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Frank Reiser's C++17 core components for multi-threaded, realtime embedded systems. Interface files are usable from C++11 compiles with the possible exception of class BlockPool<T>. This is dependent on the actual compiler used. The test harness for BlockPool<T> will not compile with a gcc 4.8.5 using the c++11 standard. However, the test harness does compile with gcc 8.5.0 using the c++11 standard. Also, the components here have been tested to be interface-able with C++20 compiles. Note that the compiled library code is built using the c++17 standard.

The latest released version from the 2.X branch, which does not include BlockPool<T> will be maintained for C++11 interfacing for some period going forward.

Library Functionality

The library provides the following components (from top to bottom):
MessageQueue, ObjectPool, BlockPool, RingBufferGuarded, Semaphore, Mutex and RingBufferSimple. To experience the best results, your processes should enable a realtime scheduler. Under Linux, my "go to" scheduler is SCHED_FIFO. Additionally, your process threads should run at a priority level appropriate for your application. Regardless of scheduler used, the functionality of the components is basically the same. The impact the scheduler has is on the level of determinism that can be achieved. Do not expect realtime performance without a realtime scheduler and for harder realtime requirements, a realtime operating system.


MessageQueue provides object-oriented inter-thread communication. Primarily, it provides a means for which a high-priority task, handling a realtime interface, can do its necessary work and then hand off the additional work to a lesser priority task. Internally, it uses pre-allocated memory for its buffering purposes to avoid post initialization system heap usage.

To use MessageQueue, you will need to derive your own custom messages based off of MessageBase and override the dispatch function.

Messages are enqueued with either the MessageQueue::put< DerivedMsgType >( derivedType && ) or the MessageQueue::emplace< DerivedMsgType >( constructorArgs... ). With the put operation, you construct a message and "move" that message into the queue. With the emplace operation, a message is constructed right on a pre-allocated block within MessageQueue. Therefore, emplace is more direct and efficient.

MessageQueue instances are serviced with the MessageQueue::getAndDispatch(...) operation. This operation should be called by an independent implementation thread as it will block when no messages are enqueued. This provides a means for asynchronous message processing. You are in total control as to what your various dispatch overrides do.

If a software component, performing asynchronous processing with MessageQueue, also needs to coordinate synchronous processing, asynchronous processing can be temporarily blocked. Taking advantage of this feature allows reuse of the MessageQueue internal dispatch mutex. This allows a client's attribute data to be thread safe against both asynchronous and synchronous processing, operating from different threads.

In order to take advantage of dispatch locking, you must construct your MessageQueue instance with the enableDispatchLocking argument set to true. Otherwise, dispatch locking is not in effect. Enabling dispatch locking imposes a small performance penalty on your dispatch loop. You should only enable this feature if you need to coordinate synchronous and asynchronous behavior for a particular MessageQueue use case.

With dispatch locking enabled, a dispatch lock can be taken as follows:

 void someSynchronousAPI_Function(...)
    // Lock out asynchronous dispatch.
    auto dispatchLock = messageQueueInstance.getAutoDispatchLock();
    // Do stuff then return

When the instance of the MessageQueue::AutoDispatchLock is destroyed, the dispatch lock releases. Note: An exception will be thrown if dispatch locking was not explicitly enabled during construction upon invoking getAutoDispatchLock. The MessageQueue::AutoDispatchLock support the duck type operation of a standard mutex if needed.

Note: It is not necessary to obtain a dispatch lock if all you are doing is enqueueing a message. The enqueueing of a message is in itself, thread safe and does not require a dispatch lock.

Note: MessageQueue usage should be a hidden detail of any particular component. It is easily hidden behind operations provided by a class API, and serviced by an implementation thread. Not hiding MessageQueue usage exposes your queue and messages and how they are used and maintainers will eventually use them. Hiding usage with an implementation and only allowing access through your API affords total control.


Calling new and delete in a realtime application can significantly impact determinism. ObjectPool provides pre-allocated memory for a fixed number of objects of some base type, the quantity of which is specified during object construction. Derived objects may also be created from ObjectPool as long as you respect the appropriate maximum object size. This maximum object size is also specified during construction.

The ObjectPool<BaseType>::createObj<DerivedType>(constructArgs...) operation returns a specialized std::unique_ptr type with a custom deleter associated. The DerivedType may be the same as BaseType, unless of course, the BaseType is abstract. When the std::unique_ptr instance returned by createdObj is destroyed, the object memory gets returned to the ObjectPool without specific intervention. These operations are thread safe (create and destroy).

