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Add "tillage" to bgc-crop model #112
Erik Kluzek < erik > - 2015-02-11 16:14:29 -0700 Namelist changes are: hist_mfilt = 1,1 |
Erik Kluzek < erik > - 2015-02-11 16:18:29 -0700 Sam's case: create_newcase -case /glade/u/home/slevis/clm45bgccrop_0.5deg4506_1972 -mach yellowstone -compset 1850_DATM%QIA_CLM45%BGC_SICE_SOCN_RTM_SGLC_SWAV -res a%360x720cru_l%360x720cru_oi%360x720cru_r%r05_m%360x720cru_g%null_w%null |
Erik Kluzek < erik > - 2015-02-11 16:28:40 -0700 Surface dataset difference (versus standard surfdata_360x720cru_simyr2000_c130418.nc:
Erik Kluzek < erik > - 2015-02-12 10:07:29 -0700 Here's the difference for the file called: CNDecompCascadeMod_CENTURY.F90fromYumaPlow [erik@yslogin2 biogeochem]$ cp ~slevis/archivedRUNS.mvHereToUse/levisetal2014gmd/clm45bgccltv_0.5deg4506_1973-2004/SourceMods/src.clm/CNDecompCascadeMod_CENTURY.F90fromYumaPlow CNDecompCascadeMod_CENTURY.F90
[erik@yslogin2 biogeochem]$ svn diff
Index: CNDecompCascadeMod_CENTURY.F90
--- CNDecompCascadeMod_CENTURY.F90 (revision 68110)
+++ CNDecompCascadeMod_CENTURY.F90 (working copy)
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
! !USES:
use shr_kind_mod , only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
use shr_const_mod, only: SHR_CONST_TKFRZ
- use clm_varpar , only: nlevsoi, nlevgrnd, nlevdecomp, ndecomp_cascade_transitions, ndecomp_pools, nsompools
+ use clm_varpar , only: nlevsoi,nlevgrnd,nlevdecomp,ndecomp_cascade_transitions,ndecomp_pools
use clm_varpar , only: i_met_lit, i_cel_lit, i_lig_lit, i_cwd
- use clm_varctl , only: iulog, spinup_state
+ use clm_varctl , only: iulog
use clm_varcon , only: zsoi
#ifdef LCH4
use clm_varctl , only: anoxia
@@ -46,9 +46,6 @@
real(r8), public :: froz_q10 = 1.5_r8 ! separate q10 for frozen soil respiration rates. default to same as above zero rates
integer, public :: nlev_soildecomp_standard ! used here and in ch4Mod
- !! parameters for AD spinup
- real(r8), public, parameter :: spinup_vector(nsompools) = (/ 1.0_r8, 15.0_r8, 675.0_r8 /) ! multipliers for soil decomp during accelerated spinup
@@ -72,6 +69,8 @@
use clmtype
use clm_time_manager , only : get_step_size
+ use clm_varcon, only: spinup_vector
implicit none
@@ -406,7 +405,7 @@
! !IROUTINE: decomp_rate_constants
-subroutine decomp_rate_constants(lbc, ubc, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp)
+subroutine decomp_rate_constants(lbc, ubc, num_soilc, filter_soilc)
@@ -416,12 +415,10 @@
! !USES:
use clmtype
use shr_const_mod, only : SHR_CONST_PI
- use clm_varcon, only: secspday
+ use clm_varcon, only: spinup_vector, secspday
use clm_time_manager, only : get_days_per_year
- ! slevis additions
- use clm_time_manager, only : get_curr_calday,is_first_restart_step
- use fileutils, only : getfil
- use ncdio_pio
+ use clm_time_manager, only : get_curr_date, get_curr_calday ! slevis adding
+ use spmdMod, only : masterproc ! for hardwired read statmt
@@ -429,9 +426,6 @@
integer, intent(in) :: lbc, ubc ! column bounds
integer, intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of soil columns in filter
integer, intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! filter for soil columns
- ! slevis additions
- integer, intent(in) :: num_soilp ! number of soil pfts in filter
- integer, intent(in) :: filter_soilp(:) ! filter for soil pfts
@@ -446,7 +440,11 @@
real(r8), pointer :: dz(:,:) ! soil layer thickness (m)
real(r8), pointer :: t_soisno(:,:) ! soil temperature (Kelvin) (-nlevsno+1:nlevgrnd)
- real(r8), pointer :: sucsat(:,:) ! minimum soil suction (mm)
+ real(r8), pointer :: psisat(:,:) ! soil water potential at saturation for CN code (MPa)
+ real(r8), pointer :: sucsat(:,:) ! minimum soil suction (mm)
real(r8), pointer :: soilpsi(:,:) ! soil water potential in each soil layer (MPa)
#ifdef LCH4
real(r8), pointer :: o2stress_unsat(:,:) ! Ratio of oxygen available to that demanded by roots, aerobes, & methanotrophs (nlevsoi)
