This sample shows how to configure CloudPubSubSources
. The CloudPubSubSource
fires a new event each time a message is published on a
Cloud Pub/Sub topic. This source sends
events using a Push-compatible format.
Create a GCP PubSub Topic. If you change its name (
), you also need to update thetopic
in theCloudPubSubSource
If you are in GKE and using Workload Identity, update
with the Kubernetes service account you created in Create a Service Account for the Data Plane, which is bound to the Pub/Sub enabled Google service account. -
If you are using standard Kubernetes secrets, but want to use a non-default one, update
with your own secret.
gcloud pubsub topics create testing
Create a
kubectl apply --filename cloudpubsubsource.yaml
Create a
that the CloudPubSubSource will sink into:kubectl apply --filename event-display.yaml
Publish messages to your GCP PubSub topic:
gcloud pubsub topics publish testing --message='{"Hello": "world"}'
We will verify that the published event was sent by looking at the logs of the service that this CloudPubSubSource sinks to.
We need to wait for the downstream pods to get started and receive our event, wait 60 seconds. You can check the status of the downstream pods with:
kubectl get pods --selector app=event-display
You should see at least one.
Inspect the logs of the service:
kubectl logs --selector app=event-display -c user-container --tail=200
You should see log lines similar to:
☁️ cloudevents.Event
Validation: valid
Context Attributes,
specversion: 1.0
source: //
id: 1314133748793931
time: 2020-06-30T16:32:57.012Z
datacontenttype: application/json
knativearrivaltime: 2020-06-30T16:32:58.016175839Z
knsourcetrigger: link0.13999342310482066
traceparent: 00-e9ce0f38d85d8333bd1a3334ead78b4d-acd063b2d3e93980-00
"subscription": "cre-src_rc3_source-for-knativegcp-test-pubsub-tr_fcdf7716-c4bd-43b9-8ccc-e6e8ff848cd4",
"message": {
"messageId": "1314133748793931",
"data": "eyJIZWxsbyI6ICJ3b3JsZCJ9", // base64 encoded '{"Hello": "world"}'
"publishTime": "2020-06-30T16:32:57.012Z"
- For more details on Cloud Pub/Sub formats refer to the Subscriber overview guide.
- For integrating with Cloud Storage see the Storage example.
- For integrating with Cloud Scheduler see the Scheduler example.
- For integrating with Cloud Audit Logs see the Cloud Audit Logs example.
- For integrating with Cloud Build see the Build example.
- For more information about CloudEvents, see the HTTP transport bindings documentation.
Delete the
kubectl delete -f ./cloudpubsubsource.yaml
Delete the
kubectl delete -f ./event-display.yaml