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159 lines (113 loc) · 4.91 KB

File metadata and controls

159 lines (113 loc) · 4.91 KB

Flutter · CRUD TODO App


Create a To-do List Flutter app managing CRUD with Firebase, using RiverPod as state management and dependency injection.


Responsive and Adaptive

This To-do app project uses responsive and adaptive principles to use it on different screen sizes and any devices, like mobile phones, tablets, computers, notebooks, etc.


This app has been enabled with Android, iOS, Web, macOS, and Windows. Also, enable flavors with the below environments (develop and production).

Navigator 2.0

Currently, the project has been implemented with Navigator 2.0 or Route API from scratch (It doesn't use any packages).

Deep linking

For using deep links with flutter without any packages, review this link

Run deep links in iOS, use the command below:

xcrun simctl openurl booted crudtodoapp://{categoryId}/todo/{todoId}

Run deep links in Android, use the command below:

~/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW \ -c android.intent.category.BROWSABLE \ -d crudtodoapp://{categoryId}/todo/{todoId}

Firebase Scheme

├── categories
  ├── id (generated)
    ├── emoji (String)
    ├── name (String)
    ├── todoSize (Number)

├── todos
  ├── id (generated)
    ├── categoryId (String)
    ├── finalDate (Number)
    ├── isCompleted (Boolean)
    ├── subject (String)

Getting Started


  • You must have a Firebase Project already created.
  • You must install firebase tools and FlutterFire CLI on your local machine.
    • To install firebase tools, could you guide here
    • After install firebase tools, you must log in with your Google account.
    • To install FlutterFire CLI, you must run the command below.
      dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli


  • Clone this project.
  • If you want to rename the bundles for each platform, you must do the steps below.
    • For Android, you must rename the bundle id on app/build.gradle.
    • For iOS and macOS in XCode IDE, you select Runner and change the 'Bundle Identifier' text.
    • You must run the file, to configure your Firebase project. But before you must follow these steps.
      • In the and/or flutterfire_config.ps1 files, you must set the project id, replacing the text <YOUR_PROJECT_ID> with the correct id.
      • Also, you must rename the bundle-id (for iOS and macOS) and package name (for Android) with yours.
    • The project has 2 environments development and production.
      • You must run this command for macOS.
        bash <environment>
      • You must run this command for Windows.
         .\flutterfire_config.ps1 <environment>
      Replace <environment> with prod if the project is production, and with dev if it is development. Automatically, it creates a file with the required files.
  • Run project and enjoy 😄

Unit testing and coverage

To execute the unit testing and show the coverage, you must run the test_coverage file by console.

Mac and Linux

Before to run the script, you must have installed the lcov package.

For macOS, via brew (you must have the home brew already installed).

brew install lcov

For Linux use the command below.

sudo apt -y install lcov

After, you must run the



Before to run the script, you must have installed the lcov package via chocolatey (you must have the chocolatey already installed).

choco install lcov

After, you must run the test_coverage.ps1. If running the ps1 file you have an error, you must run as administrator the PowerShell and type the command below.

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

And finally, run the ps1 script.



Platform Preview
Android android.gif
iOS ios.gif
macOS macos.gif
Web web.gif
Windows windows.gif