diff --git a/bot/check-test.sh b/bot/check-test.sh
index 8ea6eddcb0..2731e75464 100755
--- a/bot/check-test.sh
+++ b/bot/check-test.sh
@@ -77,9 +77,40 @@ if [[ ! -z ${grep_reframe_failed} ]]; then
# Grep the entire output of ReFrame, so that we can report it in the foldable section of the test report
GP_success_full='(?s)\[----------\] start processing checks.*?\[==========\] Finished on [a-zA-Z0-9 ]*'
- grep_reframe_success_full=$(grep -v "^>> searching for " ${job_dir}/${job_out} | grep -Pzo "${GP_success}")
+ # Grab the full ReFrame report, than cut the irrelevant parts
+ # Note that the character limit for messages in github is around 65k, so cutting is important
+ grep_reframe_success_full=$( \
+ grep -v "^>> searching for " ${job_dir}/${job_out} | \
+ # Use -z
+ grep -Pzo "${GP_success_full}" | \
+ # Replace null character with newline, to undo the -z option
+ sed 's/\x00/\n/g' | \
+ # Remove the [ RUN ] lines from reframe, they are not very informative
+ grep -v -P '\[\s*RUN\s*]' | \
+ # Remove the line '[----------] all spawned checks have finished'
+ grep -v '\[-*\]' | \
+ # Remove the line '[==========] Finished on Mon Oct 7 21'
+ grep -v '\[=*\]' | \
+ # Remove blank line(s) from the report
+ grep -v '^$' | \
+ # Remove warnings about the local spawner not supporting memory requests
+ grep -v 'WARNING\: hooks\.req_memory_per_node does not support the scheduler you configured .local.*$' | \
+ # Strip color coding characters
+ sed 's/\x1B\[[0-9;]*m//g' | \
+ # Replace all newline characters with
+ sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/
/g' | \
+ # Replace % with %%. Use \%\% to interpret both %% as (non-special) characters
+ sed 's/\%/\%\%/g' \
+ )
+ # TODO (optional): we could impose a character limit here, and truncate if too long
+ # (though we should do that before inserting the
+ # If we do, we should probably re-append the final summary, e.g.
+ # [ PASSED ] Ran 10/10 test case(s) from 10 check(s) (0 failure(s), 0 skipped, 0 aborted)
+ # so that that is always displayed
+ # However, that's not implemented yet - let's see if this ever even becomes an issue
+echo "grep_reframe_result: ${grep_reframe_result}"
echo "[TEST]" > ${job_test_result_file}
if [[ ${SLURM_OUTPUT_FOUND} -eq 0 ]]; then