NOTE: ObjectPool should be instantiated early and owned at a level, high enough within an application's architecture, so that it will not go out of scope until all objects created from it are returned. Failing to honor this requirement will result in undefined behavior.

The std::unique_ptr type returned by createObj may be "forward declared" as follows:

#include "ObjectPoolFwd.hpp"

// Forward, or fully declare your BaseType and ObjectPool's pointer type
class MyBase;
using MyBasePtrType = ReiserRT::Core::ObjectPoolPtrType<MyBase>;

// Now you can use reference types of MyBasePtrType just like
// any other forward declared type.

You can also specify constant types as such ObjectPoolPtrType<const T> if necessary although, I seldom do so because, it is too restrictive right out of the gate as objects may require further muting. This std::unique_ptr can be converted to a std::shared_ptr<const T> if needed. I find the const most useful in these shared_ptr cases because, unless T is thread-safe itself, shared data can cause much pain. Below is an example of how to do this with the MyBasePtrType declared in the previous example:

// Forward declare a shared pointer to constant MyBase.
// This snippet could potentially be added to the previous example
// and made into a separate include file.
using MyBaseSharedPtrType = std::shared_ptr<const MyBase>;
// To make an assignment, forward declaration alone will not cut
// it. This would happen inside implementation code that is aware
// of full details. Note: explicit move may or may not be required.
// The value returned from ObjectPool<T>::createObj(...) can be
// directly converted.
MyBaseSharedPtrType sharePtr = std::move(myBaseObjectPtrTypeInstance);


BlockPool is similar to ObjectPool but delivers blocks (arrays) of objects. Like ObjectPool, it constructs objects onto pre-allocated memory. The number of blocks and the number of elements per block are specified at the time of construction.

BlockPool is not as full-featured as ObjectPool. It supports only object types that are default-constructible. It also does not support instantiation of derived types. BlockPool was originally conceived to deliver a block of intrinsic scalar types with default values of zero. Extending it to support default-constructible, aggregate types, was relatively straight forward.

The BlockPool<Type>::getBlock operation returns a specialized std::unique_ptr type with a custom deleter associated. When the std::unique_ptr instance returned by getBlock is destroyed, the block of memory gets returned to the BlockPool without specific intervention. These operations are thread safe (create and destroy).

NOTE: Like ObjectPool, BlockPool should be instantiated early and owned at a level, high enough within an application's architecture, so that it will not go out of scope until all object blocks created from it are returned. Failing to honor this requirement will result in undefined behavior.

The std::unique_ptr type returned by getBlock may be "forward declared" as follows:

#include "BlockPoolFwd.hpp"

// Forward, or fully declare your Type and BlockPool's pointer type
class MyType;
using MyTypeBlockPtrType = ReiserRT::Core::BlockPoolPtrType<MyType>;

// Now you can use reference types of MyTypeBlockPtrType just like
// any other forward declared type.

You can also specify constant types as such BlockPoolPtrType<const T> if necessary although, I seldom do so because, it is too restrictive right out of the gate as objects may require further muting. This std::unique_ptr can be converted to a std::shared_ptr<const T[]> if needed. I find the const most useful in these shared_ptr cases because, unless T is thread-safe itself, shared data can cause much pain. Below is an example of how to do this with the MyTypeBlockPtrType declared in the previous example:

// Forward declare a shared pointer to constant MyType.
// This snippet could potentially be added to the previous example
// and made into a separate include file.
using MyTypeSharedBlockPtrType = std::shared_ptr<const MyType[]>;
// To make an assignment, forward declaration alone will not cut
// it. This would happen inside implementation code that is aware
// of full details. Note: explicit move may or may not be required.
// The value returned from BlockPool<T>::getBlock() can be
// directly converted.
MyTypeSharedBlockPtrType sharePtr = std::move(myTypeBlockPtrTypeInstance);

NOTE: The std::shared_ptr<const MyType[]> syntax is where a minimum of a C++17 interfacing is needed to handle conversion from std::unique_ptr to std::shared_ptr. The C++11 standard does not officially support this as stated in the opening words of this README. It will not compile under gcc 4.8.5. However, gcc 8.5.0 allows it under a C++11 compile. Where exactly did this mysterious support appear is unknown.

