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Project Overview

Project-WORLD is an ambitious venture aiming to create a multifaceted virtual world encompassing both social networking and gaming elements, all within a decentralized, community-governed framework.

This project is divided into two components:

  • A locally Simulated and community-governed Virtual world, Via Internet and Mesh network And Blockchain.
  • A worldwide Virtual Network.

Vision and Goals

The vision for Project-WORLD is to foster a dynamic and immersive virtual space where participants can engage in a variety of activities, ranging from social interactions to gaming adventures.

By prioritizing local communities and empowering them to govern the virtual environment, the project aims to create a sense of ownership and belonging among users.

Key goals include Education On Computer Science Along With promoting sustainability through recycling initiatives, integrating blockchain technology for asset management, and fostering creativity through customizable programming languages and game mechanics.


Existing Projects

Blaseball: A unique online baseball simulation game known for its quirky and community-driven gameplay mechanics.

Veloren: An open-world voxel-based multiplayer game with a focus on exploration and community-driven development.

Minetest: An open-source voxel game engine often compared to Minecraft, known for its modifiability and community contributions.

Role-play Wiki: Tabletop role-playing games with rich narratives and customizable worlds, serving as inspiration for community-driven storytelling in virtual environments. Jubensha


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

Open World MMOs: Massive multiplayer online games characterized by vast, open-ended worlds and player-driven experiences. Blockchain in world As a Currency like [[Project-Coin]] Sandbox the game

NFTs As Unique And Evolving Weapons

Smart Contracts As Evolving and Unique Weapons Alomg Persistent World

Database: Platforms such as SpacetimeDB and neo4j provide tools for managing complex data structures and relationships within virtual environments. SpacetimeDB


Github Graph-database

VR NeosVR | Resonite


Fantasy Elements: Magic, time manipulation, and other fantastical elements add depth and intrigue to the virtual world. Sustainable Development: Incorporating real-world solutions for environmental challenges, such as recycling initiatives, promotes sustainability within the virtual ecosystem. Community-Driven Narratives: Empowering users to shape the narrative and direction of the virtual world fosters a sense of belonging and investment. Gameification Game Theory Boom Of Computer Advancements and its Democratization. People Coming Together for Good Causes etc.


Integration of Real-World Solutions:

There is potential to address real-world challenges such as e-waste through innovative recycling initiatives within the virtual environment.

Incentivizing Eco-Positive Behaviors:

By rewarding users for environmentally friendly actions, such as recycling, Project-WORLD can promote sustainable practices and positive community engagement.

Community Involvement:

Active participation and collaboration with the community are essential for shaping the development and direction of the virtual world.

Local Community: Bringing Local Communities Together.


Evolution of Virtual Worlds: The history of Internet, Virtual worlds and online communities has paved the way for the development of immersive and interactive environments.

Advancements in Blockchain Technology: The emergence of blockchain technology has opened new possibilities for decentralized governance and asset management within virtual environments.

Interest in Sustainable Practices: Growing awareness of environmental issues has sparked interest in incorporating sustainability initiatives into virtual experiences.


Collaborative Development:

Project-WORLD will involve a collaborative development process, engaging developers, community members, and stakeholders to ensure a diverse range of perspectives and expertise. Iterative Design and Testing: Iterative design and testing will be employed to refine and improve the user experience, addressing feedback and iteratively enhancing features and mechanics. Feedback Mechanisms: Integration of feedback mechanisms will enable continuous user input and iteration, ensuring that the virtual world evolves in response to user needs and preferences. Collective Ownership.


Assets Required

Programming Expertise: Developers skilled in programming languages and game development tools will be needed to create the virtual world and game mechanics.

Graphic Design and 3D Modeling: Artists proficient in graphic design and 3D modeling will contribute to creating visually stunning assets for the virtual environment.

Community Management: Community managers will facilitate engagement and collaboration among users, ensuring a positive and inclusive community atmosphere.

Financial Resources: Funding will be required for infrastructure development, maintenance, and ongoing support.



Expert guidance and advice from technical experts, community managers, and industry professionals will be essential for navigating the complexities of virtual world development and community governance.

Collaboration opportunities with existing projects and organizations will provide valuable insights and resources for Project-WORLD 's success.


Participation in development sprints, testing phases, and community events will allow individuals to contribute their skills and expertise to the project. Providing feedback and suggestions for improvement will help shape the development and direction of the virtual world, ensuring that it meets the needs and expectations of its users.

Scrolls of Fate: Game Ptich.



Prioritizing the needs and interests of local communities within the virtual world.


A decentralized network architecture where each node (participant) contributes to the distribution of data.


A distributed ledger technology used for secure and transparent transactions.

NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens):

Unique digital assets stored on a blockchain. Smart Contracts: Self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code.

VR (Virtual Reality):

Immersive technology that simulates a realistic environment. Decentralized Governance: A system where decision-making authority is distributed among participants rather than centralized authorities.