@@ -483,6 +481,16 @@
real(r8):: cwdc_loss ! fragmentation rate for CWD carbon (gC/m2/s)
real(r8):: cwdn_loss ! fragmentation rate for CWD nitrogen (gN/m2/s)
+ integer :: yr, mon, day, tod ! slevis needs tod (time of day in sec) +
+ integer :: iostatcropschedule ! error code for hardwired read statement
+ integer :: year = 0 ! init year+jday (julian day) here; then
+ integer :: jday = 0 ! read from cropschedule file and
+ real(r8) :: clteff_scalar(1:7) ! modify decomp_k in response to plowing...
+ character :: clteffcode = 'Z' ! ...according to cultivation effect code
+ integer :: yearold = 0
+ integer :: jdayold = 0
+ data clteff_scalar /7*1._r8/ ! initialize all 7 slots incl. unused ones
+ character :: clteffcodeold = 'Z' ! end slevis variable declarations
integer :: i_litr1
integer :: i_litr2
integer :: i_litr3
@@ -498,12 +506,6 @@
real(r8) :: normalization_factor ! factor by which to offset the decomposition rates frm century to a q10 formulation
real(r8):: days_per_year ! days per year
- ! slevis additions
- character(len=256):: locfn ! local file name
- type(file_desc_t) :: ncid ! netcdf id
- logical :: readvar ! true => variable is on input file
- integer :: day, fp, p, g
- real(r8) :: clteff_scalar(lbc:ubc,1:7) ! plowing modifies decomp_k
#if (defined VERTSOILC)
real(r8) :: depth_scalar(lbc:ubc,1:nlevdecomp)
@@ -514,7 +516,11 @@
! Assign local pointers to derived type arrays
t_soisno => clm3%g%l%c%ces%t_soisno
+ psisat => clm3%g%l%c%cps%psisat
sucsat => clm3%g%l%c%cps%sucsat
soilpsi => clm3%g%l%c%cps%soilpsi
dz => clm3%g%l%c%cps%dz
t_scalar => clm3%g%l%c%ccf%t_scalar
@@ -565,11 +571,11 @@
catanf_30 = catanf(30._r8)
! The following code implements the acceleration part of the AD spinup algorithm
-if ( spinup_state .eq. 1 ) then
+#if (defined AD_SPINUP)
k_s1 = k_s1 * spinup_vector(1)
k_s2 = k_s2 * spinup_vector(2)
k_s3 = k_s3 * spinup_vector(3)
i_litr1 = 1
i_litr2 = 2
@@ -654,7 +660,12 @@
do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
if (j==1) w_scalar(c,:) = 0._r8
+ maxpsi = psisat(c,j)
maxpsi = sucsat(c,j) * (-9.8e-6_r8)
psi = min(soilpsi(c,j),maxpsi)
! decomp only if soilpsi is higher than minpsi
if (psi > minpsi) then
@@ -751,7 +762,11 @@
do j = 1,nlevdecomp
do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ maxpsi = psisat(c,j)
maxpsi = sucsat(c,j) * (-9.8e-6_r8)
psi = min(soilpsi(c,j),maxpsi)
! decomp only if soilpsi is higher than minpsi
if (psi > minpsi) then
@@ -815,154 +830,129 @@
end do
- ! -----------------------------------------------------
- ! slevis adding effect of cultivation (e.g., plowing)
- ! on soil C decomposition
- ! -----------------------------------------------------
- ! 1) hardwired read of Melannie Hartmann's file
- ! -----------------------------------------------------
+ if (masterproc) then ! slevis adds hardwired read statmt; see also pftvarcon
- day = get_curr_calday()
+ call get_curr_date( yr, mon, day, tod )
+ day = get_curr_calday() ! replace day of the month with julian day
- call getfil('/glade/scratch/slevis/clm45bgccltv_0.5deg4506_1972/run/dev_countries_0-360.nc', locfn, 0 )
- call ncd_pio_openfile (ncid, trim(locfn), 0)
- call ncd_io(ncid=ncid, varname='DEVELOPED', flag='read', data=clm3%g%developed, dim1name=grlnd, readvar=readvar)
- if (.not. readvar) call endrun('ERROR: DEVELOPED not on dev_countries file')
+! Apply plowing event
+! In the same timestep, the read statmt below loads info about the next event
+! Hence I use yearold, jdayold, and clteffcodeold in the following "if"
- do fp = 1,num_soilp
- p = filter_soilp(fp)
- c = clm3%g%l%c%p%column(p)
- g = clm3%g%l%c%p%gridcell(p)
- ! -----------------------------------------------------
- ! 2) error check
- ! -----------------------------------------------------
- if (clm3%g%developed(g) > 1._r8 .or. &
- clm3%g%developed(g) < 0._r8) then
- write(iulog,*) 'ERROR: this variable - developed - should not take on this value:'
