AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome -s start
+② 升级 AdGuard Home
+连接 SSH 后执行如下命令:
+# AdGuard Home Release 版
+curl -o /data/AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome -L https://ghp.ci/https://github.com/DustinWin/clash_singbox-tools/releases/download/AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome_release_linux_armv8
+# AdGuard Home Beta 版
+curl -o /data/AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome -L https://ghp.ci/https://github.com/DustinWin/clash_singbox-tools/releases/download/AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome_beta_linux_armv8
+/data/AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome -s restart
+# 三、 扩展(以 ShellCrash 配置定时任务为例)
+可在 ShellCrash 里添加定时更新 mihomo 内核、sing-box 内核、metacubexd 面板和 AdGuard Home 的任务
+1. 连接 SSH 后执行 `vi $CRASHDIR/task/task.user`,按一下 Ins 键(Insert 键),粘贴如下内容:
+- 1. 留意链接后缀是否与 CPU 架构匹配
+- 2. ShellCrash 安装路径为 */data/ShellCrash*
+201#curl -o /data/ShellCrash/CrashCore.tar.gz -L https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/DustinWin/clash_singbox-tools@mihomo/mihomo-meta-linux-armv8.tar.gz && /data/ShellCrash/start.sh restart >/dev/null 2>&1#更新mihomo内核
+202#curl -o /data/ShellCrash/CrashCore.tar.gz -L https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/DustinWin/clash_singbox-tools@sing-box/sing-box-puernya-linux-armv8.tar.gz && /data/ShellCrash/start.sh restart >/dev/null 2>&1#更新sing-box_PuerNya版内核
+203#curl -o /data/ShellCrash/CrashCore.tar.gz -L https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/DustinWin/clash_singbox-tools@sing-box/sing-box-release-linux-armv8.tar.gz && /data/ShellCrash/start.sh restart >/dev/null 2>&1#更新sing-box内核
+204#curl -L https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/DustinWin/clash_singbox-tools@Dashboard/metacubexd.tar.gz | tar -zx -C $CRASHDIR/ui/ && /data/ShellCrash/start.sh restart >/dev/null 2>&1#更新metacubexd面板
+205#curl -o /data/AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome -L https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/DustinWin/clash_singbox-tools@AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome_beta_linux_armv8 && /data/AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome -s restart >/dev/null 2>&1#更新AdGuardHome
+2. 按一下 Esc 键(退出键),输入英文冒号 `:`,继续输入 `wq` 并回车
+3. 执行 `crash`,进入 ShellCrash -> 5 配置自动任务 -> 1 添加自动任务,可以看到末尾就有添加的定时任务,输入对应的数字并回车后可设置执行条件