This document uses the following acronyms:
ALTO: : Application-Layer Traffic Optimization
CPU: : Central Processing Unit
DNS: : Domain Name System
HTTP: : Hypertext Transfer Protocol
IRR: : Internet Routing Registry
OAM: : Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (Section 3 of {{?RFC6291}})
O&M: : OAM and Management (Section 3 of {{?RFC6291}})
OAuth: : Open Authorization
PID: : Provider-defined Identifier in ALTO
TCP: : Transmission Control Protocol
TLS: : Transport Layer Security
URI: : Uniform Resource Identifier
The meaning of the symbols in the tree diagrams is defined in {{?RFC8340}}.
The complete name of a data node or data model object includes a prefix, which indicates the YANG module in which the name is defined. In this document, the prefix is omitted when the YANG module is clear from the context; otherwise, the prefix is included. The prefixes indicating the corresponding YANG modules are shown in .
Prefix | YANG module | Reference |
yang | ietf-yang-types | {{RFC6991}} |
inet | ietf-inet-types | {{RFC6991}} |
ds | ietf-datastores | {{RFC8342}} |
yp | ietf-yang-push | {{RFC8641}} |
ts | ietf-truststore | {{I-D.ietf-netconf-trust-anchors}} |
tcp | ietf-tcp-server | {{I-D.ietf-netconf-tcp-client-server}} |
tls | ietf-tls-server | {{I-D.ietf-netconf-tls-client-server}} |
http | ietf-http-server | {{I-D.ietf-netconf-http-client-server}} |
ncc | ietf-netconf-client | {{I-D.ietf-netconf-netconf-client-server}} |
rcc | ietf-restconf-client | {{I-D.ietf-netconf-restconf-client-server}} |
{: #tbl-yang-prefixes title="Prefixes and corresponding YANG modules"} |
Note to the RFC Editor: This section is to be removed prior to publication.
This document contains placeholder values that need to be replaced with finalized values at the time of publication. This note summarizes all of the substitutions that are needed. No other RFC Editor instructions are specified elsewhere in this document.
Please apply the following replacements:
- BBBB --> the assigned RFC number for {{I-D.ietf-netconf-trust-anchors}}
- DDDD --> the assigned RFC number for {{I-D.ietf-netconf-tcp-client-server}}
- FFFF --> the assigned RFC number for {{I-D.ietf-netconf-tls-client-server}}
- GGGG --> the assigned RFC number for {{I-D.ietf-netconf-http-client-server}}
- HHHH --> the assigned RFC number for {{I-D.ietf-netconf-netconf-client-server}}
- IIII --> the assigned RFC number for {{I-D.ietf-netconf-restconf-client-server}}
- XXXX --> the assigned RFC number for this draft