- write(iulog,*) clm3%g%developed(g), g
- call endrun()
- ! -----------------------------------------------------
- ! 3) assigning cultivation practices and mapping to the
- ! effect on soil C decomposition
- ! -----------------------------------------------------
- ! About the next two ELSE IFs:
- ! CLM does not know the day of planting before it happens because the
- ! CLM calculates day of planting from indexes that respond to
- ! environmental conditions at every time step. Hence,
- ! I see two options:
- ! a) start DAYCENT's farming practices on the day of planting
- ! rather than 30 d before planting OR
- ! b) start DAYCENT's farming practices on April 15th, which assumes
- ! planting on May 15th. This option seems simpler for now. Later we
- ! may test whether choice a or b makes much difference.
- else if (clm3%g%developed(g) > 0._r8) then ! == 1
- ! More developed country; info from DAYCENT (Melannie Hartman CSU)
- ! temp. cereals: I 30 d bef, D on day of planting
- ! corn, soy : I D & ROW 30 d aftr planting
- if (day < 105) then
- clteff_scalar(c,:) = 1._r8
- else if (day >= 105 .and. day < 135) then ! April 15
- clteff_scalar(c,:) = 1._r8
- if (clm3%g%l%c%p%itype(p) >= 17) then
- clteff_scalar(c,i_litr2) = 6.67_r8
- clteff_scalar(c,i_litr3) = 6.67_r8
- clteff_scalar(c,i_soil1) = 6.67_r8
- clteff_scalar(c,i_soil2) = 6.67_r8
- end if
- else if (day >= 135 .and. day < 165) then ! May 15
- clteff_scalar(c,:) = 1._r8
- if (clm3%g%l%c%p%itype(p) >= 17) then
- clteff_scalar(c,i_litr2) = 3.41_r8
- clteff_scalar(c,i_litr3) = 3.41_r8
- clteff_scalar(c,i_soil1) = 3.41_r8
- clteff_scalar(c,i_soil2) = 3.41_r8
- end if
- else if (day >= 165 .and. day < 195) then ! June 14
- clteff_scalar(c,:) = 1._r8
- if (clm3%g%l%c%p%itype(p) == 17 .or. &
- clm3%g%l%c%p%itype(p) == 18 .or. &
- clm3%g%l%c%p%itype(p) == 23 .or. &
- clm3%g%l%c%p%itype(p) == 24 ) then
- clteff_scalar(c,i_litr2) = 3.41_r8
- clteff_scalar(c,i_litr3) = 3.41_r8
- clteff_scalar(c,i_soil1) = 3.41_r8
- clteff_scalar(c,i_soil2) = 3.41_r8
- end if
- else if (day >= 195) then ! July 14
- clteff_scalar(c,:) = 1._r8
+ if (yr==yearold .and. day>=jdayold .and. day<jdayold+30) then
+ if (clteffcodeold=='Z') then
+ clteff_scalar(i_litr2) = 1._r8 ! no effect
+ clteff_scalar(i_litr3) = 1._r8 ! no effect
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil1) = 1._r8 ! no effect
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil2) = 1._r8 ! no effect
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil3) = 1._r8 ! no effect
+ else if (clteffcodeold=='A') then
+ clteff_scalar(i_litr2) = 1.100_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_litr3) = 1.100_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil1) = 1.000_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil2) = 2.554_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil3) = 2.554_r8
+ else if (clteffcodeold=='B') then
+ clteff_scalar(i_litr2) = 1.200_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_litr3) = 1.200_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil1) = 1.000_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil2) = 2.815_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil3) = 2.815_r8
+ else if (clteffcodeold=='C') then
+ clteff_scalar(i_litr2) = 1.241_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_litr3) = 1.241_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil1) = 1.041_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil2) = 3.041_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil3) = 3.041_r8
+ else if (clteffcodeold=='D') then
+ clteff_scalar(i_litr2) = 1.50_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_litr3) = 1.50_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil1) = 1.00_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil2) = 3.50_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil3) = 3.50_r8
+ else if (clteffcodeold=='E') then