BlockPool also addresses a weakness of the std::unique_ptr< T[] > array syntax specialization. The weakness is that the standard provides no way to determine how many elements are contained within the array. Since we associate a custom deleter with the unique pointer returned by the getBlock operation, we have provided a hook within this custom deleter. The number of elements managed by the unique pointer many be obtained as follows:

// Declare a simple BlockPool. This one returns blocks of type double
constexpr size_t NUM_BLOCKS = 4;
constexpr size_t NUM_ELEMENTS = 24;
BlockPool< double > scalarBufferPool{ NUM_BLOCKS, NUM_ELEMENTS };

// Fetch a block which may be passed off to some other component
// that knows nothing about the number of elements per block.
auto pBlock = scalarBufferPool.getBlock();
auto numElements = pBlock.get_deleter().getNumElements();


RingBufferGuarded provides a thread safe buffering mechanism typically seen in producer/consumer patterns. However, items put into or taken from RingBufferGuarded may only be scalar values. To deal with objects larger than a scalar, we use pointers to an object type since pointers are scalars.

When a RingBufferGuarded instance becomes full, invokers of the put API will block, waiting on a non-full condition. Similarly, when a RingBufferGuarded instance becomes empty, invokers of the get API will block, waiting on a non-empty condition.

Please see the implementation details of MessageQueueBase for a use case. MessageQueueBase uses RingBufferGuarded to achieve its goals.


Semaphore provides for a thread safe, counted resource management tool. This particular implementation supports both an unbounded maximum availability and a bounded maximum availability also known as "bipolar" mode, the choice of which is made at during construction.

The two primary operations of Semaphore are give and take. The take operation will block when Semaphore instance's availability count has reached zero. The give operation will block only in "bipolar" mode if the availability count has reached a maximum availability. In unbounded mode, give will never block. However, it will throw an exception if the available count reaches an absolute numeric limit of 2 to the power of 32 less 1 (roughly 4 billion).

Please see the implementation details of RingBufferGuarded for a use case. RingBufferGuarded uses Semaphore in "bipolar" mode to achieve its goals.


The Mutex class exists to overcome a limitation with C++11 std::mutex. Specifically, on POSIX systems, std::mutex does not initialize with a priority inherit protocol and there is no way to overcome this limitation using the native_handle operation. POSIX PTHREADS mutexes must be explicitly initialized with a mutex attribute enabling priority inheritance. On POSIX conformant systems with PTHREADS available, Mutex will initialize a native mutex using the priority inherit protocol. On non-POSIX conformant systems, std::mutex will be used directly. To achieve an adequate level of determinism, ReiserRT_Core should be used on a POSIX conformant system.

Mutex implements the "duck type" operations required to use it directly with std::lock_guard and std::unique_guard. It also provides the native_handle operation. To use Mutex with condition variables, std::condition_variable_any must be used. POSIX systems with PTHREADS available can avoid this overhead by using PTHREADS condition variables directly.

Please see the implementation details of Semaphore for a use case. Semaphore uses Mutex with condition variables. The PTHREADS code uses PTHREADS condition variables. The non-PTHREADS code uses std::condition_variable_any.


The RingBufferSimple class is a minimal implementation of ring buffer logic. It does not provide any form of thread safety nor guards against under and overflow. It primarily exists for RingBufferGuarded usage.

Supported Platforms

This is a CMake project and at present, GNU Linux is the only supported platform. Code from this project exists under Windows, but the CMake work is not quite in place yet. Note: This project requires CMake v3.16 or higher.

Example Usage

Right now there exists one example in the 'examples' folder. It is titled "JobDispatcher". "JobDispatcher" starts a number of "JobTask" (threads), quantity one less than the number of CPUs available. These "JobTasks" are available for excepting job assignments from the "JobDispatcher". When a "JobTask" completes a job, it communicates back to the "JobDispatcher" that a job has completed. If the "JobDispatcher" has more jobs, it will dispatch another to this now idle "JobTask". "JobDispatcher" uses one "ObjectPool" instance, and a number of "MessageQueue" instances in somewhat of an architecture. It runs for a few minutes with eight CPUs available. In the future, we will provide an "install" option for "JobDispatcher" to provide the CMake details of how to link up from an external application to ReiserRT_Core.

Example usage can also be found in the various tests that exist in the "tests" folder, although the tests are not good examples of putting together an architecture.

Building and Installation

Roughly as follows:

  1. Obtain a copy of the project
  2. Create a build folder within the project root folder.
  3. Switch directory to the build folder and run the following to configure and build the project for your platform:
    cmake ..
    cmake --build .
  4. Test the library
  5. Install the library as follows (You'll most likely need root permissions to do this):
    sudo cmake --install .