• There was no meeting this week. However, we still met up to discuss the poster and draft. We also used this opportunity to conduct the heuristic evaluation for our project.
• From our heuristic evaluation, we learnt that in terms of usability wise, walking in VR was rated the highest as expected. However, the other method, teleportation by pointing and teleportation by using a map and portal didn’t score too low. Furthermore, our implementation was meant to be a prototype and still has some bugs which impacted usability.
• A final attempt to fix the issue with the Player’s position being spawned relative to their position in real life was not successful. It is possible that a script in VRTK may be conflicting with SteamVR (as testing with SteamVR library itself didn’t seem to cause the issue). However, it was too late to fix this problem at this stage of the project.
• Final touches were done to the poster after receiving some invaluable feedback from Arnaud such as explaining the method of teleportation better. We also incorporated some of our evaluation findings into the poster as it presented some interesting results.
• Before the presentation, we decided to draft speeches due to the short period of time. As such, we will be well rehearsed and prepared.
• We also rehearsed a bit to ensure that we are ready to present confidently.
• Overall, I think the project was a success as we listed outcomes and I think we mostly achieved all of them.
o We were able to conduct a thorough literature review to understand the current VR navigation landscape but also what we can extend upon o We were able to implement a basic prototype and demonstrate different VR navigation methods.
o Finally, we were able to conduct a simple evaluation of the methods.
• However, I think there would be a couple of things that we would have done differently:
o Begin developing in VR much earlier as that would have enabled easier debugging. Many problems arose whilst trying to port from VRTK simulator to SteamVR which really stopped us from implementing much more refined navigation methods.
o Using a larger 3D model to test VR navigation. It was difficult to develop in such an enclosed environment with little room to move.