+ clteff_scalar(i_litr2) = 1.600_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_litr3) = 1.600_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil1) = 1.100_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil2) = 3.691_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil3) = 3.691_r8
+ else if (clteffcodeold=='F') then
+ clteff_scalar(i_litr2) = 1.649_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_litr3) = 1.649_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil1) = 1.149_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil2) = 3.849_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil3) = 3.849_r8
+ else if (clteffcodeold=='G') then
+ clteff_scalar(i_litr2) = 1.735_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_litr3) = 1.735_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil1) = 1.235_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil2) = 4.435_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil3) = 4.435_r8
+ else if (clteffcodeold=='H') then
+ clteff_scalar(i_litr2) = 1.8_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_litr3) = 1.8_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil1) = 1.2_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil2) = 4.8_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil3) = 4.8_r8
+ else if (clteffcodeold=='I') then
+ clteff_scalar(i_litr2) = 2.034_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_litr3) = 2.034_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil1) = 1.234_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil2) = 5.434_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil3) = 5.434_r8
+ else if (clteffcodeold=='J') then
+ clteff_scalar(i_litr2) = 3.396_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_litr3) = 3.396_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil1) = 1.396_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil2) = 7.396_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil3) = 7.396_r8
+ else if (clteffcodeold=='K') then
+ clteff_scalar(i_litr2) = 3.5_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_litr3) = 3.5_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil1) = 8.0_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil2) = 8.0_r8
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil3) = 8.0_r8
+ else
+ write(iulog,*) 'clteffcodeold=', clteffcodeold
+ call endrun( 'decomp_rate_constants ERROR: unexpected clteffcode.' )
end if
+ else
+ clteff_scalar(i_litr2) = 1._r8 ! no effect
+ clteff_scalar(i_litr3) = 1._r8 ! no effect
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil1) = 1._r8 ! no effect
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil2) = 1._r8 ! no effect
+ clteff_scalar(i_soil3) = 1._r8 ! no effect
+ end if
+ write(iulog,*) 'yr,day,clteffcodeold,clteff_scalar=',yr,day,clteffcodeold,clteff_scalar
- else if (clm3%g%developed(g) < 1._r8) then ! == 0
- ! less developed country; info from DAYCENT (Melannie Hartman CSU)
- ! temp. cereals: P 30 d bef, C 15 d bef, D on day of planting
- ! corn, soy : P C D & HW-7 30 d aftr
+! read next plowing event while applying the previous one
- if (day < 105) then
- clteff_scalar(c,:) = 1._r8
- else if (day >= 105 .and. day < 120) then ! April 15
- clteff_scalar(c,:) = 1._r8
- if (clm3%g%l%c%p%itype(p) >= 17) then
- clteff_scalar(c,i_litr2) = 10.00_r8
- clteff_scalar(c,i_litr3) = 10.00_r8
- clteff_scalar(c,i_soil1) = 10.00_r8
- clteff_scalar(c,i_soil2) = 10.00_r8
+ do while (yr>=year .and. day>=jday)
+ if (tod == 0) then ! time of day = 0 at the beginning of every day
+ yearold = year
+ jdayold = jday
+ clteffcodeold = clteffcode
+ read(unit=42, fmt='(i4,1x,i3,1x,a1)', iostat=iostatcropschedule) year, jday, clteffcode
+ if (iostatcropschedule.ne.0) then
+ call endrun( 'decomp_rate_constants ERROR: failed to read cropschedule.' )
+ else
+ write(iulog,*) 'Successfully read cropschedule'
end if
- else if (day >= 120 .and. day < 135) then ! April 30
- clteff_scalar(c,:) = 1._r8
- if (clm3%g%l%c%p%itype(p) >= 17) then
- clteff_scalar(c,i_litr2) = 2.69_r8
- clteff_scalar(c,i_litr3) = 2.69_r8
- clteff_scalar(c,i_soil1) = 2.69_r8
- clteff_scalar(c,i_soil2) = 2.69_r8
- end if
- else if (day >= 135 .and. day < 165) then ! May 15
- clteff_scalar(c,:) = 1._r8
- if (clm3%g%l%c%p%itype(p) >= 17) then
- clteff_scalar(c,i_litr2) = 3.41_r8
- clteff_scalar(c,i_litr3) = 3.41_r8
- clteff_scalar(c,i_soil1) = 3.41_r8
- clteff_scalar(c,i_soil2) = 3.41_r8
- end if
- else if (day >= 165 .and. day < 195) then ! June 14
- clteff_scalar(c,:) = 1._r8
- if (clm3%g%l%c%p%itype(p) == 17 .or. &
- clm3%g%l%c%p%itype(p) == 18 .or. &
- clm3%g%l%c%p%itype(p) == 23 .or. &
- clm3%g%l%c%p%itype(p) == 24 ) then
- clteff_scalar(c,i_litr2) = 1.10_r8
- clteff_scalar(c,i_litr3) = 1.10_r8
- clteff_scalar(c,i_soil1) = 1.10_r8
- clteff_scalar(c,i_soil2) = 1.10_r8
- clteff_scalar(c,i_soil3) = 1.10_r8
- end if
- else if (day >= 195) then ! July 14
- clteff_scalar(c,:) = 1._r8
end if
- end if
- enddo
- call ncd_pio_closefile(ncid)
-! -----------------------------------------------------
+ end do
+ end if ! end slevis adding hardwired read statmt
#if (defined VERTSOILC)
do j = 1,nlevdecomp
do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
decomp_k(c,j,i_litr1) = k_l1 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * depth_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j)
- decomp_k(c,j,i_litr2) = k_l2_l3 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * depth_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j) * clteff_scalar(c,i_litr2)
- decomp_k(c,j,i_litr3) = k_l2_l3 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * depth_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j) * clteff_scalar(c,i_litr3)
+ decomp_k(c,j,i_litr2) = k_l2_l3 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * depth_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j) * clteff_scalar(i_litr2)
+ decomp_k(c,j,i_litr3) = k_l2_l3 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * depth_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j) * clteff_scalar(i_litr3)
decomp_k(c,j,i_cwd) = k_frag * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * depth_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j)
- decomp_k(c,j,i_soil1) = k_s1 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * depth_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j) * clteff_scalar(c,i_soil1)
- decomp_k(c,j,i_soil2) = k_s2 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * depth_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j) * clteff_scalar(c,i_soil2)
- decomp_k(c,j,i_soil3) = k_s3 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * depth_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j) * clteff_scalar(c,i_soil3)
- if (c==115688) then ! begin slevis diag
- write(iulog,*) 'day, clteff_scalar'
- write(iulog,*) day, clteff_scalar(c,:)
- write(iulog,*) 'i_litr1,i_litr2,i_litr3,i_cwd,i_soil1,i_soil2,i_soil3'
- write(iulog,*) i_litr1,i_litr2,i_litr3,i_cwd,i_soil1,i_soil2,i_soil3
- end if ! end slevis diag
+ decomp_k(c,j,i_soil1) = k_s1 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * depth_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j) * clteff_scalar(i_soil1)
+ decomp_k(c,j,i_soil2) = k_s2 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * depth_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j) * clteff_scalar(i_soil2)
+ decomp_k(c,j,i_soil3) = k_s3 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * depth_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j) * clteff_scalar(i_soil3)
end do
end do
@@ -970,12 +960,12 @@
do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
decomp_k(c,j,i_litr1) = k_l1 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j)
- decomp_k(c,j,i_litr2) = k_l2_l3 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j)
- decomp_k(c,j,i_litr3) = k_l2_l3 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j)
+ decomp_k(c,j,i_litr2) = k_l2_l3 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j) * clteff_scalar(i_litr2)
+ decomp_k(c,j,i_litr3) = k_l2_l3 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j) * clteff_scalar(i_litr3)
decomp_k(c,j,i_cwd) = k_frag * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j)
- decomp_k(c,j,i_soil1) = k_s1 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j)
- decomp_k(c,j,i_soil2) = k_s2 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j)
- decomp_k(c,j,i_soil3) = k_s3 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j)
+ decomp_k(c,j,i_soil1) = k_s1 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j) * clteff_scalar(i_soil1)
+ decomp_k(c,j,i_soil2) = k_s2 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j) * clteff_scalar(i_soil2)
+ decomp_k(c,j,i_soil3) = k_s3 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j) * clteff_scalar(i_soil3)
end do
end do
#endif |
Erik Kluzek < erik > - 2015-02-12 10:10:45 -0700 I've put this work on a branch... |
Sam Levis < slevis > - 2015-02-12 11:26:01 -0700 (In reply to Erik Kluzek from comment #4)
Gordon wanted the global version of my tillage mods. The *YumaPlow file was used in 1x1 runs for a county named Yuma, CO. |
Erik Kluzek < erik > - 2015-02-13 12:06:20 -0700 OK, I was able to exactly reproduce Sam's case with the branch I've checked in. Now, I'll try it with the change using GDP and see what happens... |
Sam Levis < slevis > - 2015-02-17 08:47:43 -0700 Found this in my "enhanced decomposition by cultivation" notes: In future implementations apply enhanced decomp. to top 5 layers only! |
David Lawrence < dlawren > - 2015-02-17 17:11:55 -0700 In response to Sam's prior comment, about only tilling first 5 layers. Since the vertical resolution of the model could change, this should be implemented as tilling only to a certain depth. First 5 layers is about 0.25m. |
Erik Kluzek < erik > - 2015-02-18 11:30:03 -0700 OK to implement the reduction in number of layers applied over. At initialization for cultivation, zsoi can be examined for the first layer that is above 0.25, and the index stored as ncult_layers. Then in CNDecompCascade_CENTURY a loop would be separated out for cultivation that loops over ncult_layers and applies clteff_scalar to only the top ncult_layers. |
I think this is being worked on by @danicalombardozzi and Michael Graham. |
@danicalombardozzi is this still being worked on? I'm wondering about it in regard to the ctsm5.2 surface datasets. If any datasets could be done as streams files that would decouple it from the ctsm5.2 process. |
@ekluzek, yes we do have tillage code that has been developed based on Sam's original work that can/will be integrated into CTSM. However, there are currently no files associated with this new code. |
Thanks @danicalombardozzi . I checked his code on the branch you sent me to make sure there aren't surface dataset requirements. And there are not! What the code does it uses a threshold for GDP (which is used by the fire code) to determine if a gridcell is "developed" or not. If that's still a valid approach it means that there would be no requirements for datasets in bringing the code into the model. It sounds like in the short term it would be unlikely that a new dataset could be created. As such it looks like we won't need any new datasets for this work to be added to the ctsm5.2 process. |
…ests This PR initializes fields to 1 that are used in the stream->model map creation. This resolves failures for the following two tests: SMS_D_Ld3_Vnuopc.f10_f10_mg37.I1850Clm50BgcCrop.cheyenne_intel.clm-default ERI_D_Ld9_Vnuopc.ne30_g17.I2000Clm50BgcCru.cheyenne_intel.clm-vrtlay
Erik Kluzek < erik > - 2015-02-11 16:14:09 -0700
Bugzilla Id: 2142
Bugzilla CC: dlawren, mvertens, rfisher, sacks, slevis,
Here are the changes from Sam (relative to clm4_5_06).
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: